Madame ManBearPig looks in the crystal ball of Utter Doom and decides
Climate change SHOCK: Rising sea levels to wipe out £10 TRILLION in flood damage
A study published by the UK National Oceanographic Centre (NOC) has warned rising sea levels could cost the world economy £10trillion ($14trillion) a year by 2100.
The startling report argued failure to meet the United Nation’s (UN) 2C warming limits could have catastrophic consequences.
The findings were published this week by the NOC in the science journal Environmental Research Letters.
The scientists behind the study fear hundreds of millions of people who reside in low coastal areas are most at risk from rising sea levels.
Countries with upper-middle income like China would likely suffer the biggest burden of the floods while higher-income nations have lower projected damage costs.
Study author Dr Svetlana Jevrejeva, NOC, said: “More than 600 million people live in low-elevation coastal areas, less than 10 metres above sea level.
10 meters equals 32.8 feet. The actual sea rise measurements show that has not been happening. Even a 5 meter rise would be 16.4 feet. That’s also not happening. And won’t happen.
The study found a temperature rise trajectory of just 1.5C by 2100 will see average sea levels rise by up 1.7ft (0.52m).
But exceeding the UN 2C target by 2100 could see waters rise by 2.8ft (0.86m) or 5.9ft (1.8m) in a worst-case scenario.
Dr Jevrejeva said water rising by 2.8ft (0.86m) could see costs mount up to £10trillion ($14trillion) a year or £20.4trillion ($27trillion) in the worst-case scenario.
This can all be fixed with a tax, you know. And giving up all your freedom and allowing Government to dictate how you live your life.
The sea rise over the 20th Century was just 7 inches. Which is exactly average for the Holocene, so, again, way less than expected during a warm period. Sea rise has not been accelerating. This is just scaremongering on something which cannot be actually proven by scientifically gathered data. Just garbage in garbage out crystal balls computer models, the same ones that have failed time after time after time.

William Teach: Sea rise has not been accelerating.
That is not correct. See Nerem et al., Climate-change–driven accelerated sea-level rise detected in the altimeter era, PNAS 2018: “we show that this rate is accelerating at 0.084 ± 0.025 mm/y2, which agrees well with climate model projections.”
No Z you are wrong, again.
Hi dave,
Do you have evidence to contradict the paper in PNAS?
Or do you consider “Is not!!!” to be a powerful argument.
Of course, that’s not what the scientists claimed.
According to the article:
, implying the GDP then of $500 trillion. Don’t panic.
“Big” numbers need to be put in perspective. Today the world spends over 2% of GDP on defense. Advanced nations currently spend some 20% of GDP on social programs.