Remember, they refused to allow a veterans group to air an ad asking people to stand for the national anthem, but, they seem fine with a commercial featuring a guy who wore cops as pigs socks, gave money to a group supporting a cop killer, loves Fidel Castro, and hates white people. This should end up well
(The Hill) Nike will air its ad featuring former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick during sporting events including the U.S. Open, MLB and the NFL’s opening telecast, “Thursday Night Football” this week, according to The New York Times.
The ad, called “Dream Crazy,†features Kaepernick and other sports stars such as tennis star Serena Williams and NBA star LeBron James, urging viewers to “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.”
What has he sacrificed? He gets paid a ton by Nike. He’s a millionaire. What has LeBron sacrificed? Or Serena? How are they helping the inner city black youths, who seem to not want to be educated, who so often join gangs and commit crimes, and live in poor conditions in Democratic Party run cities. Do they and Nike care about the reality that the vast majority of murderers and those murdered in big cities are black?
Does the NFL care that a large chunk of fans will not tune in tonight, and others will tune out the minute the commercial is played? Atlanta and Philly isn’t that great of an opening game to stick around.
But, this is where Nike and the NFL want to go. I doubt that the extra revenue from patronizing the supporters of Kaepernick will offset the loss from those who don’t. There are plenty of other brands out there. Ones that might not send its jobs overseas, making products at slave wages. Even Bernie Sanders has blasted them in the past.
Time will tell if this affects their bottom line, much like Dicks Sporting Goods has seen happen.

Kaepernick may have sacrificed his NFL career.
What do Kaepernick, LeBron and Serena have in common? Oh yeah, that. Black athletes who speak out.
Did you view the commercial? I think it will be effective.
Institutionalized poverty has mostly negative impacts, as you point out.
It’s going to work, too.
Except the shoes flying off the shelves will those from New Balance, Adidas, and all the rest of Nike’s competitors.
Bummer for them treason doesn’t sell.
Kneeling is treason? Mein gott.
Nice to see little Jeffery is sounding like the tin-penny tyrant he wants to be.
No, it’s not treason, but it is disloyalty to a country that gave Brillo Pad Head a lot more than he deserves.
Disloyalty? Mein gott. Are Jehovah’s Witnesses disloyal for not saying the pledge?
Deserves??? Mr. Kaepernick was rewarded for his talents, just as expected in a free market. He earned his millions. Isn’t it ironic that Blacks dominate sports and entertainment, the two most egalitarian industries?
THIS JUST IN: The KKK announces they will no longer wear NIKE shoes! But they WILL use them as fire starters on their Jesus crosses.
Brillo Pad Head wasn’t all that good, so he probably wouldn’t have lasted. As for LeBum and Serena, the mileage is showing, so they have to get hooked up with a crowd that will pay them to shoot off their mouths. As LeBum is a high school dropout, he may not be broke in 5 years.
10 is now more likely.
Institutionalized poverty is the result of all those Socialists Jeffery loves.
What high school did you drop out of?
Mr. James just signed a 4 year, $153 million contract with the LA Lakers. And is donating millions each year to the Akron OH public school system, including the start up costs for a new school. He also will work with Akron University to award scholarships to all students who graduate through his I Promise school.
Donald tRump made millions screwing people. He also founded tRump University, and we all know that story.
Serena Williams is worth some $200 million, based on her winnings in professional tennis – and in tennis, if you don’t win, you don’t get paid – as free market as you get. She also makes millions for endorsements from Nike, Gatorade, Delta Air Lines, Aston Martin, Mission Athletecare, IBM, Mini, Intel, Tempur and Chase Bank. She has her own clothing line and is also a minor owner of the Miami Dolphins NFL team.
The Serena Williams Foundation has built a school in Kenya, awards college scholarships to underprivileged students in the US.
The tRump Foundation bought Donald a portrait of himself and is currently under investigation for ‘self-dealing[.
Neither James nor Williams inherited millions. They earned it.
Have you ever been so racist that …
I graduated, thank you, and proceeded to get 2 degrees. Tell us when you plan to leave Mommy’s basement.
Donald Trump made billions revitalizing New York and the Jersey Shore and provided jobs to thousands, the Demos conned little Jeffery. Notice the difference?
Neither James nor Williams inherited millions. They earned it.
Trump made billions after going broke. LeBum dribbles in his underwear and Serena hits a little ball. 5 gets you 10 LeBum is permanently broke 5 years after leaving basketball, but it says something little Jeffery thinks LeBum is worthwhile.
Well NO NFL this year since i do not wear athletic shoes due to foot issues my boycott of Shoes will not be effective I will boycott all other NIKE products though
–Zman (2016)
Successful Blacks owe their success to white people. Got it. Did they earn his 4.0 GPA in high school or did he do some of the work?
It seems that if given equal opportunities, Blacks can do quite well.
So just who gave the ungrateful Colin Kaepernick the opportunity to succeed?

