Because a phone and pen from 2009-2016 is now old and busted
Americans overwhelmingly support checks and balances. That should be the focus of the midterms for Democrats.
— Vox (@voxdotcom) July 22, 2018
From the screed
Democrats have a new slogan for the midterms: “For the People.â€
I hate it. It’s one of those slogans that tries to mean everything and therefore means nothing. Sort of like the previous slogan, “A Better Deal†— another meaningless cliché that apparently proved inadequate to the task.
I’ve got a better one: “Support Checks and Balances. Elect Democratsâ€
After all, you can turn on any news channel and witness the charade. Republicans in Congress are bending over backward and upside down and sideways to figure out how to excuse away the inexcusable — siding with a foreign enemy when all intelligence experts are screaming that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and plans to again in the 2018 election.
This is from the same party which supported Obama doing everything via the ever expanding powers of the Executive Office. Who signed on to the Paris Climate Agreement and the Iran Deal in a manner that precluded the Senate from having to vote on them. Who rammed through things like the Waters Of The US, Clean Power Plan, forcing schools to accommodate the gender confused mental cases, and so much more. Suddenly, Democrats do not like POTUS to have power, even when it is within their Constitutional duties, rather than mission creep. And they sure do not like Trump getting rid of the garbage Obama manufactured.
American democracy is a separation-of-powers system, in which Congress and the presidency are independent branches, but Congress has many more powers. The problem with separation of powers in practice is that it only works with divided government. The framers thought that by spreading power across independent branches of government, they would make it hard for parties to form, and institutional allegiances would triumph and balance each other. They were wrong.
Where was Vox and the Democrats when Obama was president and the GOP controlled Congress?

“Where was Vox and the Democrats when Obama was president and the GOP controlled Congress?”
Wearing out kneepads at a furious pace and clapping like demented seals in between.
Notice how everything seems to work just fine until the democrats are on the outs: gerrymandering, the electoral college, checks and balances,….
You mean the Russia that Obama knew was meddling but denied it and covered it up because they were sure sHillary would win?
Maybe be House can impeach Obama retroactively.
Con Men would have screamed to high friggin’ heaven if President Obama announced that Russia was trying to help Trump win, but maybe he should have. Maybe Comey should have said that the Trump campaign was also under investigation.
So it’s Obama’s fault that the Trump campaign may have worked with the Russians to subvert the American electoral process? LOL
“Just a quick announcement… We now have evidence that the Trump campaign has had multiple contacts with Russian agents intent on subverting the American electoral process in Donald Trump’s favor. Director Comey should have told you this, rather than talking about Secretary Clinton’s emails. The DOJ, the FBI and all US intelligence agencies have been instructed by me to investigate the extent of this subversion and the involvement of the Trump campaign officials. We do not know at this time if Donald Trump was directly involved with this attack on America. I can assure you that the perpetrators of this potential electoral attack, even if it goes all the way up to Donald Trump, will not go unpunished. Now go vote!”
Are you sure you wanted President Obama or Director Comey to announce the investigation into the potential crimes of the Trump campaign?
Did Russia’s attacks on the Ameican electoral system help Trump. That may never be known.
Maybe Comey should have said that the Trump campaign was also under investigation.
No, that would have given it away, but you little girlfriend Maria was meeting with the Choom Gang in ’15, so that would have opened a real can of worms. The FISA spying was already vastly unpopular.
So it’s Obama’s fault that the Trump campaign may have worked with the Russians to subvert the American electoral process?
When he was the one working with the Russians, not Trump, it was. LOL yourself
Are you sure you wanted President Obama or Director Comey to announce the investigation into the potential crimes of the Trump campaign?
Why not? Show who was really trying to throw the election. Their little scheme didn’t work and now it’s all coming out and, yes, Zippy can still be indicted (impeachment, in case you don’t know (and I’m sure you don’t) is simply the indictment of someone while in office).
So you seriously believe that President Obama was conspiring with the Russians to throw the election to Clinton?
You are TDS Exhibit 28
Come back when you start making sense.
This was the thing that had me most perplexed over the years. It used to be Congressmen would scream bloody murder whenever the President infringed on some power in their baileywick. Lately it seems Congress just goes along meekly, only making symbolic resistance if any.
R word.
The Checks are just now in the mail and the balance is coming due.
I just love the Constitution.
Does that Gowdy a Rino or a traitor or both?
The difference being is that the left only says and believes that the Russian phishing attack was against the DNC.
It was, in fact, targeted at both political parties. One party acted responsibly and addressed the threat while listening to the experts. The other party did not.
Democrats, including you,’ have maintained that the phishing attacks were directed solely at the DNC and in cooperation with the Trump campaign. That’s not true, but that never stops the left from repeating lies.
Finally, it is always amazing that the left screams about how the Russians tried to change the election (without any evidence that the phishing attack changed any votes) while ignoring the contents of the leaks which showed the DNC was actively trying to throw the election to Hillary while effectively disenfranchising democratic voters.
The RNC WAS hacked but the Russians didn’t release anything because they wanted the malleable tRump elected, but their primary goal was disruption of our democracy.
To the Democrats, checks and balances lead to the question, “How can my balance be zero? I still have checks!”
The slogan had to be shortened, it was too many words for the dems average voter. It originally said “For the elected People in power”
The tRump NuEconomy: Total government control of markets, with taxpayer monies awarded to favored individuals/companies. Putin must be SO proud of his boy.
There are some 20,000 applications in the system for waivers to the tariff scheme. Is that a new government bureaucracy?