…is a horrible, evil, no good pig creating vast amounts of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is D.C. Clothesline, with a post on some insanity coming from the VA.
And a doubleshot of curvy girls under the fold, so I don’t have more photos in the folder, Datechguy’s Blog (Ron Fournier) discusses the rude inheriting the earth.

Evil livestock incarceration, evil methane production, evil CO2 – infused beverage, evil sexy woman catering to the patriarchy — this photo could cause a lot of stress to snowflakes. All it needs is an aircraft for frivolous travel.
Oh wait…
Kamala Harris Calls Constitution “That book you carry”:
Contempt for “that book” is because it interferes with socialist world domination goals.
See how much more to offer women who have more to offer offer?