When will the NY Times denounce the NY Times opinion pages? (via Twitchy)
In this episode of Trump Bites, Donald Trump’s not-so-secret admiration for Vladimir Putin plays out in a teenager’s bedroom, where the fantasies of this forbidden romance come to life. https://t.co/cWeQMuzWUz pic.twitter.com/4shBRkloot
— New York Times Opinion (@nytopinion) July 16, 2018
And when will the LGBT community call out the Times?
For being the self-proclaimed champion of LGBT, the left sure likes it’s gay jokes as insults.
— Lizzy Lou Who ?? (@_wintergirl93) July 16, 2018
Just imagine had a right leaning paper done something similar about Obama and Iran?

The LBGTQ community knows the left won’t infringe their rights.
And how does suggesting that Putin and tRump have a healthy, loving gay relationship bash LBGTQ? In fact, it may explain a lot.
We suspect you’re concerned because you believe healthy, loving, gay relationships are evil, and you’d hate to worship an gay idol. Grabbing women by the pussy is OK, gay stuff… not so much.
Unfounded hate. Name calling. Ridiculing. Lying.
You have symptoms of Leftism. Seek help.
See Venezuela for outcomes if not treated.
You’ve become a Donnie-One-Note, and seem to have little to add to any discussion.
The moment a Con Man starts talking about liberal hate, you know they’ve given up arguing, having run out of ammunition.
We would hope you would also hate treason like most patriotic Americans.
Yep. We certainly hate traitors.
Write your Representative imploring him to impeach Hillary.
Since the GOP controls all branches of government, and with such a strong case, why aren’t they pursuing Hillary’s crimes against America?
Do you think disclosing classified information without intent is traitorous?
Along with intentionally destroying governmental records, obstructing justice, and taking bribes from foreign entities…, etc.
Humm, that’s a tough one.
So you don’t know. Got it.
Why do you think the GOP controlled government aren’t pursuing your charges against her?
So the concept and use of hyperbole is beyond the grasp of your little feeble brain?
Is that genetic?
Come on, nobody actually believes democrats love this country, so you can stop the charade. And speaking of charades, it’s no good to go after Hillary because the FBI did their best to make sure their girl would never see justice…
No, they’re just pointing out the other side’s hypocrisy.
They just did, ninny.
Give a listen the next time a Conservative homosexual runs for public office.
Like the right never suggested that Obama was gay.
And anyway, the Iran deal was a six-way orgy between Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the US, but consummating the affair would be pretty laborious (see list below). Even the Pope blessed the relationship, but we’re not sure he’ll bless the tRump-Putin tryst.
Reduction in the number of installed centrifuges from 19,000 to 6,104 and only 5,060 of these enriching uranium for 10 years.
No enriched uranium above 3.67% purity (suitable for civil use and nuclear power generation only).
Reduce stockpile of enriched uranium from current 10,000 to not more than 300 kilograms 3.67 percent enrich uranium for 15 years.
Fordo uranium enrichment facility will operate not more than 1,000 centrifuges for research. 5,000 R-1 centrifuges will be running at Natanz. The remaining 13,000 centrifuges will be used as spare, as needed.
Arak facility will be modified so as to produce a minimal amount of plutonium but will remain a heavy-water reactor.
Allow inspection of all its nuclear facilities and its supply chains such as uranium mining sites.
But Zippy gave people plenty of reason to wonder.
Trump likes girls.
Frank is for anything that advances Communism. Now what would a real Pope say?
Yep. Smearing Trump certainly has become a thing.
tRump smearing America has become a thing.
Can a president even commit treason? Or are presidents above the law, or ARE they the law?
No, he stands up for this country. He takes down the Lefty vision of what they want this country to become.
BTW If it ever comes about, I hope you’re not deluding yourself that your life will be any better. Traitors always go to the wall first.
Are you saying when you fascists take over you’ll start killing your opponents?
Having a president stand up for America once in defiance of globalism is considered treason to the left. Tells you which side they’re on it, and it ain’t America’s side.
You think what he did today with Putin was standing up for America????
tRump took the word of a murdering, lying ex-KGB agent dictator that had attempted to subvert the American elections, over the word of his own country. Disgraceful.
