…are penguins that have all been driven from Antarctica due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Powers That Be, with a post on what happens when a Democrats gets asked a hard question by supposedly friendly media.

White folks are dying faster than they spawn. It used to be that screwing was more fun than dying.
So what is your point? More of your racism? Your life would be much better if you would learn something and have someone help with your irrational hate.
Hi dave,
White people in the US are slowly dying off while Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern and Black populations are expanding.
White conservatives could sense this and are sensitized to the perception (one thing that Cons believe that is actually true) of more of “the other” in society. Coupled with the perception (also true) that “others” were also in many cases demanding equal rights, we can understand the rise of white nationalism amongst white conservatives. Trump tapped the feelings of fear and defiance.
Another day, same old bullshit from little jeffery l. keene of st. louis.
Do you spread this shit around Galera everyday?
That is a very irrational, stupid comment. You show a level of bigotry unmatched. Get help.