And, of course, in true Liberal World mode, Kavanaugh is guilty till proven innocent
(Breitbart) Mark Judge, a writer in Washington, D.C., has reiterated his strong denial of allegations that he watched as Brett M. Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted a girl when he and Kavanaugh attended a party while they were in high school more than three decades ago.
The accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, claims that she was able to escape when Judge jumped on top of her and Kavanaugh and dislodged the two. She went public with an on record account in a story published Sunday in the Washington Post.
Judge was Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School.  The Post story claims that Kavanaugh and Judge were both “stumbling drunk†when the two, as the Post characterized it, “corralled her into a bedroom during a gathering of teenagers at a house in Montgomery County.â€
Now that Ford’s name and more details about her allegations were released in the Poststory, Judge reiterated his denial:
“Now that the anonymous person has been identified and has spoken to the press, I repeat my earlier statement that I have no recollection of any of the events described in today’s Post article or attributed to her letter,†he said in a statement to Breitbart News.
As AP Dillion points out
It also seems weird she used the WaPo tip line prior to his nomination…then somehow she ends up sending a letter to her Rep which then lands with Feinstein…where it sits for months, unmentioned until it’s clear the Dems need a Hail Mary move.
— A.P. Dillon (@APDillon_) September 17, 2018
Apparently, the WP sat on this story for months, just like Feinstein did. There’s political dirty tricks, then there’s accusing a good man, a many who has led an upstanding life, of bad conduct from 35 years ago when he was a teenager. But, who is the woman? She’s apparently a Trump hater, for one thing. She was caught wearing a brain style pussy hat at an anti-Trump march
Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who claims she was physically attacked at a high school party by Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh three decades ago, has taken part in events opposing President Donald Trump, including a science march in California last year where she donned a version of the “pussy hats†worn at the January 2017 Women’s March.
Blasey Ford is cited in a San Jose Mercury News article as wearing the hat at the march, which the newspaper said was held because people were “angered by the Trump administration’s proposed cuts to research.â€
She also signed a letter against Trump’s border enforcement. Let me tell you, if she wants to go down this road of an accusation from 35 years ago, there will be people digging even deeper into her life.
But, a few Republican Senators, such as Jeff Flake, want to hear more. They’ll give her a chance to tell her side of the story….quick, tell me a story that you remember in super detail from 35 years ago, like she tells hers in the Washington Post.
Scott Morefield notes
Ever since rumors began swirling on Capitol Hill about a mystery letter in the possession of Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, it was only a matter of time before Judge Kavanaugh’s formerly “anonymous†accuser made her grand entrance to the national stage. After all, Democratic attempts to delay, interrupt, grandstand, and even “Spartacus†their way out of replacing former Justice Anthony Kennedy with a conservative jurist of President Trump’s choosing had thus far been unsuccessful, so why not pull out the old classic “Anita Hill†tactic? It may or may not work, but Dems are just trying to run out the clock at this point, right? (snip)
The alleged incident left Ford so traumatized, apparently, that she neglected to go public or even file a police report for … wait for it … 36 years.
And it’s not like she didn’t have plenty of opportunities during those nearly four decades. Yet, Ford was silent with Kavanaugh clerked at the Supreme Court, silent when he was a White House attorney, and still silent after Kavanaugh became a U.S. Circuit Judge in 2006 – a process that required a lengthy and controversial Senate confirmation – and all the years thereafter, even as he weighed in on important cases regarding the environment, separation of powers, human rights, and criminal procedure, among others.
Now, on the eve of Senate confirmation, Ford – a California clinical psychology college professor who just happens to be a registered Democrat – decides that justice MUST be served. It’s her “civic responsibility,†don’t you know.
So yeah, color me skeptical.
Guy Benson promises an article at Townhall today, as well, and, as part of a lengthy tweet storm, writes
Proving a negative is impossible, esp ~4 decades later & the timing of all of this is highly suspect. I’d add that even those who want to defeat Kavanaugh due to politics should be careful about embracing a precedent under which this approach is ‘rewarded’ as effective…
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) September 16, 2018
It’s all about an 11th hour smear designed to run out the clock till after the mid-terms, using a woman’s long ago fantasy of a sexual assault to do this. Essentially playing politics with sexual assault.
At the end of the day, though, a person is innocent till proven guilty, and she doesn’t have the proof.

Actually, Professor Ford told a counselor and her husband in 2012, well before Trump and Kavanaugh became a thing. It’s understandable that she’d keep it private until Kavanaugh was nominated to a lifetime appointment to the world’s most important judicial post.
She understands that operatives will work overtime to smear her and her family.
Regarding her memory of details of the alleged assault – put yourself in her position – strong emotions can lock in memories.