The House needs to decide tomorrow if they’re going to impeach.
In any event, tRump just cost his party House and Senate seats.
Yet little jeffery keene takes the word of a lying ex-FBI agent (actually several lying ex-FBI agents along with a lying ex-CIA Director), a traitorous Congressman Steve Cohen, and lying biased MSM in order to subvert and overthrow a duly elected President of the United States.
Besides being whiny losers, disgraceful traitors all.
No doubt the Russians have a recording of what the “strong and powerful” President Putin and Little donnie discussed in “private”.
What do you bet they worked on a plan to steal the mid-terms for the GOP. Otherwise, tRump gets impeached.
So it’s treason to oppose dear leader? Seems we’ve heard that before.
America is careening toward a white nationalist, fascist state, with the explicit assistance of the Russian dictator.
If you’re lucky maybe you’ll get a job executing “enemies of the state”.
Except he didn’t.
You’re lying again.
But that’s nothing unusual from the little traitor jeffery keene.
Most Americans take the word of our FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, INR, ISR, NSB, INSCOM, DOE-OIC, CGI, OIA, DEA, USMC-IC, NG-IA, NRO, ONI, DHS-OI, ODNI in protecting the US. These US government organizations tasked with intelligence security ALL concluded that Russia attacked the US. Recent documents provide evidence that the Russian government was involved in the attacks (as suspected).
Donald Trump and some of his supporters are the “patriots” who trust the “powerful and strong” President Vladimir Putin, when he says Russia was not behind the cyberattacks.
Are the tens of thousands of Americans working to keep you safe ALL lying to hurt Trump?? Wouldn’t a few whistleblowers be able to break the cone of silence and show the world how our government is corrupt from bottom to top?
Your tribe is endangering truth, America and our values. And for what?
Is not!!!
Argle barge argy bargy !!!
Maybe if you used facts, evidence, and reason you might have an argument.
Trump did not absolve the Russians of “meddling”, little dumbass.
I think it would have scared leftist DC most if on camera Vladimir handed Donald a flash drive and said, “Here are those files you wanted.â€
Even better…
Putin just disclosed that the Hillary campaign received $400 million from Russian interests which was illegally transferred from Russia, and his government is willing to work with Mueller to investigate that.
I guess it’s easier and easier to hide $400 million these days.
By all means, Vlad, find out if Putin’s most vocal critic, Mr. Browder, funneled $400 million to the Clinton campaign. Maybe they’ll look into how you tortured and murdered Browder’s friend, Sergei Magnitsky as he investigated you stealing $230 million. Maybe you can have Mueller murdered! tRump will help you.
Even if true (LOL), does that excuse Putin from manipulating a US election.
tRaitor tRump also believes the murdering dictator, Putin over the American DOJ.
This is serious. tRump has no interest in protecting America. He must go.
The GOP is now on trial.
— little jeffery keene
No, you’re on trial. Poot just showed you up on global TV for the corrupt hacks you are.
PS tRaitor tRump also believes the murdering dictator, Putin over the American DOJ.
Along with most of the rest of the country. Stuck (or whatever his name is), Comey, Mule Ears, Rosie, and Brennan have pretty much shot the DOJ.
— some gay mulatto
Maria Butina was arrested today.
And what is the “organization active in U.S. politics” she’s associated with? You guessed it – the NRA, who has been accused of funneling $30 million in Russian cash to the tRump campaign without having to identify the donor(s).
Butina founded “The Right to Bear Arms”, a Russian gun advocacy group (LOL – do you think Putin advances firearms rights for individuals in Russia?). And she served as a special assistant to the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank, Alexander Torshin, a former Russian senator belonging to Vladimir Putin’s political party with alleged ties to the Russian mob world. Torshin met with Don Jr. in 2016 at the NRA convention. Torshin is a life member.
At a FreedomForum in 2015, Butina asked tRump about his relationship with Putin. Says The Don, “I know Putin, and I’ll tell you what, we get along with Putin. Putin has no respect for President Obama.†The 20-something, attractive Butina likely caught tRump’s “interest”.
The Mueller investigation has all this and 100 times more. They likely would not have indicted Butina unless they had the goods on the NRA link. More indictments on the way.
