…is a world flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Political Clown Parade, with a post on NY State’s first clown.

…is a world flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Political Clown Parade, with a post on NY State’s first clown.
“You don’t need 30 rounds to kill a dee-yah!”
So tRump is trying to silence Omarosa Managault-Newman with legal maneuvering.
Replied Simon and Schuster’s attorney:
Silence her? Everything she’s claimed has been proven false.
Which explains S&S’s weasel words, “we are confident”. S&S is a notoriously Lefty outfit, always has been. But Trump doesn’t sue if he can’t win.
And he does have a right to sue if she’s telling lies. Which she is.
PS Notice little Jeffery doesn’t want to talk about the Manafort trial.
It has? Everything? Do tell!
Can tRump sue her and S&S? Absolutely, but the best defense against being sued for defamation is the truth. Omerosa seems confident she has enough evidence to defend herself. And the threat from S&S of discovery would slow down the litigious tRump.
PS: Little whizzy wants to mention the manafort trial but not talk about it, LOL.
So far, she has yet to come up with anything that someone extraneous to the proceedings hasn’t knocked down, and how would the threat of discovery slow down anything?
Little Jeffery needs smarter writers.
I’ll talk about Manafort anytime. I just note that it’s going very badly for Mule Ears and little Jeffery. Now the judge has been threatened and Fake News wants the names of the jurors so they can be harassed. Not the mark of what was supposed to be a slam dunk.
Little whizzer,
Do you think tRumpty dumpty wants attorneys digging through his records, emails, etc?
Do you have a point to make regarding the Manafort trial? Today tRump was sending him a signal that he’ll pardon him, and was leaning on the jurors. Manafort will be convicted and tRump will pardon him.
Do you know who threatened the judge? Have you told the authorities that you know who it is?
I’ll bet the sun loved giving her that tan.
Jeffery, of course, doesn’t notice these things.
Little whizzy is afraid of real women, preferring pictures.
Little Jeffery only comes here because he wants the attention, knowing all the real guys look.
And no man passes up a picture of a good-looking woman.
Except Jeffery.
You come here to look at pictures of girls? That’s just sad. Or you are just overcompensating. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Again, you have no idea if I look at the pictures or not.
1) You’ve already admitted you don’t.
2) I also come here to make fun of you and your lame Lefty propaganda.
1) Did not.
2) How sad for you.
If tRump wants to see a parade, all he needs to do is resign.
He wanted to honor the Armed Forces fighting the animals you support.
The orange buffoon wanted to honor himself.
Trump: Even his military parade got a deferral.
Lots of guys got deferrals. Even your boy, Willie Whitewater.
Trump gave the money that was going to the parade to buy new fighters. So he does something to improve the defense of the country.
And little Jeffery only has Omarosa and her phony accusations.
Speaking of phony, we haven’t heard anything about the suppression of Alex Jones’ free speech. Jeffery comes off with some Libertarian nonsense, but omits stores in the South claimed the same right to discriminate as Zuck and Dorsey,
You would use the power of the federal government to force private businesses to publish everything they receive? Or do you want to nationalize platforms such as Facebook and YouTube and twitter? Oh my. Anyway, Jones has a national radio show, multiple high-volume websites including InfoWars and PrisonPlanet, and communicates directly with tRump.
Do you consider the Louisiana government’s punishment of Citibank for opposing the sale of AR-15 style rifles to be “suppression of free speech”?
Housing starts took an unexpected dip in July, as interest rates inch up. In fairness, this is to be expected with a tax cut for wealthy during an economic expansion.
Housing starts didn’t take a dip, they just didn’t meet what analysts expected.
A difference the angry little black fella from st. louis apparently cannot comprehend.
You’re absolutely correct. The big drop was in June, not July, and the recovery in July was modest and well below expectations, and well below ‘starts’ in July of last year.
Thank you for the correction.
Try reading the articles before making your incredibly stupid claims.
You’re welcome, little dumbass.
I’ll push back just a bit about characterizing the error as “incredibly stupid”.
The facts suggest that we’re entering a downturn in the residential housing market. Some analysts blame interest rates, others the weather out west and in the northeast. Maybe it’s just a blip, but real estate economists are concerned.
Stupid is as stupid does.