This was apparently a Big Thing back in the 1970’s, when all the media and climate scientists were talking about the coming ice age, but, now that ‘climate change’ that causes all weather, from hot to cold to wet to dry to nice days where you take mom out for a nice lunch to say thanks which is totally doom because nice days lull us into doing nothing, is a big thing they need to bring it back (via Watts Up With That?)
Apocalypse by 2040? Shock as MIT computer model predicts END DATE for civilisation
An apocalyptic computer model, processed by one of the world’s largest computers in 1973, has predicted the end of civilization  by 2040.
The prediction came from a programme nicknamed World One, which was developed by a team of MIT researchers and processed by Australia’s largest computer.
It was originally devised by computer pioneer Jay Forrester, after he was tasked by the Club of Rome to develop a model of global sustainability.
However, the shocking result of the computer calculations showed that the level of pollution and population would cause a global collapse by 2040.
I usually strip most links in articles out unless they are a specific and relevant link. Both of those are to “”.
This shows that the world cannot sustain the current level of population and industrial growth for more than two decades.
Australian broadcaster ABC has republished its original report from the 1970s, since there is just two years until a major change is expected according to the computer model.
The model based its predictions on trends such as pollution levels, population growth, availability of natural resources and quality of life on earth.
The eerie calculation has been remarkably accurate in certain predictions, such as a stagnated quality of life and diminishing pool of natural resources.
A fascinating forecast shows that the quality of life is expected to drop dramatically right after 2020.
At this time the broadcasters addreses the audience: “At around 2020, the condition of the planet becomes highly critical.
“If we do nothing about it, the quality of life goes down to zero. Pollution becomes so seriously it will start to kill people, which in turn will cause the population to diminish, lower than it was in the 1900.
“At this stage, around 2040 to 2050, civilised life as we know it on this planet will cease to exist.”
I bet we can fix this with a tax. And going to a hardcore Socialist economic society. And giving up our freedom to Government.

More disinformation in the deni-0-sphere. In the 70s there were nearly 10 times more scientific articles predicted warming than predicted cooling (7 total predicted cooling).
So what’s it like to be wrong? Your statement was a straw man argument. An effort at misdirection.
Typical of the illogical, unscientific catastrophists.
But this statement puzzles me, “The eerie calculation has been remarkably accurate in certain predictions, such as a stagnated quality of life and diminishing pool of natural resources.”
Diminishing pool of natural resources? Which ones?
Quality of life? That’s as much or more a result of leftists’ influence on politics rather than the ecology of the Earth.
Not even a majority of climate scientists, much less “all”, were concerned about global cooling in the 70s. It’s a myth promulgated to cast doubt on the current scientific consensus regarding warming.
Between 1965 and 1979, of 68 scientific climate articles, 10% predicted cooling, 62% predicted warming and 28% were neutral.
The popular media DID hype a “coming ice age”, but they are in the business of selling advertising space, not science.
The Earth is warming from CO2 that humans have added to the atmosphere. There’s scientific reason to expect it stop soon, even if we reduce CO2 emissions to zero.
Speaking of myths…
Since 2016 the Earth has cooled.
And since mid 2017 the Earth has warmed 0.04 C!! And 2017 was the second warmest year in recorded history.
Since 1989 (30 yr period) the Earth has warmed at a rate of 0.194 C per decade.
Since 2016 the earth has cooled.×317.jpg?format=750w
You’re incredibly stupid, little fella.

Data corrupt, peer review corrupt, no definite link to man made CO2 (correlation is not a cause), only solution is tax and communism. End of discussion.
The facts have a well-known liberal bias, and the facts are not on your side.
Taxes and communism aren’t the solution. Our only hope is to stop spewing CO2 pollution into the atmosphere.
Little jeffery keene;
Smartest person in an empty room.
Corrupt data, corrupt peer review, corrupt facts, only one solution which is taxes and communism with no expectation of improvement of anything, total hoax and promoted by same people involved in the Russian hoax
Seriously, another conspiracy theory?
Climate scientists are also accusing the Trump campaign and Russia of conspiring to bugger our elections?
Or do you think Russian commies are behind global warming?
You’re too much.
No one said a thing about a theory. Facts are facts and yours are made up. Besides, after what we learned from DNC computers, there is truth to our so called theories.
Do you deny that the Earth has warmed 0.194C /decade for the last 3 decades?
Your response is that everything you don’t agree with is false.
As usual, J has his facts completely backwards…
More bad news…
I wasn’t following the journal-published works of meteorologists in the 1970s, but I do recall the media reporting the coming ice age. Time magazine, 24 June 1974 included a story titled “Another Ice Age?â€. Newsweek magazine, 28 April 1975, included a story Newsweek titled “The Cooling Worldâ€. Scientific literature certainly might have been publishing warming theories and models, but they failed to reach the public like the ice age predictions did.
Pierre is pulling your chain. Look through the linked papers yourself. Find the ones that are actual scientific articles and not editorials, position papers, junk science etc and you’ll see a few throwaway statements that it may get icy, or that the Northern Hemisphere is cooler, or that the Earth was cooler, or questioning the CO2 theory.
Just looking a group 3, the first 30 examined did not address the topic. We assume he put his best foot forward and put his best evidence first.
Here’s an example:
Book chapter (not refereed), Fred Singer (denier and previous tobacco truther), doesn’t even address a coming ice age. Yet it’s in Pierre’s list.
Or 235 which refutes Pierre’s thesis:
Gosselin just adds a bunch of papers, editorials, organization position papers, denier essays, book chapters etc and expects his hapless followers to take his word for it.
You should stop citing “Nothing But Trix Zone”, Pierre is embarrassing you.
Sorry J-, NCAR, CRU,NAS, NASA, CIA were all along with it, based on these temp graphs. As the article says, “soundâ€
You’re citing tony heller/Stephen goddard. You might as well cite yourself.
You’re shifting the goalposts. That scientists accurately reported cooling is not the same as predicting a coming ice age. For example, the decade of the sixties showed slight overall cooling with a big dip around ’64/’65.
That’s the same sleight-of-hand Gosselin was trying to pull – listing citations that mentioned cooling.
From just after WWII until about 1980 the Earth’s mean surface temperature trend was flat. Some, especially in the media, sensationally expressed concern about a coming ice age, but the climate science community was much more conservative.
Those expressing doubt about whether CO2 was leading to warming or claiming CO2 would lead to cooling, Dyson, the Idsos, Singer et al (all cited by gosselin), have been proven wrong.
“Sound familiar?â€
Actually, they’re pulling your chain-Notice how they try to minimize the cooling by reducing the 1940s warmth.