That’s it? That’s all he’s (you’ve) got?
“I’m ready for further orders”?
As Poot noted, Mule Ears has yet to ID anybody involved with the Russian government. These are all people in private companies.
And Mule Ears indicted the wrong guy in the Atlanta murders, remember?
This giuy’s trac record is not stellar.
You must be mistaken. The 12 indicted Friday are all Russian military intelligent agents.
I’m astounded by the tRumpitista cult-members’ adoration of Putin. Believing that Putin is telling the truth and our FBI, DOJ, CIA, and intelligence services are lying.
The Russian government interfered with the 2016 elections.
Trashed the G7, trashed NATO, gave Putin the world.
As usual you’re mistaken. Well, you’re typing what you’re paid to type.
And we don’t admire Poot, but we know the kind of slugs that are trying to overthrow the lawfully elected government of this country.
The 12 Russians are employees of Russian companies, and good ol’ Vlad noted that Mule Ears has only taken advantage of the extradition treaties but once. He even offered to have Mule Ears send a few of his goons over to Mother Russia to watch these guys questioned. The world still waits for an answer from Mule Ears.
As for Miss Butina, this is the horrific thing Mule Ears charged former aide to a top Russian official has been arrested and charged with being a foreign agent who conspired with her ex-boss to infiltrate politically powerful U.S. organizations and push Moscow’s agenda
Hell, that’s the Democrat Party he’s describing.
I’m astounded by the tRumpitista cult-members’ adoration of Putin. Believing that Putin is telling the truth and our FBI, DOJ, CIA, and intelligence services are lying.
Tell you what, M L’Inspecteur Renault, take the actions and testimony of McCabe, Comey, Strunk (or whatever his name is), Clapper, Mule Ears, Brennan, Lynch, and Holder and, if you still think the organizations they ran have any credibility or trustworthiness, you’re an even bigger fool than even I thought.
Until 10 years ago, you Commie lovers didn’t trust a word out of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and intelligence services.
And what’s this “our”? You guys trying to make everybody think you’re real Americans after decades of trying to destroy this country? You can posture all you want, but it doesn’t change the truth.
The Russian government interfered with the 2016 elections.
Rosie don’t think so.
“There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result. The special counsel’s investigation is ongoing,†Rosenstein said.
Trashed the G7, trashed NATO, gave Putin the world.
Sure, he did. Russia can’t hang on to Syria. And the G-7 and NATO trashed themselves a long time ago.
So you’re saying America had it coming. Got it.
America was the victim of Russian criminal behavior.
You’re mistaken about what Deputy AG Rosentein said. Read it carefully. The indictment contained no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count… That doesn’t mean the vote wasn’t impacted, only that is wasn’t addressed in this document See? Lawyers speak carefully.
And anyway the crime doesn’t require that it changed the election at all.
Typed like a tRump supporting fascist. In your opinion, only those that think like you are “real” Americans. Given enough power, fascists such as you would rid America of those you dislike. This is where your unfettered 2nd Amendment bites you in the butt. (Or will you just figure out a way to take firearms from liberals?).
Is tRump a willing asset or a useful idiot? In any event he needs to resign.
The Cremesicle Sh!tgibbon you elected is a traitor to America and those that still support him support treason.
Same old circus I see. Monkeys flinging poop at each other. None of the people here care what the other has to say about anything. But you sure do get stirred up showing it. This is a perfect example of American politics today. Proof is irrelevant. Facts are irrelevant. Only talking points and agenda matter. Neither side will accept the proof of the other. Pictures can be faked. Video can be faked. No one can be trusted. Not the evening news. Not the FBI. Not the CIA. Not the NSA. Definitely not the internet news. It is sad that Al Jazeera has more balanced reporting on American news than anything broadcast in the USA. ANYTHING. This is why there is no middle ground in American politics. Each side is getting further apart and more entrenched. This sort of thing doesn’t end well. In history, it only works when the most violent factions are a small fraction of the total. In our country, the violent factions, (Ahem… Democrats), are nearly half the population. Under some conditions, it only takes a spark to set it all aflame. I suspect neither side will like what happens after that. But at least they will be comforted knowing the other side is 100% responsible.