…is an ocean that is rising up to swamp the land….seriously, look at the water on the rocks!!!!, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Portland leftists yelling the N word at a black ICE agent.

…is an ocean that is rising up to swamp the land….seriously, look at the water on the rocks!!!!, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Portland leftists yelling the N word at a black ICE agent.
Aliza Worthington described tRump as a Creamsicle Sh!tgibbon in reviewing tRump’s extended, unhinged, largely unintelligible rant about European immigrants. In 1/10th the time PM Theresa May straightened the record with (according to the journalist) empathy, facts and sentences, three things that tRump doesn’t use.
Name calling. Ridiculing. Lying.
You have all the symptoms of Leftism.
Seek help.
Operative phrase, “according to the journalist”.
They’re almost as looney as Jeffery.
The texts of tRump’s unhinged rant, and PM May’s statesmanlike response are available for you to read.
Here’s what Deputy AG Rosenstein said concerning the latest indictiments, the election and Americans’ potential involvement:
Those on the right misinterpreted these statements to mean, “No Americans committed a crime” and “The Russian crimes did not change the election”. But read the statements carefully.
And the text of the indictments:
As if AG Rosenstein is starting to tell the truth now.
Great timing of this ruse report.
Here’s what Lisa Page said of Rosie, “He never informed me of this”.
Here’s what the Freedom Caucus said about Rosie, “Time to impeach his ass”.
Here’s what the media said about the indictments, “Funny how none of these people, assuming they exist, will ever see the inside of an american court”.
So you think Deputy AG Rosenstein is lying and that the indictments are a ruse, as in made up?
What is your basis for that?
Is that because you think our FBI and DOJ are corrupt? Or why?
One famous Leftist said, ‘A lie told often enough becomes the truth.’
Don’t believe him.
Do you think Mr. Rosenstein and Mr. Mueller are dishonest and Trump and Putin are telling the truth?
Do you think the information contained in the latest indictment is false?
I understand if you don’t want to dig too deep into this.
Because he’s been caught in lies all along, the latest, to Lisa Page.
Who’s been caught lying to Lisa Page? Rosenstein, Mueller, Trump or Putin?
Because Mule Ears has yet to come up with one shred of evidence that any of this actually happened?
And people, the people, think the FBI and DOJ are corrupt because Holder and Zippy worked at it for 8 years.
Do you think all the US intelligence agencies “made up” the alleged crimes by the Russian spies?
Did you read the latest indictment? Do you not trust the evidence presented there, certainly supplied by US intelligence agencies?
What is your basis for your distrust?
Teach, the perfect end to a perfect week.
You deserve that Nobel Peace Prize Zippy didn’t earn.
Do you think Trump deserves the Nobel Prize for ending the NK nuclear threat?
It appears fromwhiz and bill subscribe to the tRump conspiracy theory that the US government, including the NSA, FBI, DOJ, CIA and military intelligence services, have turned irreparably corrupt with the goal of attacking the US far-right.
That belief allows them to ignore any and all evidence. Like tRump, they have lost all faith in America.