Remember how this younger generation was going to go to the polls and vote to wipe out guns in America? Never mind
(Daily Caller) Six percent of Americans aged 15 to 34 consider gun control the top issue facing the country, according to a new Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and MTV poll reported on Wednesday.
That number is down from a high of 21 percent who considered it the top issue in March, according to the poll.
Four in 10 surveyed still gave the government an “F†grade on handling gun control issues.
These numbers come in as March For Our Lives organizers like David Hogg remain in the news, most recently for pressuring Publix to end contributions to Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Adam Putnam over his support for the National Rifle Association.
The poll was taken between April 23 and May 9, and surveyed 939 youths, a rather long time to take a poll. Must not have been getting the results they wanted. Regardless, you have to wonder where that number has dipped to now. Of course, how would they make an informed decisions when 52% “say they rarely or never read or watch news about the midterm elections”?

How will we tell Jeffery?
If they vote in November the tRumpitista Dynasty will end.
What do you think about tRump illegally leaking news of the job report? Any low level staffer doing the same thing would be fired on the spot. But our Idiot-in-Chief is the King and does whatever he wants!
Wouldn’t you agree that we don’t really have a rule of law after Obama and Hillary and the gang and their numerous illegal activities that have not been properly prosecuted or investigated. Think of all the poor people in jail who have been put in jail for much less.
What do you think about Obama doing the same thing? That’s right, you don’t think, you just spew moronic hypocrisy.
Boy, you are desperate to lie about this.
There was nothing illegal about the tweet (not a leak) and this is just another distraction by the hateful left on how good the jobs report was.
No data leaked and while Obama had commented on report before its release as well.
Once again, nothing but hypocrisy from the homophobic, racist, misogynist left.
The rules for release of the data applies to federal employees. That leads to two interesting points that the hateful left cannot counter: 1) The President is NOT an federal employee. 2) The data was not leaked.
Once again, more ranting from the hateful left.
The economy continues to grow, people are working, tax money is coming in at higher levels because of people working, and what is happening show the fallacy of liberal economics which helped killed the economy under the Democrats in the Senate and under Obama.
So instead of rejoicing that people are working, the left has to hate because that is all they have.
My comment / point here is stated badly.
There was no data leaked and in the past Obama had commented on job reports prior to the release as well. IN fact, there were several cases where the Obama White House called media outlets before the release of a report trying to spin the numbers.
Once again, the left hates that Trump validating that leftist policies are harmful.
All the left has is hate.
Is the Wall Street Journal part of the leftist media? They disagree with your position.
All you have is ignorance. And projection.
When did you ever read the WSJ. If you had you would know they are anti Trump.
No Jeffery, they do not.
I know it is hard for you to comprehend what was said, but the tweet did not say anything about the content of the report.
Apparently in the world of the leftist haters, it is wrong for a President to say he was looking forward to the release of the job reports.
The tweet indicate nothing about the content of the report.
So once again, because you are trying to distract away from the numbers and once again, showing the hypocrisy because Obama used to call up reporters to get ahead of the horrible numbers from leftists polices, you just can’t bring yourself to say that there is nothing here.
All the left has is hate.