Gun grabbers throughout the First World always tell us that they do not want to take our guns, they just want to keep them out of the hands of criminals. That they want universal background checks and that guns should be registered. That they’re worried about “assault rifles” which they now call “weapons of war.” Well, in jolly old England, handguns are mostly banned, and semi-automatic rifles, including those “weapons of war”, are banned in anything over .22 caliber. As for the others? Dominic Robertson at the Shropshire Star (near Birmingham, western England) is rather upset
Big rise in the number of licensed guns in the region
Newly released figures from the Home Office show that in March this year, there were 25,086 licensed firearms in the West Mercia Police force area, up from 19,122 in 2009.
The number excludes shotguns, which are licensed separately.
It means there are 1,993 firearms for every 100,000 people in West Mercia, an increase of 26 per cent from March 2009 when local records were first collated. It is the highest rate at any point over the last decade.
In total, 7,171 valid firearm licences in West Mercia covered an average of 3.5 guns each.
There were a further 67,651 licensed shotguns in the area – a decrease on a decade ago.
In Dyfed-Powys there were 13,129 licensed firearms, up from 11,593 in 2009.
There were 35,787 licensed shotguns, again a fall on the number recorded 10 years ago.
OK, so a goodly chunk are shotguns. Didn’t they realize that Vice President Joe Biden said a shotgun was great for defense?
Gill Marshall-Andrews, chairwoman of the Gun Control Network, said that society should be working towards fewer guns, and that the rise in legal firearms was difficult to explain.
She said: “We campaign strongly for tighter licensing laws and those have been introduced, by and large. It is becoming more difficult to get a gun licence, so I have no idea why it has gone up.
“Unless we are going to say that nobody should have a gun – and we have never said that – you should have a good reason to own a gun, and you should be a proper person.
Nobody wants to take their guns, they just want to reduce the number of guns and make it harder and harder for law abiding citizens to obtain a firearm.
One has to wonder if the increase in guns like shotguns and certain rifles has anything to do with the number of “refugees”, legal and illegal, streaming into the U.K., and all the rape and crime they bring with them.