Seriously, this is back. Why? Because some people are deranged. And these same people showed little to no interest in investigating things like Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, and other things that occured under the previous POTUS
Kavanaugh offers details on purchases of Nationals tickets that led to thousands in debt
Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh on Wednesday described in detail how he regularly bought Washington Nationals tickets and split the cost with friends — purchases the White House has said led Kavanaugh to accrue tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt.
The Washington Post reported in July that Kavanaugh ran up credit card debt that the White House has attributed to his purchasing of pricey season tickets for himself and a group of friends. The nominee’s friends have since repaid Kavanaugh — an avid fan of the Nationals baseball team — according to the White House, and the issue did not surface during his two days of public questioning before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
This was literally a big fat nothing burger. Yet, it is being revisited because
But the issue arose in written follow-up questions submitted by members of the committee, and Kavanaugh submitted his answers in writing late Wednesday. (snip)
He also wrote in his answers to Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), who pressed him on his Nationals ticket purchases and other questions about his finances, that disclosure reports are mainly meant to “identify conflicts of interest.â€
In the written questions, Whitehouse had pressed Kavanaugh on several details about his Nationals purchases, including for how many years he had bought season tickets and names of friends with whom the nominee had shared the tickets. Whitehouse also wanted to know if there was a formal financial agreement that laid out the terms of reimbursement between Kavanaugh and his friends who purchased the baseball tickets.
This is what Democrats are concerned with. Baseball tickets, purchased in an utterly legal manner, for which Kavanaugh had some credit card debt prior to being repaid by his friends (for which Whitehouse wondered if there was a formal agreement amongst friends, sheesh), and, suddenly there’s a big concern about conflicts of interest? Really? Democrats really do live in an alternate reality.

What, now going into debt for a purchase is now questionable? I suppose we are going to have to ask congress to write a detailed explanation and why we are 20+ trillion in debt………..and I want the answer by midnight. I’ll be holding my breath.
And we want names…