Here’s a good point
"The same leftists whining incessantly about "Russian meddling" in our democracy just granted non-citizens the right to vote in local elections in San Francisco."
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) July 18, 2018
Pretty weird, eh?
(ABC7)Â Monday the Department of Elections Issued Voter Registration Forms for non-citizens who are eligible to vote for members of the San Francisco Board of Education in the November 6th 2018 election. The measure passed in 2016 with a close vote of 54 percent to 46 percent following two failed previous attempts.
San Francisco is the first city in the state to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections.
“As a parent myself and a former member of the SF Board of Education it is critical that the voices of all parents are at the table particularly those that have historically been denied a voice in the process,” said Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer who represents District 1.
“We want to give immigrants the right to vote,” said Supervisor Norman Yee who represents District 7.
The operative phrase is the last: they do not care about parents and such, that’s just an excuse to give illegal aliens the ability to vote. Perhaps San Francisco should worry about cleaning up all the feces, urine, people doing drugs openly in the streets, and needles everywhere.

Imagine for a moment being a resident in SF:
Housing is sky high. Taxes are high. Cost of living is high. And your vote is cancelled by some guy that just got off the boat, who may or may not pay any taxes at all.
And you get to walk around the pile of [insert slang term for feces here] he dumped in the middle of the sidewalk.
Federal law does not prevent non-citizens from voting in state and local elections, and many states allowed male aliens to vote for our first century or so, even when women, black people and Native Americans could not.
Again little jeffery keene posts more irrelevant demagoguery.
You keep saying that. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
Awwwww… Jeffererererererey is his own cheering section.
Are you suggesting federal law should be the final arbiter of right and wrong?
We had no immigration laws for our first century, other than some brief restrictions on Chinese ‘coolies’ coming in for labor jobs out West.
But, hey, I think that this is a great thing: because citizenship is required to vote in federal elections, this means that the City by the Bay will have to keep separate voter registration lists, and that means a list of illegal immigrants will be right there, on hand, for ICE to use. Bravo, Frisco!
But, of course, nobody is going to mind when they vote in Federal elections, either.
People Happy with Russian Meddling Cool With Putting Immigrant Children in Cages
Nobody is ‘happy’ with it but we see it for what is was. NOTHING. They had NO real impact on the election other than to give you and your ilk something to cry over.
And there are no kids in cages. Just another lie fed to you by your handlers that you dutifully repeat. In the words of your hero in his tough stance against Russia… Cut it out.
That was your Mocha Messiah, nitwit.
He also let people in who were traveling with kids to whom they were not related.
Y’know, traffickers.
But that’s how Jeffery got started.
“Well, this is different because… shut up shut up shut up!!!” – SF politicians