Let’s jump back in time, all the way to April 5th, 2006, during the time of Bush Derangement Syndrome, a day the Washington Post published this article
In the angry life of Maryscott O’Connor, the rage begins as soon as she opens her eyes and realizes that her president is still George W. Bush. The sun has yet to rise and her family is asleep, but no matter; as soon as the realization kicks in, O’Connor, 37, is out of bed and heading toward her computer.
Out there, awaiting her building fury: the Angry Left, where O’Connor’s reputation is as one of the angriest of all. “One long, sustained scream” is how she describes the writing she does for various Web logs, as she wonders what she should scream about this day.
She smokes a cigarette. Should it be about Bush, whom she considers “malevolent,” a “sociopath” and “the Antichrist”? She smokes another cigarette. Should it be about Vice President Cheney, whom she thinks of as “Satan,” or about Karl Rove, “the devil”? Should it be about the “evil” Republican Party, or the “weaselly, capitulating, self-aggrandizing, self-serving” Democrats, or the Catholic Church, for which she says “I have a special place in my heart . . . a burning, sizzling, putrescent place where the guilty suffer the tortures of the damned”?
That was the Unhinged Left, highlighted for all to see. They all seemed to wake up and use their festering hatred to find things to slam Bush and his people over, or others who disagree. It wasn’t healthy. It’s one thing to have a few interests you focus on as a blogger, a reporter, etc. They took it up to the legendary 11. Now, though, we get professional news outlets, reporters, and opinion writers (not too mention elected Democrats losing their minds) mimicking this very trope, as witnessed by Steve Hendrix in the very same Washington Post
‘What a crazy country’: Trump makes being a D.C. tour guide a tough gig
It started, as it often does, when the D.C. Nation Tours bus passed the Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue near the White House. A many-accented murmur of curiosity was followed by a shouted question from a Peruvian visitor in the back.
“What do local people really think of him?â€
“What do local people think of President Trump?†veteran D.C. tour guide Maricar Donato repeated evenly into her microphone on a hot July morning, instantly wary of any political discord that might ding a $7.5 billion tourism industry that brings 20 million annual visitors to the nation’s capital.
“He is too reactive,†called a man from Guatemala.
“Fifty percent of the people love him and fifty percent can’t stand him,†offered a tourist from Miami.
“Fifty-fifty,†repeated Donato, a Filipino immigrant, latching on to a compromise. “That is a good answer. He is our president, and we respect that. Now look at the Corinthian columns on the National Archives on your right . . . â€
One has to wonder if this is even true, or just something that emanated from the fever-swamp, TDS infused mind of Steve Hendrix, much like the whole “plane bae” story was apparently made up because someone was bored and wanted to make a splash on social media. How did he even find this front page story?
The bus rolled on, the tourists sat back and Donato had once again deflected a tour-group tempest particular to Trump-era touring: Sightseeing devolving into slight slinging.
Some groups have erupted in boos when passing the Trump-emblazoned hotel, while others have nearly emptied the souvenir carts of Make America Great Again caps. It falls to beleaguered tour guides to keep peace on the bus during a broiling, roiling tourist season. (snip)
But as with many things, the tensions are heightened in the Trump era. Many are worried that foreign visitors in particular are being turned off — even turned away — by a trash-talking, tariff-loving commander in chief. And a strong dollar hasn’t helped, making the country harder to afford for many foreigners.
“My tours are getting smaller and smaller,†said Dutch-speaking guide Ruth Roberts, whose typical groups of 30 or so have shrunk to about 17 this summer. Three of her fall groups from Europe have already canceled as well. “The feeling has soured tremendously.â€
Isn’t it interesting how the Credentialed Media attempts to find ways to slam the U.S. when a Republican is president?
Back when she was asked where tourists could see Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress, she answered that the Smithsonian does boast a lovely collection of First Ladies’ gowns. Today, when baffled foreigners ask how come Trump is president when Hillary Clinton got more votes, she’s ready with a spiel on the electoral college.
“Fortunately, I read a children’s book about it so I can explain it simply,†she said.
And how to do they respond?
“They say, ‘What a crazy country you are.’ â€
And next time your nation needs rescuing, remember who comes to your aid…..nah, let’s not go down that route, let’s just remember, with virtually every article in major news outlets, that the writers are online and angry, and we can’t know how much is real and how much is just manufactured out of some sort of derangement syndrome. Remember the original article from 2006, and put it in context of the media today.

We have a “president” that denigrates the US daily and you have the total lack of irony to type:
The right is always the victim.
The media report what expects say about tax cuts for the wealthy, trade wars, military invasions etc.
tRump will bugger the economy such that the Dem President inaugurated in 2021 will have to clean up his mess, just as President Obama cleaned up W’s mess.
Leftists cannot argue using facts, evidence and reason.
That’s a Righty thing.
