Happy Sunday! A typical gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the kids are kidding, and the hummingbirds keep booping my window as they hit the feeder. This pinup is by Bill Medcalf, with a wee bit of help.
What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- Independent Sentinel highlights insanity in Australia regarding “white privilege”
- Weasel Zippers has a poll on citizens naming Constitutional Rights
- Victory Girls Blog covers the unhinged Statue of Liberty climber getting more unhinged
- The Right Scoop has more information on the Parkland shooter
- The People’s Cube discusses the ISIS threat against San Francisco
- The Lid wonders why the MSM is covering for Dianne Feinstein, re the Chinese spy
- The First Street Journal covers the 1st Amendment and assimilation of immigrants
- Raised On Hoecakes discusses San Francisco wanting illegals to vote
- Powerline has the last strawman in pictures
- Pacific Pundit covers a leftists news reporter finding out how peaceful leftists are
- Moonbattery notes airlines you should avoid
- Legal Insurrection discusses Cory Booker backtracking on his anti-Semitism
- Jihad Watch notes just who sprayed gas at a Staten Island station
- Hogewash features a cool shot from deep space for the science geeks
- And last, but not least, Geller Report wonders why Muslim nations won’t take Muslim refugees
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me
- The Other McCain has In The Mailbox. And Rule 5 Tuesday.
- The Daley Gator has Daley Babe. And more Daley Babe. And more during the week.
- Maggies Farm has Saturday Links. And Friday links. And does this all during the week.
- American Power has Camila Morrone. And plenty of other stuff.
- Doug Ross has Larwyn’s Linx: (Sunday placeholder). And Saturday’s Larwyn’s Linx: 12 times Christopher Steele fed false collusion stories to FBI after the election.
- Theo Spark has your cartoon roundup.
- The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies.
- A View From The Beach features Rule 5 Saturday. And booty call. And another reason Trump was elected.
- The Chive has puppies.
- The Right Way has Friday Babe. And Linkorama.
- Don Surber: How to stop political violence.
- The Feral Irishman has Frideyes.
- Knuckledraggin My Life Away has old school women who are taken. And has more fun all week long.
- Evil Blogger Lady has Rule 5 fishing. And some Rule 5 linkage. And more during the week.
- By Other Means has cosplay Friday. And seeing red. And plenty more hotness during the week.
- Bookworm Room: Will there be “shy†Trump supporters voting this coming November?.
- Political Clown Parade has flowing curves of beauty. And check the graphics all week long.
- Animal Magnestism has Saturday Gingermageddon. And Rule 5 Friday.
- Flopping Aces has the Sunday Funnies. And this week in radical leftism.
- Living Freedom Blog has Saturday linkage.
- Diogenes’ Middle Finger has Good Monday Morning.
- Woodsterman has Rule 5.
- 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny has hot pick. And girls with guns. And morning mistress. And way more of all three during the week.
- Victory Girls Blog: Portland Isn’t Just Weird Anymore, It’s a Violent Hellhole. [VIDEO].
- And ending with the always awesome Proof Positive with the Best Of The Web Linkaround. And a Friday night babe! And Vintage Babe of the Week.
Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list.

[…] Pirate’s Cove has Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup. […]
[…] week before we have to acclimate ourselves to (ugh) New Jersey. Moving on, thanks as always to Pirate’s Cove and The Other McCain for the Rule Five […]
[…] 2.0: Space Age Love Affair The Pirate’s Cove 357 Magnum A View From The Beach […]