And his “friend’s” strong denial? “I have no recollection…” Very lawyerly.
Breitbart lied about her wearing the right-wing bete noir “pussy hat”. And it would be more unusual if she had NOT opposed tRump, since the majority of Americans did and still do.
Why would she tell such a gentle lie – why not accuse him of rape? How did she know to include his life-long friend, Mark Judge, in the tale?
I agree on the “pussy hat” smear. Sounds more like a march of nerds wearing cute brain hats protesting against potential research funding cuts. It’s definitely an anti-Trump march, and a typical lefty protest against things that they worry might possibly happen, and includes the usual anti-science global warming BS. There’s nothing that gets people to protest and smear others as anti-science faster than a threat to their free money train. But it shouldn’t brand her as a raging feminist pussy-hatter.
What she said didn’t name names.
She understands that operatives will work overtime to smear her and her family.
Projection. That’s what she’s trying to do to Brother Bret.
Why? She’s a crazed Lefty just like Jeffery.
PS We also have a motive, maybe 2.
Uno, Kavanaugh’s mother presided over a foreclosure involving Ms Ford’s parents.
Duo, her students thought she was a little bent.
PS DiFi was sitting on that letter for a year.
The GOP has known about the allegations for a while, perhaps that’s why McConnell felt Kavanaugh would be harder to confirm than other nominees. That’s also why the GOP conveniently had ready a fishy letter signed by 65 female high school acquaintances of Kavanaugh claiming he never raped them!
The GOP Senators cannot be seen hectoring an assault victim on national TV, as the Senate is already in play for November. tRump will likely attack Dr. Ford on tweeter, though. He’s likely bursting at the seams to ridicule someone since his weekend twits were sparse.
Kavanaugh will be forced to withdraw by the GOP.
tRump has yet to comment on his Border Patrol Supervisor who turned out to be a serial killer on the side. Imagine if an undocumented immigrant had murdered at least four! Even FOX covered the story.
Because of an unsubstantiated allegation from 40 years ago?
Don’t bet on it.
â–ªAnother incredibly idiotic statement from the stupid little black fella but not unusual for him.
Nope, it’s the Demos have known about it for 2 months, DiFi for several years (maybe why she mentioned it in therapy w/o details) and the Senate is in play only in the mind of Jeffery the Judas Goat.
Kavanaugh will not be withdrawn – and the one who has to do it is Trump, ninny.
The fishy letter is from 200+ broads who went to 5 schools in the are from (are you ready?) ’67 to ’18 condemning anything and everything male-related.
PS Jeffery the Judas Goat has yet to comment on all the MS-13 murders in this country.
Feinstein knew about the allegation and decided to release it as part of “protecting the accuser.” (Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense, but that is what she did.)
Actually, the letter was started by one woman who knew Kavanaugh. She doesn’t work for the GOP. Other women signed on after that.
No, she said that she was attacked by 4 guys. No names were given in the session.
It makes no sense at all unless the allegation is false. Who sits on a allegation like that for 30 years? She never told friends, family or anyone. It makes no sense that this woman seems to think that the incident affected her that much and never told anyone.
That would be “repressed memories” which have been shown to be false more often than true.
And his “friend’s†strong denial? “I have no recollection…†Very lawyerly.
If that were all he said, you might have a point. (Nah, you wouldn’t.) Judge said much much more than that. He was specific in his denials as is Kavanaugh.
I must have missed people attacking the woman and her family. That is start contrast to the attacks on Kavanaugh and his family.
Once again, we see the hypocrisy of the left as well as taking things out of context in an attempt to “prove” something.
It is just more hatred.
Slippery as ever…
Why make something up? No one mentioned repressed memories. She fully remembered but chose not to reveal it (as many female assault victims do), but that doesn’t mean she didn’t remember. Nothing repressed about it. In fact, it’s just the opposite.
Smears? Don Jr, TEACH, now you, Breitbart… there will be more.
Do you have evidence?
From FOX:
Should Kavanaugh volunteer to take a polygraph test?
Little Ms. Ford also claimed to have fvcked 64 guys between 11th grade and college and also claimed to be an alcoholic so maybe she left out a few.

You have her confused with your mother.
Or maybe your wife.

Why make something up? No one mentioned repressed memories. She fully remembered but chose not to reveal it (as many female assault victims do), but that doesn’t mean she didn’t remember. Nothing repressed about it. In fact, it’s just the opposite.
Lies all the way down.
She made it up because she’s a crazed feminut and has a grudge against Kavanaugh’s family.
She mentioned repressed memories in therapy.
…she took a polygraph test administered by a former FBI agent. According to the results shared with The Washington Post, the test concluded that Ford was being honest.
