Monthly Archives: May 2018

Bummer: ‘Climate Change’ To Make Wines Taste Smokey

Another day, another deranged linking of Things That Have Always Happened to Other People using fossil fueled vehicles and refusing to buy local…..hey, don’t they ship wines produced on America’s west coast all over the country and world using fossil fueled vehicles? That’s bad for ‘climate change’. They should end their businesses right now, except […]

If All You See…

…are storm clouds caused by climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Creeping Sharia, with a post on what just opened in Atlanta.

Crazy Democrat Promises 100% Clean Energy By 2035 By Government Law

Randy Bryce is running for the 1st Congressional district in Wisconsin, and he has a pledge We have to transition to 100% clean energy immediately If we want to avoid catastrophic climate change. In Congress, I'll back the OFF Act to transition to 100% clean energy by 2035, & every other bill that helps to […]

Boulder, Colorado, Prepares To Pass Gun Ban

This has been in the works for a couple of weeks, having moved forward in previous meetings. Today is the third reading, and, will become law (and a lawsuit target) if passed. But, can it be enforced? Boulder’s preparing to pass a new gun law. But can it be enforced? The ‘teeth’ behind the proposed […]

NY Times: Moving Embassy To Jerusalem Is Blow To Peace Or Something

This is a giveaway to Israel or something Trump’s Failure in Jerusalem His giveaway to Israel of an American embassy is a blow to the dream of peace. The day the United States opened its embassy in Jerusalem is a day the world has longed for, because of what it was supposed to represent: the […]

Racism Marred The Jerusalem Embassy Event Or Something

It’d be nice if professional writers, along with all the other people who like to throw out the racism screed (part of the reason RS McCain wrote a post about racism having 5 a’s), would take the time to actually learn what the word means How Racism Marred The Jerusalem Embassy Celebration For more than […]

If All You See…

…is a sea that will soon rise hundreds of fee because of Other People’s carbon footprints, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Knuckledraggin’ My Life Away, with a post on Big Brother in Britain.

Vast Majority In Ontario See Carbon Taxes As Tax Grab, Symbolic

Which, they pretty much are 7 in 10 Ontarians think carbon taxes are just a tax grab: Ipsos poll Carbon tax has been a hotly debated issue in the run-up to next month’s provincial election in Ontario, but most voters think it’s little more than a tax grab and a pointless, symbolic gesture that won’t […]

US To Officially Move Embassy To Jerusalem Today

Doing this has been U.S. policy for decades, but previous presidents have talked about doing it but never pulled the trigger Jerusalem welcomes the new U.S. Embassy as Palestinians decry ‘hostile’ move The windy road leading up to the city was decorated with fluttering American and Israeli flags on Monday as signs everywhere declared “Trump, […]

Illegal Alien Moms Demand That Their Kids Be Deported With Them

How utterly awesome of these illegal alien moms to take this position on Mother’s Day UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT MOMS HOLD MOTHER’S DAY RALLY DEMANDING U.S. STOP TEARING FAMILIES APART On the eve of Mother’s Day, a group of undocumented immigrant moms gathered in MacArthur Park in Los Angeles, California, to protest against the Trump administration’s hardline […]

Pirate's Cove