The always Excitable Jill Filipovic, who usually focuses more on murdering the unborn, takes time out of her busy schedule of flying between NYC and South Africa to fearmonger on Hurricane Florence, because, this is what the nutters in the Cult of Climastrology do
As people race away from the coast, many making the ghastly calculation of what to put in the car, what to do if their home is destroyed, and how many artifacts of their lives may be lost, the rest of us — and certainly those who hold political power — need to heed the urgent message of Florence: climate change is real and we need long-term solutions.
Having longtime emergency response plans in place is great. But changing weather patterns, rising sea levels and receding coastlines mean that this won’t be enough: these emergencies are going to come more often, and they are going to be more devastating. Florence, for example, is projected to near Category 5 status as it approaches warm coastal waters. By comparison, Hurricane Katrina, in 2005, was a Category 3 storm whose profound effects — and numerous deaths — came from a storm surge.
This was updated at 528pm Thursday. At no point during that day was anyone talking about Florence being upgraded to a Category 5. It was originally meant to be published on the 11th, but, CNN might have said “yeah, bad idea to run with this on September 11.” Even on Tuesday, there really wasn’t any talk of strengthening to a Cat 5. A Cat 3, yes, but not a 5
Disaster prevention, and not just relief, needs to be a government obligation. That means making the tough calculation that certain parts of the country may be in areas that are beyond saving; people should be assisted in moving to safer locales.
Yes, because Los Federales can stop nature.
Companies that are leading polluters have long benefited from American corporate welfare, and now regular Americans all pay the price. These companies should shoulder a much bigger part of the burden by paying their fair share of taxes, and being held significantly financially accountable if they violate environmental regulations (this is of course assuming we have even marginally decent environmental regulations to begin with).
And none of them will pass on the costs of all the ‘climate change’ related stuff on, right?
Like nearly everything else in America, the bad outcomes of this setup fall along racial and class lines, borne disproportionately by those who already have the fewest resources. People who are wealthy or even stable and middle class can afford to think ahead and buy insurance for their homes; those who live month to month – a vast swath of the American population — may not be able to afford it. Or, more likely, they may be renting a place to begin with and will find themselves homeless after a storm.
And, of course, raaaaacism. Interestingly, all the Cult of Climastrology policies would impact the poor and “minorities” the most.
Just look at the effort already under way to evacuate coastal regions ahead of Florence, and compare it with the treatment of people in Puerto Rico, which is part of the United States, and which was devastated by a hurricane a year ago this month. Thousands of Americans died, and it’s telling that we aren’t even sure of how many – maybe 3,000, maybe 4,000.
Where do people on an island evacuate to? Sorry, sorry, she has Narrative.
We can’t turn back the clock. But we must get ahead of what’s coming — and if Republicans aren’t going to do it, it’s imperative to vote them out of office and demand that Democrats take immediate action.
And that’s the real message: vote Democrat. And they’ll use a natural disaster to push this.

Cat 5????
She wishes!
I hope everyone is OK in NC and nobody loses loved ones. We have an elderly close family friend in New Bern who moved to a hotel. New Bern doesn’t look good right now.
Jill Filipovic, on the other hand, must be gripping hard for some bodies to decorate the branches of her narrative tree. If not that, at least some record financial losses.
When the waters recede, leftist reporters are going to rush to compete for photo ops of emotional damage scenes. A child’s doll laying in wreckage of a house, a tricycle laying on it’s side, a mother crying by a damaged house. For the narrative.
Extra bonus points if you can spot a photographer’s prop that is fresh from KMart.
Florence was down to a Category 1 before landfall.
The rain and storm surge are likely to be devastating, though, so I hope people have evacuated ans stay safe.