Lie detector is inadmissible and who was the agent. Friend of Ciomey’s or Mule Ears?
No, she said that she was attacked by 4 guys. No names were given in the session.
Do you have evidence?
Do you? Here’s some, you need to scroll down about halfway, but it’s there.
Her story is developing more holes than Jeffery the Judas Goat’s head.
Dr. Blasey Ford said there were two in the bedroom with her, but 2 others in the house. Blasey Ford says the therapist misinterpreted the number.
tRump the Judas Goat is leading his sheep to slaughter.
So the therapist is lying also.
Anyway the FBI already vetted this false allegation by the drunken slut with the conveniently “recovered” memory and found nothing of substance.
The Dems are desperate.
Sorry Jeffery, but the therapist’s notes say she said 4 boys attacked her.
Ummm…you did.
She didn’t tell anyone at the party, her friends, or anything until much later in life when she told a therapist that 4 boys attacked her. Now she claims two boys did. Sorry, but the facts aren’t backing up the woman’s story that it was Kavanaugh or Judge that attacked her.
This is where you would supply evidence, rather than handwaving and foot stomping.
And lies. Of course, you always lie.
YOU brought up repressed memories, liar.
Sure am glad that you aren’t resorting to the tactic of name calling. After all, you claim that is wrong.
Sorry Jeffery, but you brought up the premise that Ford had not told anyone until she was in marriage counseling and realized “the incident affected her deeply.”
By definition – both legal and psychological – that is a repressed memory. I applied the correct label to what you first brought up.
Slippery as ever! You lied and got caught.
Please stop. You were better than this at one time. Fear and desperation…
Something else for little Jeffery to address. The Demos don’t want her talking to anybody.
Wonder why.
The Dems want an open investigation. The GOPhers want it behind closed doors. What do you think the GOPhers are afraid of? (Hint: Typical conservative beating up women, is what)
Listen, what Kavanaugh did at 17 (groping a resisting girl) probably wouldn’t have amounted to charges back then, but he’s clearly lying about this (and other things) now.
McConnell was right. This is a tough confirmation.
tRump doesn’t see anything wrong with sexual assault, obviously.
Suuuure they do.
That’s why any commo was off limits. Looks like they had their bluff called and agreed to a public hearing Monday (should still hold the vote Thursday).
I guess the polling said nobody was buying it, so they had to give in to a public hearing.
he’s clearly lying about this (and other things) now.
He is? What? Where’s your evidence?
tRump doesn’t see anything wrong with sexual assault, obviously.
Prove it, smartmouth.
This is a bad lose-lose for the GOP. They wanted to have it both ways – say they listened to Dr. Ford but not have the public hear her.
The only question is when the GOP persuades tRump to pull the plug.
The Dems rolled Mitch. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
So, little fella, you have no proof to back up your incredibly stupid accusations.
Handwaving tool.
IN the me too age no one will ever be appointed to anything. The tired formula is to pull out the he raped me shit and call it a day. No proof, no appeal, no trial, no chance to face accuser. YOUR guilty thats it, break out the fat lady.
Get the next slut ready to scream rape.
Did you defend Senator Franken?
There were pictures, some would call that evidence, lil dipshit.

The woman who accused Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of domestic abuse said on Monday that Democrats don’t believe her story and threatened to isolate her over the allegations.
Ellison just won the democratic nomination for state attorney general. Meaning despite domestic abuse allegations all those COMPASSIONATE WOMEN LOVING DEMOCRATS ignored this woman, called her a liar and voted him for their TOP LAWENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL Despite law breaking accusations over his head. The democrats are two face bigots who dont gave one cent about women other than to make sure they are VICTIMS when it comes to the GOP and lying pigs when they accuse a democrat.
If ever the Democrats give independents reason to never vote for another Democrat this is it. Clarence Thomas, Robert Bork, Now Cavanaugh. METOO has now been buried in Hollywood. Anyone notice the Depraved sexual predators that reside in Hollywood are now totally silent when it comes to Ellison because OMG he is a Muslim as well as a democrat.
Liars all. The left does not care about women, gays, blacks, Hispanics and they fight actively against any immigration of Asians because they tend to vote GOP when they storm onto our shores. A classic example is how they fought vehemently against the influx of Vietnamese and South China immigrants in the 70’s and early 80’s.
The Democrats only want your vote. METOO is serious but only if it points fingers at the right. YOUR a liar if you point a finger at Bill Clinton or Keith Ellison and it would have been the same with Franken had their not been PICTURES of the deed.
Forget it, Goldie, it’s Minnesotatown.
Are only women sluts? Clearly the description fits tRump, Clinton, Bill O’Reilly, Newt Gingrich, David Vitter, etc.
Are they sluts? Or do you save your opprobrium for women?