It wasn’t the government and it certainly wasn’t the black community.
Sounds like Mr. and Mrs. Kaepernick, who happened to be white. And you take credit for their selflessness? LOL
A famous Black man took a knee to protest police shootings of Black men. Get over it.
I took credit for nothing, you lying little dipshit.
Our mistake. We thought you were white.
Yes, little fella, you are a mistake probably because you don’t think.
If they can get into pro sports. Was his 4.0 the result of hard work or another diversity effort to inflate grades so minorities would feel better?
Try finding equal opportunity in Democrat-run hellholes like Chiraq, Detroit, San Fiasco (do the even allow blacks there?), or St Lou?
And this billions of dollars per year enterprise is protected at all costs by those that receive it, administer it, service it, sell to it, consult to it, study it, teach it, collect votes for it, etc. And the way they protect it is to declare all criticism as racist. It’s the same way in every country that has a black population, and to some extent for the world as a whole that takes parental care of troubled black regions.
Kaepernick used to just sit during the anthem, but US Army vet Nate Boyer (tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a white guy) suggested that kneeling would be more symbolic, just as survivors would kneel to honor their fallen brethren in battle.
If a US Veteran isn’t upset, why is a draft dodger like tRump apoplectic? Hint: it’s just another political tool for tRump and his dwindling but ardent white nationalist base.
N.B. – Covian comments on this subject do little to dissuade others that you’re not white nationalists.
As Jim Brown, another famous athlete, told an interviewer that while he “wants to be in [Kaepernick’s] corner”, he would never “desecrate my flag and my national anthem.”
Guess he was a black nationalist.

Huh, little fella?
Do all who don’t stand for the anthem or say the pledge desecrate the flag and anthem?
At home, do you stand for the anthem on televised games? If not, why not?
from Nate Boyer… former NFL player and Army Special Forces…
In Dallas, a white police officer enters the wrong apartment, sees a Black man and kills him, thinking he was an intruder. The officer was not arrested. And y’all worry about a man kneeling during the anthem.
Why make this about race? It must be a lot of work digging to uncover dog-whistle racism behind every door. Feminists could make this about sex, every woman’s nightmare to home after work to find a strange man behind her door. So with the dallas Chief being a black woman, will she be biased towards whites or sympathetic towards women? I don’t know because I’m not skilled at this dog-whistle social justice blamestorming.
I’m guessing it was about alcohol. That’s the only time I’ve seen people go to the wrong apartment. Worse, a friend I was drinking with once went home to the wrong house and they called the cops to arrest him, detectives and everything. He’s now a judge.
Whatever it was, sounds like they are going to go after her hard with the Rangers and justice will be served.
If you’re hearing dog whistles, then you are the dog.
Trump voters strike back a Kaepernick!
Burning what you’ve already paid Nike for is just dumb and useless. And he sounds pretty dumb.
The socialist left already hated Nike. Now the right hates them too. Good luck with that.