The other day we learned that a Warmist was bummed because he was too dumb to turn on the AC and his child apparently had trouble sleeping, because it would be a huge difference between 85F and 85.6F. Then we have this in the NY Times opinion pages by Warmist Roy Scranton
Raising My Child in a Doomed World
Some would say the mistake was having our daughter in the first place.I cried two times when my daughter was born. First for joy, when after 27 hours of labor the little feral being we’d made came yowling into the world, and the second for sorrow, holding the earth’s newest human and looking out the window with her at the rows of cars in the hospital parking lot, the strip mall across the street, the box stores and drive-throughs and drainage ditches and asphalt and waste fields that had once been oak groves. A world of extinction and catastrophe, a world in which harmony with nature had long been foreclosed. My partner and I had, in our selfishness, doomed our daughter to life on a dystopian planet, and I could see no way to shield her from the future.
I guess he’d prefer the time when 600 women died in childbirth per 100,000 births a century ago. Or when it was double that in the 1600’s and 1700’s. Versus 15 per 100,000 now. Or when “Even in the middle of the 1800s, a quarter of all babies born in many European countries died before their first birthday.” Welcome to the modern world, Roy!
Anyone who pays much attention to climate change knows the outlook is grim. It’s not unreasonable to say that the challenge we face today is the greatest the human species has ever confronted (yes, it is unreasonable. And crazy). And anyone who pays much attention to politics can assume we’re almost certainly going to botch it. To stop emitting waste carbon completely within the next five or 10 years, we would need to radically reorient almost all human economic and social production, a task that’s scarcely imaginable, much less feasible. It would demand centralized control of key economic sectors, enormous state investment in carbon capture and sequestration and global coordination on a scale never before seen, at the very time when the political and economic structures that held the capitalist world order together under American leadership after World War II are breaking apart. The very idea of unified national political action toward a single goal seems farcical, and unified action on a global scale mere whimsy.
How dare people have different beliefs!!!!1!!!! How dare they not buy into the Cult of Climastrology!!!!
Barring a miracle, the next 20 years are going to see increasingly chaotic systemic transformation in global climate patterns, unpredictable biological adaptation and a wild spectrum of human political and economic responses, including scapegoating and war. After that, things will get worse. The middle and later decades of the 21st century — my daughter’s adult life — promise a global catastrophe whose full implications any reasonable person must turn away from in horror.
Some people might say the mistake was having a child in the first place. As Maggie Astor reported, more and more people are deciding not to have children because of climate change. This concern, conscious or unconscious, is no doubt contributing to the United States’ record-low birthrate. Some people can’t bear the idea of having a child whose life is going to be worse than their own. Others, struggling with the ethics of living in a carbon-fueled consumer society, consider having children selfish and environmentally destructive.
See above graphic. And it doesn’t get less screwball as it continues on and on, ending with
I can’t protect my daughter from the future and I can’t even promise her a better life. All I can do is teach her: teach her how to care, how to be kind and how to live within the limits of nature’s grace. I can teach her to be tough but resilient, adaptable and prudent, because she’s going to have to struggle for what she needs. But I also need to teach her to fight for what’s right, because none of us is in this alone. I need to teach her that all things die, even her and me and her mother and the world we know, but that coming to terms with this difficult truth is the beginning of wisdom.
There are going to be some seriously neurotic and mentally damaged kids being raised.

Here’s the first indication of the problem:
Note that it wasn’t “my wife and I.” If you’ve been ‘man’ enough to knock up your lady friend, but not man enough to marry her, what good are you?
If you don’t like seeing box stores and strip malls and drive-throughs and asphalt, why are you living in the city in the first place? You have a choice: there is plenty of property for sale in the country, and if you want to look out on corn fields instead, as I do, every morning, then pick up and move!
Instead, you get all of these idiots choosing to live in feceshole cities like St Louis — highest murder rate in the United States — whining about the cities being concrete jungles, when they are choosing to pack themselves in so tightly. You won’t find much sympathy from me for his crying.
Thank Allah’s blessings that the workers of cities like St. Louis pay federal taxes to support the 5th poorest state in America, one that receives nearly 40% of it’s total income from the federal government. Which sh!thole state? Kentucky. Do you take any monies from the federal government, made by workers in cities?
