Do you wear clothes? Do you like fashion? Well, all that extreme weather is your fault!
10,000 liters of water are needed to produce a pair of jeans. Long supply chains and energy intensive production make #fashion the 2nd most polluting industry on the planet. Find out how @UN organizations support the shift to #sustainablefashion
— UN Climate Change (@UNFCCC) August 16, 2018
From the screed
With the help of the UN, the world’s USD 2.5 trillion USD fashion industry is shifting to more sustainable business models which can help fight climate change and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The fashion industry, including the production of all clothes which people wear, contributes to around 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions due to its long supply chains and energy intensive production. Â The industry consumes more energy than the aviation and shipping industry combined.
Shifting practices in the fashion industry to reduce carbon emissions is key to limiting warming to as close to 1.5°C above pre-Industrial Revolution levels, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
In addition to its carbon intensive supply chain and production processes, the fashion industry consumes a great deal of other precious resources.
See? It’s all your fault….wait, 1.5C? The Paris Agreement was on 2C. Did they just arbitrarily decide to change it? Anyway, not your fault for buying and wearing clothes, it’s the fault of those who make them.
From a truly environmental point of view, changing practices is not a bad idea, because there is a lot of water and material waste in production, along with the waste of used clothing going to landfills. But, that’s environmental, and has very little to do with anthropogenic climate change.
I bet you're fun at parties
— blow 2021 (@hexodecimal) August 17, 2018

No shoes, no shirt, no problem
So you agree with the proposed actions but criticize one of the reasons. Global warming is part and parcel to our environment.
You can’t oppose that can you?
Of course we can.
It’s only the US they want to change. And it’s our water, nobody else’s.
And that’s the real issue, The Dictators’ Lobby wants to tell us what we’re allowed to do.
You believe that most of the world’s clothing is manufactured in the US? Ask Ivanka where her lines of clothing were made?
Did you know that it takes energy to purify water, cut and sew clothing? So even manufacturing clothes in America sends CO2 into the air. Do you believe that CO2 emitted in the US obeys national boundaries?
As soon as there’s proof we need “to fight climat changeâ€.
What would “proof” look like?
You talk about “proof” all the time, so you must have a notion of what “proof” of CO2-caused warming would look like.
Good luck.
The proof, sweetie, is that it’s built on false agendas, false data, false computer models, and false peer review.
That’s what we expected from you, sweetie.
It’s a simple question. What scientific proof would you accept as the link showing greenhouse gases are causing warming? You keep claiming there is no proof. What would that proof look like? If there is no evidence that could change your mind, than you are not arguing honestly.
If you have no idea, just say so. And stop asking for “proof”.

I love it-I ask for proof and J tries to turn it around by asking a question of a question, which of course is what’s done when one has….no proof, only assertions and speculation. But I get it-they haven’t figured out that speculation on what may happen in the future isn’t proof.
Got it. There is no evidence that you would find persuasive.
It’s proven that visible light from the Sun is re-emitted as infrared radiation into the atmosphere.
It’s proven that CO2 absorbs infrared radiation and re-emits it.
It’s proven that the increased CO2 in the atmosphere comes from burning fossil fuels.
It’s proven that wavelengths of infrared absorbed by CO2 is reduced in the upper atmosphere.
It’s proven that the Earth’s surface is warming.
Skeptics have failed to propose a reasonable alternative physical mechanism to explain the current warming.
What more proof do you require?
J-reading comprehension is your friend. The proof was for “why do we need to fight climate changeâ€? You simply listed the theory for earth’s warming. Warming doesn’t automatically mean warming needs to be stopped. The proof needed would be for why warming is allegedly detrimental to the earth, which neither you nor the alarmists have provided, except for scary speculative stories of what could happen in the future. And if all of your list was true, there would no need for temperature “adjustmentsâ€, now would there?