…is a horrible rising sea that will soon put cities below the sea, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on segregation of the sexes coming to Sweden.
We’re doing curvy girls this week, and who better than Marilyn to start out? Next week is hiking.

Trump cancelled cost of living and locality pay raises to nearly 2,000,000 federal workers ’cause fiscal responsibility.
But, but… we thought no cuts would not be necessary ’cause increased revenues from tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations would stimulate the economy? No?
Maybe tRump could pay for his own golf outings and not make taxpayers pay tRump resorts millions to house the Secret Service and staff.
Let’s see what Congress is made of.
Read it for yourself, child.
It’s called fiscal responsibility.
I’ll take GOP fiscal responsibility seriously when the GOP big spenders stop tRump’s golfing junkets, and stop paying millions into tRump’s companies. Talk about fiscal irresponsibility.
Maybe the GOP politicians can cut their own salaries.
Maybe tRump supporters can give a little extra to help cut the debt.
Pretty hypocritical.
Pretty weak stuff even for a nignorant angry little black child.
He’s adding money to the treasury. Mexico?
And, if you’re a good little Democrat, where are those calls for the Demos to tighten their belts?
Considering how Zippy and the Demos inflated those pay rates, could be they’re just coming back to Earth. I mean, 25.7%, gotta be for DC and MD.
Then there’s “national emergency or serious economic conditions affecting the general welfare”. He figures 200 grand for government slugs necessary, but few else did.
PS Thanks, Teach.
Possibility the most hilarious leftist peeve these days is making scorn for too much golf. Expensive golf! OMG! It’s EVIL!
