Today in #resistance, lefties getting punked
(The Week) Just one day after U.S. prosecutors unsealed criminal charges against Mariia Butina, an alleged Russian agent, eagle-eyed readers noticed a 2017 Oval Office visitor who looks mysteriously like the Russian national.
In a photo published last year by The New York Times, Russian officials and Russian media are gathered in the Oval Office with President Trump. Skulking in the background of the photo is a woman who some people say is Butina, who was accused Monday of conspiracy against the United States. Back when Trump was a presidential nominee, the Justice Department said, Butina tried to broker secret meetings between him and Russian President Vladimir Putin, allegedly at the behest of Russian officials.
Not everyone is convinced that the photo constitutes smoking-gun evidence that Butina managed to infiltrate high-level meetings with Trump; some skeptics, like Talking Points Memo‘s Josh Marshall, say the image isn’t definitive. Others, like pollster Matt McDermott, noted that the only reason this photo is available to the public in the first place is because it was released by Russian state media.
Until the photo is confirmed one way or the other, take a look for yourself below.
It’s totally unconfirmed, but they still ran with it.
Okay, to jump into the Twitter sleuthing here. I'm not certain this is Buttina in this photo. Very similar looking and may well be her. But looks distinct from other pics I've seen.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) July 17, 2018
Daily Kos ran with it, as did so many others, especially on Twitter. They were all just so wanting for this to be real
Well look at that….that’s Maria Butina, A RUSSIAN SPY, in the Oval Office. Odd ????
— Sophie Katherine G. (@ClassicSophie) July 17, 2018
but, just a short time later at The Week
Update 9:25 a.m. ET: After this article was published, several journalists confirmed that Butina is indeed not pictured in a widely circulated photo of President Trump meeting with Russians in the Oval Office. The woman in question is an NSC staffer. Our headline has been updated, and our original article appears below.
Maybe you shouldn’t have ran with it before confirmation. You know, because Journalism. And, despite being confirmed as a big hoax, there are still leftards running with it.

What about the Gateway Pudendum?? Do you get upset when he lies or exaggerates? LOL.
Anyway, let’s not forget that Butina was indicted (but by the always dishonest prosecutors of America – The DPoA. Reports are that she’s cooperating with the prosecutor’s office, which may be bad news for the NRA, the GOP and Putin.
Please highlight the last time I linked him (1st, he’s gone around the bend, 2nd, he really pissed my off personally). Nice deflection, though
My point was that Hoft and other bloggers on the right ALSO push false narratives just as some liberal dumbasses do.
But there is one difference, a retraction in The Week:
Let’s all agree that Butina was NOT the woman in the Oval Office, and fight uncredentialed media perpetration of false stories.
If we let truth be defined by the demagogues, we’re all in trouble.
Pizzagate, gay Obama, Obama birth certificate, Whitey tape, 9/11 inside job, vaccines cause autism, abortions cause breast cancer, raped women don’t get pregnant…
I won’t disagree on Hoft. Heck, even on material in which he’s correct he takes it and “turns the amp up to 11”, as the saying goes. It’s just too much for me. Plus, #2.
Well then stop demagoguing, ya little asshole.
Hate is all you have.
Are you violating the terms of the blog?
Demagogue much?
Hate is all you have.
a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
Demagogue much, little fella?
Demagogue much, little fella?
The definitions I keep seeing refer to a leader or political leader. And while I appreciate your affirmation as your leader, I doubt others agree.
Sounds like projection on your part.
Demagogue much, little fella?
So, tired of losing? I understand.
You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means. ~ Inigo Montoya
Demagogue much, little fella?
By far, the #1 country we need to stop meddling in our elections is our own DC.
Speaking of demagoguing and your favorite website:
Now I see why it won’t open here.
Any way click on and scroll down to the Nolte piece.
That’s disgusting. People shouldn’t do that.
Winning! For the taxpayers. The US only paid Trump’s Turnberry resort in Scotland $70,000 for rooms.
Double Win! While in Scotland Trump didn’t embarrass America.
Unfortunately Jeffery only has stupid.
And a dislike for women of color, it would seem.
All you have is hate.
But, I’ll bite. What makes you think I dislike women of color?