In fact, most of the nation’s taxes come from cities.
Only married men are good? Your hero Trump must be extra good, being married 3 times. How many women not his wife has he impregnated and paid for her abortion?
Citation for that, hotshot, or do you just make it up as you go along?
And, again, how many women did Willie Whitewater impregnate? We know of at least 2.
We don’t, of course, have to worry about Zippy.
And I see you practice taqqiya, like a good little Moslem. You and Brennan, Commie Moslem liars.
Citation for what, whizshot?
When you use the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure, the one which takes into account taxes and costs of living, Kentucky’s poverty rate is 13.6%, which is lower than the national average of 16.0%.
Yes, men who sire children without marrying the women that impregnate are not good, are not responsible. Do you fall into that category?
Oh, wait, my bad! Even asking such a question assumes that you are or at least have been capable of achieving an erection to enable you to have impregnated a woman. I should never have assumed such!
Your wife never complained.
little jeffery keene is now dickagoguing.
Just another hypocritical activist. Complains about the burdens of overpopulation from the hospital birthing room. Why should I take seriously anything he has to say?
We needn’t worry about climate change. Trump will get us all killed sooner rather than later.
No, unlike your partner in Commie Islam, Zippy, Trump is ending wars, not starting them.
And speaking of selling out, here’s an oldie, but a goodie, “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.â€
Can you ever counter criticism of tRump without invoking President Obama?
Sounds as if you’re as obsessed with President Obama as tRump is with Secretary Clinton.
tRump rolled over for President Putin. He appeared submissive, nervous, frightened and oh so accommodating. He acted like a man afraid to upset his boss. Have you ever observed tRump to be so submissive, so beta ever?? Putin has something either embarrassing (hookers?) or criminal (financial?) on tRump.
Little jeffery keene demagoguing again?
Might try arguing with facts, evidence, and reason, mkay?
Still waiting to see that “increasingly chaotic global climate patternsâ€. Yes, because weather has never been chaotic before. But wait, it’s 20 yrs in the future, as it’s been 20 yrs in the future for 40 yrs or so. Trust us…
We trust you are just ignorant, not intentionally misleading.
The Earth is warming with no scientific reason to expect it to stop any time soon. (We think you have finally admitted to warming, no?)
would wouldn’t wouldwouldn’t be prudent to never not take action to halt the future damages to Russian American society. TRUMP 2020!!And our Earth is already responding to the increase global average surface temperature with heatwaves, arctic melting, human migrations, more intense storms, changing ranges of plants and animals, wildfires, droughts, floods etc etc.
Demagogue much, little fella?
Scientific evidence supports the fact that the climate has always changed.
Giving government more money and power doesn’t change that fact.
But this time is different. Humanity is the cause and soon the Earth will irrefutably warmer than at any time in the last 10,000 years (the Holocene, the epoch where the total of all human civilization evolved).
What is your scientific explanation of why the Earth is warming now if not by greenhouse gases?
Arctic melting?
The glaciers are thicker than ever.
Much like your head.
All you have is hate. Do you comply with the The Code, here?
So you think the Arctic sea ice is a glacier?
Anyway, you’ve been given bad information, although NuCons have decided that facts and truth are malleable. Newt Gingrich predicted years ago that “truth” would become just another political commodity to be used only when absolutely necessary. With his tweets, his trumpsters and FOX, tRump makes his own “truths”.
One famous Leftist said, ‘A lie told often enough becomes the truth.’
Don’t believe him.
One famous Leftist called his commoner supporters ‘useful idiots’.
He was honest about that one. Don’t be one.
Scientific evidence supports the fact that the climate has always changed.
Giving government more money and power doesn’t change that fact.
Do you not believe the Earth is now warming? Or that Arctic ice is melting?
And yet, you keep repeating the same lies. Why is that?
Sorry, J, there’s no proof any of those things listed are increasing or worse. First, one would have to prove they’re increasing. Second, one would have to prove that if they were increasing, the cause was man’s additional CO2. Neither of those have been met. Third, if there was an example of some occurrence that was decreasing (like tornadoes, for one), what would that mean? If something that is increasing proves it, then something that is decreasing would disprove it. Can’t have it both ways. Still junk science
Then there is that pesky issue of correlation rarely meaning causation
“This time is different.†