Democrats say it’s about the kids. It’s not about the kids
(Daily Caller) Members of the media and Democrats are unsatisfied with President Trump’s executive order temporarily ending family separations at the border and are now urging him to end his zero tolerance policy on prosecuting people who cross the border illegally.
President Trump announced Wednesday that he would allow families to be detained together while they wait to be prosecuted for illegal border crossings. Immigration law currently requires children to be sheltered separately as their parents await trial.
However, despite spending weeks complaining about the separation of families and even comparing the detention centers to concentration camps, the media and the Democrats are still railing against the president.
Because the Trump administration prosecutes illegal border crossers at a 100 percent rate, leftists are now complaining that families will be detained at all — even if they’re detained together. The implicit assertion is that people who cross the border illegally shouldn’t be detained, even though those people often fail to show up for their court hearings.
Well, of course they are. Because this is about open borders. They didn’t care about when it was happening under Obama (nor do they seem to care that Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is doing the same)
MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt questioned what would “happen next,†noting, “this executive order does not end the zero tolerance policy — everyone will continue to be prosecuted which puts a serious strain on resources.â€
Democratic Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin complained on CNN that “it does not reverse his zero tolerance policy and so we’re still going to have some really critical issues to deal with relating to … families with young children.â€
And so many others
And, if you’ve lost pro-amnesty Marco Rubio
The ink isn’t even dry on the new executive order ending separation policy & some Democrats already arguing that keeping families together isn’t enough. Now they want them & their parents released after unlawful entry knowing full well that high % will never appear for hearing
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) June 20, 2018
According to some data Gabriel Malor has found, 39% of illegals did not appear in court for fiscal year 2016.
And here’s Trump trolling Dems
Don’t worry, the Republicans, and your President, will fix it!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 20, 2018

No surprise here. The donks once again reveal they don’t give a shit about kids or America.
It’s gonna bite them in the ass come November.
Book it.
Any time Charles Schumer takes the lead on any issue, you can bet that it’s a cynical ploy to deceive and mislead the American people. He’s no better than Harry Reid in that regard.
It was never about the children, but about bad optics for and a cudgel to bash Trump with.
I am almost positive Schumer and Pelosi voted for the 2008 law in question, because if they hadn’t, they would be screeching it from the rooftops as more proof they were not to blame.
It’s all about the Left wanting the US to have no functional borders. Still, what else can they do? They have to import an all-new voting block to win elections, since they can no longer deceive enough of the existing populace to win any more.
Trump knew that bills were coming out of the House, so he pre-empted them with his EO, that he originally had said couldn’t be done. He stabbed in the backs his own DHS Sec, AG and spokespersons, to make himself look good. He pretended that he had nothing to do with his policy of kidnapping children and blamed it all on others.
As expected, Trump now takes credit for “solving” a problem that he alone created.
All propaganda, all the time. It’s all he knows. We’ll see if it works in Nov when it’s likely the GOP will lose the House.
If the economy tanks before then (likely) they may lose the Senate (but unlikely).
The bills are going nowhere because the Demos won’t support them. Everybody’s rerad that but Jeffery.
And the problem was created by the Mocha Messiah who treated those kids worse than most people treat stray dogs.
it’s likely the GOP will lose the House. In what parallel universe?
If the economy tanks before then (likely) No, next to impossible.
I’m also waiting to see what Jeffery says when the stories start coming out (and they will) that illegal kids are being exploited by the pedophiles and traffickers from whom the law was supposed to protect them.
I’m still waiting to see all the stories and tweets from all those people who called him literally Hitler, congratulating him and thanking him for doing the “right” thing. Waiting… Waiting…