By all means refute my “lies”, facts and evidence.
You seem to prefer Alinsky Rule 5.
So you don’t think people should voice opinions?
Why don’t YOU try using facts, evidence and reason?
Do you not think Trump denigrates the US?
The media disagree with Trump policies and actions because those with expertise disagree with his policies and actions. Professional economists do not agree with the voodoo economics of tax cuts for the wealthy stimulating a already growing economy. Few agree with denigrating our allies while cozying up to North Korea and Putin. Nearly every expert scientist disagrees with his approach to the environment and global warming. Ethics professionals question his continued business actions while president. Everyone agrees he’s a bit of a narcissistic jerk.
His campaing may have conspired with the Russian government to manipulate the 2016 election, and trump thinks, although the Russian government did try to get him elected, that it’s a rigged witch hunt.
So yes, there is a lot of negative stories written about Trump, for good reason.
Your rebuttal is that it’s all fake news. His DOJ is lying. The media are lying. The FBI is lying. The climate scientists are lying. Everyone who questions trumps actions are lying. Only Trump, Kim and Putin are telling truth.
If Prosecutor Mueller does indict Trump for treason or obstruction and the new Democratic Congress starts impeachment proceedings, will you be part of the violent right-wing revolt?
Yet another queef from the irrelevant little mewling quim.
Don’t know about those others spouting lies, but you sure do.everything in your comment is wrong. Why do liberals constantly lie?
Does Trump lie?
So they disagree to protect the experts?
Yet the economy wasn’t growing at the rate is is now before the tax cuts that went to Americans.
The CBO got the numbers wrong and the so called “experts” went with those numbers. We are seeing the economy grow and tax revenues increase at a level that the “experts” did not forecast.
Yeah, life was so much better when Obama was giving Iran deals, allowing cocaine to flow, not stopping Putin and actually showing South Korea they needed to live by the UN agreement rather than ignoring the situation.
That’s simply hyperbole. The US continues to cut regulations while making the environment better.
You might have a point if it were not for the fact that he is not doing what you claim.
His campaing may have conspired with the Russian government to manipulate the 2016 election, and trump thinks, although the Russian government did try to get him elected, that it’s a rigged witch hunt.
And that’s a patent lie. There is no evidence that the Russians wanted Trump elected and plenty of evidence that they wanted Hillary elected. Of course, as Obama knew of the Russians phishing both the GOP and the DNC servers, he didn’t do much about that, did he?
Even so, are you saying that the Russians exposing the contents of the DNC servers and exposing the lies and throwing the nomination to Hillary was a bad thing?
The DNC was stupid. They got caught being stupid and the truth was exposed. It is amazing that you always try to defend the DNC lying to the American people and deliberately rigging the nomination for Hillary.
Hate is never a good reason. Trump is winning and the left cannot stand all of their ideas being shown to be wrong.
Clear, concise, factual, and reasonable.

The media, the Dems, the DOJ, the foreigners, the scientists… in fact, everyone except tRump and trumpsters, is lying!
You used to be reasonable. Now you have TDS.
No they agree with the experts because they’re experts. The right rejects expertise.
And this is where you would supply evidence to support these claims.
Handwaving. Do you have a point to make?
Again, this is a good point to supply evidence.
Just this weekend, tRump is at Turnberry pimping his failing golf club at US taxpayer expense. Do you think Turnberry hosted all those folks for free, LOL? His sons fly all over the globe, at taxpayer expense, checking in on his golf resorts.
You’re delusional. Read the indictment. Not even tRump thinks the Russian government worked for Clinton’s benefit.
Although the hateful tRump deserves all the acrimony he receives, critical media stories and the DOJ investigations are based on evidence. Stamping your feet, and screaming “Is Not!!!” is not an argument.
And now, classic NuCon victim blaming. What next, “Those women hateful tRump assaulted were dressed provocatively!”; “Those contractors hateful tRump screwed over should have been better businessmen!”; “The students of “tRump U” that tRump cheated out of millions should have been more vigilant!”; “Melania should have been more attentive so that Donnie wouldn’t have to bang a porn star!”; “Ivana shouldn’t have gotten old so that poor Donnie didn’t have to affair with Marla Maples!”; “It’s women’s fault for having pussies so that Donnie has to grab them!”.
And we didn’t even get to his blatant racism or the hateful GOP.
Unclear, imprecise, counterfactual, lacking evidence and reason.
In short, queefing.
But you still have nothing to add to the discussion.
Nothing to add to your queefing.
So tRump said the Russians didn’t hack us, but it’s still President Obama’s fault.
“Trump denigrates the US dailyâ€. How so? And J’s favorite liberal mantra “tax cuts for the wealthy.†Most everyone received a tax cut, so your assertion is lie by omission. And still waiting for evidence of “collusion …No need for collusion, as Hillary’s lack of brain cells did it for her.