Monthly Archives: July 2018

ClimaScare Today: Rising Seas Could Maybe Possibly Cause $14 Trillion A Year In Damages

Madame ManBearPig looks in the crystal ball of Utter Doom and decides Climate change SHOCK: Rising sea levels to wipe out £10 TRILLION in flood damage A study published by the UK National Oceanographic Centre (NOC) has warned rising sea levels could cost the world economy £10trillion ($14trillion) a year by 2100. The startling report […]

Suddenly, Democrats Are Worried About Sanctuary Jurisdictions When It Comes To Gun Control

Did you know that the number of counties in Illinois that have declared themselves sanctuaries from gun grabbing laws has hit 26? And that suddenly the Credentialed Media is wondering if it’s legal 26 Illinois counties have passed ‘gun sanctuary’ resolutions. Are they constitutional? A “gun sanctuary” trend spreading across Illinois counties in support of […]

Los Angeles Decides To Spend Even More Money On Illegal Aliens Rather Than Citizens

Remember this? To the editor: Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and County Supervisor Hilda Solis in December announced the creation of a $10-million legal aid fund to “hire lawyers to defend local immigrants without legal status.” (“A $10-million fund will help immigrants fight deportations. But should it help those with violent criminal convictions?” April 17) My street hasn’t […]

Petty BS: Wash Post Totally Worried About Who’s Playing At White House For 4th

No matter the day, TDS will rear its head, as we see in this silly “news” article by Helena Andrews-Dyer and Emily Heil The Fourth of July White House concert used to be a sea of stars. For Trump, it’s a drought. He could barely contain himself. Jimmy Fallon, then just a few months into […]

If All You See…

…are the colors of the nation that pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement which was going to Save Us All!!!!!!, you might just be a Warmist Other’s celebrating via my feed reader (at the time of writing this in the am) 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, A View From The Beach, Always On Watch, America’s […]

‘Climate Change’ (scam) Could Totally Hurt Bald Eagles Or Something

It’s interesting how hyper-Warmist Yale Climate Connections Samantha Harrington picks Independence Day to run this, eh? How climate change could hurt bald eagles Over the past 50 years, bald eagles in the U.S. have returned from the brink of extinction. Now, the birds perch on tree branches over rivers and lakes across much of the […]

Drones To Replace Fireworks Because Of ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

The Cult of Climastrology always has to link itself to every holiday Fourth of July: drones to replace firework displays due to wildfire risk The night sky above Aspen will light up with a patriotic display this Fourth of July as always – just not with the usual fireworks. For the first time, the flashes […]

NY Times: July 4th Is A Great Day To Protest

Anyone who’s surprised by this kind of opinion piece being in the NY Times, raise your hand. No one? Here we have Holly Jackson, an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston, who’s all into the typical SJW stuff, getting unhinged (no worries, the editorial board does their own schtick about America starting over […]

Happy Independence Day! (sticky for day)

Many more patriotic pinups below the fold

Rhode Island Gives Suing Fossil Fuels Companies A Whirl

It’s not like a federal judge hasn’t already shot down other lawsuits or something Rhode Island Sues Oil Companies Over Climate Change, First State to Do So Rhode Island on Monday became the first state to sue oil companies over the effects of climate change, filing a complaint seeking damages for the costs associated with […]

Pirate's Cove