This is shocking stuff, folks. Businesses are favoring Americans and those who are lawfully present under federal law over illegal aliens. No worries, Vox is on it!
Some businesses are refusing to hire DACA recipients. They are fighting back.
Daniel Marques would probably be working as a financial adviser for a big investment firm in New Jersey right now.
David Rodriguez might have landed an internship with Procter & Gamble in Miami.
Sandy Vasquez might be an engineering intern in Silicon Valley.
Ruben Juarez might have snagged a finance internship in Connecticut.
All four of them went to college and graduated with honors. And all four of them say they were denied jobs, even though they had valid work permits because they are part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA.
The Obama-era program began in 2012 and offers temporary work authorization and deportation relief to qualified undocumented immigrants under the age of 38 who grew up in the United States. In January and February, two federal courts ordered the Department of Homeland Security to continue renewing work permits for DACA holders after President Donald Trump tried to end the program in 2017.
Here’s the thing: even Obama said it was extra-legal and un-Constitutional. Furthermore, it was only meant to be temporary relief: at what point does it end? Anyhow, what are these entitled illegal aliens doing
As the legal battle over DACA continues to wind its way through the courts, a related legal battle is on the rise. DACA immigrants are suing US employers for denying them jobs because they aren’t citizens. Despite presenting valid work permits from US Citizenship and Immigration Services, recruiters at several large corporations told them they only hire US citizens or immigrants with green cards. Some said they only hire employees whose work permits don’t expire (DACA must be renewed every two years).
DACA workers say these actions are a form of citizenship discrimination prohibited under the Civil Rights Act of 1866. At least four DACA workers who were denied jobs in New York, New Jersey, Florida, and California are suing the companies that turned them away using that argument.
The outcome of these class-action lawsuits has huge implications for American companies, and for the estimated 700,000 immigrants with DACA status who are living in the United States. A verdict in favor of the workers could force businesses to change the way they treat job candidates enrolled in DACA, giving them the same chance to land a job as anyone else. It would also open the door to other groups of authorized workers who are affected by some of these hiring restrictions: refugees, asylum holders, and victims of human trafficking.
That’s right, they are suing, despite not actually being, you know, citizens. They have no actual standing under federal law, and, realistically, this could end up utterly backfiring on them if the rulings use actual federal law regarding these people being unlawfully present in the U.S. They could find out that not only are they not Entitled to a job, but that they shouldn’t even be in the U.S. and find themselves being deported.
And this just goes to the point that rather than be humbled and coming with their hats in hand, these illegal aliens are demanding that the U.S. and its citizens give them stuff, and they’ll sue to get it.

Gee, and here I thought that is was against the law to hire non-legal ‘workers’ – or is e-verify simply lip service? Even as a ‘volunteer’ for my state I had to re-certify every year that I was legally able to work in the US.
No, he did not. You are either mistaken or lying. President Obama did recognize that his order was temporary and a lasting solution would have to come from Congress.
His order was never declared unconstitutional by the courts.
The new Democratic House will have to take it up next year. The courts will continue to block trump’s cruel intentions.
Not after the way things went yesterday.
The courts will continue to block trump’s cruel intentions.
Not the way he’s appointing judges.
No, he did not. You are either mistaken or lying
Yes, he did. Read ’em and weep, moron.
from your own citation:
Maybe I missed it but can you point out where President Obama said his DACA order was unconstitutional or illegal?
And how did things go yesterday?
Conservative Missourians overwhelmingly kicked Right-to-Work (for less) to the curb 67-33! Now it is likely the radical Repubs in Jefferson City will try to push it down the voters throats once again (as they did after Missourians overwhelmingly rejected allowing folks concealed carry without a permit).
The only way to stop these radicals is to vote them out, as will happen nationally to the House.
Ann Wagner (R-MO) will have a very tough race in November against a formidable young Democrat.
The county prosecutor who wouldn’t investigate the cop who killed Michael Brown was defeated after serving nearly 30 years.
In Ohio 12th Special Election it’s too close to call in a solid Trump district. In November, with a solid turnout, the GOPhers will lose another House seat.
The times they are a changin’…
The GOP will have to declare martial law, invade somebody or allow the Russians to rig this election like 2016 to have a chance to consolidate their grip on America’s throat.
Trump’s guys went 5-0 (as for OH-12, looks like the usual vote fraud is upon us), Occasional Cortex and Zippy’s picks flopped completely. And MO was already right to work. I wonder how many votes were bussed in or dug up? Sounds like MO;’s unions ought to get RICOed.
Yeah, those time sure are changin’.
And there’s plenty of evidence of vote fraud by the Demos. Here and here. There’s the 140% turnout in Philadelphia in ’12 and 670 votes cast in a GA county with 270 registered voters.
BTW I notice little Jeffery doesn’t want to talk about the Manafort trial.
Manafort, president trump’s former campaign chairman? We heard that the defense implied that Gates couldn’t be trusted because he had had multiple extramarital affairs. Manwhores aren’t to be trusted? Let that sink in, Donald.
Please link to the lyin’ king, jimhoft, of the Gateway Pudendum.
Is there anyone associated with trump and his campaign that isn’t a crook? Criminals often run in packs.
he acknowledged that he couldn’t “just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. … That’s not how a democracy works.â€
I’ve done a lot of professional hiring and, besides having to carefully follow immigration law, it costs about $50K to hire a person, set them up in an office, orient and train, and get them being productive to the point where you start making income from their labor. There’s no way in hell I’m going through that time and expense for a person that might only be around for only a year or two.