I reserve my slut comments for leftists who suddenly come out of the woodwork crying rape 30 years later. Do I defend men. No. But then you almost never hear of a man coming out and claiming he was raped or heaven forbid GROPED by a leftist who is trying to be appointed to the supreme court.
Kavanaugh was appointed to the appellate court and not a peep, but suddenly you have a far left Professor from the land of fruits and nuts claiming ME TOO against a man and simply making the claim is all that is necessary in this day and age….He is now nuclear waste.
I seem to recall all manner of Lefty women holding Slut Walks.
Maybe it’s only Lefty women, otherwise they couldn’t get laid.
PS Giving up the right to say, “No”, is not the same as, “Let’s dance”.
Little Jeffery would know that if he’d ever been with a girl.
and the next GOP guy and the next girl and the next bi-sexual one armed blind woman of Asian descent in a wheel chair. All Nuclear waste with the simple drop of the ME TOO Bomb.
People have missed an additional discrepancy that proves Ford’s story is made up. Okay, people say the therapist made a mistake with the “4 guys” part of their notes because there were 4 guys in the house but only 2 in the room.
Notice what the WaPo said in their article after examining the therapist notes:
Notes from an individual therapy session the following year, when she was being treated for what she says have been long-term effects of the incident, show Ford described a “rape attempt†in her late teens.
At some point she realized she had screwed up and needed to change her story, and now says she “thinks” it happened when she was 15. Why, because Kavanaugh was 2 years older than her and when she was in her late teens he was at Yale not high school in suburban Maryland!
Also the drunken lying slutpuppy can’t even say when or where this party allegedly took place.
Double WTF.
So its ok for Ellison to get away with everything hes doing? I think not. Why did it take 30 plus years for this woman to come forward? Something smells awfully fishy! Something smells like George Soros is behind something. Is George Soros providing her the legal defense. Something just does not smell correct here. Why did this take so long to come out.! If Kavanaugh is forced to quit then our system has failed us. This is pure BS. Anyone on either side can pull a rabbit out of their hats and accuse the other of some sort of magical BS at the last minute that can’t be proven? This is just pure Political BS because the LEFT wants power it does not have.
Buh-bye Bret…
President Trump, never shy to call women sexist/racist names, was very measured in his comments on Dr. Ford, wanting to hear both sides. All the President’s “Men” are bashing Dr. Ford, but Trump is being diplomatic, not criticizing the accuser OR supporting his nominee. This is bad news for Kavanaugh.
But the pro-birthers need not worry. His next nominee will vote to upend Roe v. Wade while denying his intent.
Why is that, lil fella?
Cannot wait for Cruz to cross examine this little drunken slut puppy under oath.
As usual another stupid Dem move that is already beginning to backfire.

Why is Roe v Wade such a thing with the Dems? Simply put if the Roe v Wade were overturned and the left knows it was a terrible decision with shoddy evidence decided on by a leftist court at the time.
So lets say its over turned. !st the next case will go to the supreme court with a case that has been in the making for 30 years so that every I is dotted and every t is crossed.
Secondly if it is overturned it simply goes back to the states and the states will choose to make abortion legal or not. In that case you will have roughly 22-25 states voting yes and the same amount voting no. In that case if someone really wants an abortion it will be a very simple case of crossing state lines and getting one. All those conservative states have liberal states all around them.
And Frankly I do not believer Roe V wade will ever be overturned by the supreme court. There are too many legal reasons not to do so. While I believe in the sanctity of life I believe the constitution protects a womans right to choose abortion. I don’t agree with that choice but I do believe the constitution does. In this case as I have said if Roe v wade is ever struck down the next case will be heard and even If it is 5-4 in favor of a conservative slant I believe these justices will follow the concepts what the constitution says and not what the Religious section of the country says.
So striking down Roe v wade is nothing more than fear mongering by the left who run their entire party on the right is arians, racists, homophobes, Nazis, warmongers, misogynists, gay bashers. Basically the right hates everything and everyone according to the left. FEAR MONGERING, RACE BAITING, violence in the streets because if you believe these things about the right then hurting them physically is certainly justified.
Democrats your party has you totally buffaloed. The biggest help the black man has ever received in the last 50 years is by Trump and the GOP. The democrats wont even vote for the infrastructure program to rebuild your homes, because it would prove to YOU that the Democrats want you poor, broke and destitute and depending on the left for you next fix.
Already done, nitwit.
Casey v PPA.
Read ’em and weep.
Duke La Cross re done!
Ivanka is counseling her dad to cut Kavanaugh loose.
Also this from a Kavanaugh speech in 2015:
Given the accusations of sexual assault and tell-all book from Kavanaugh’s friend and admitted alcoholic, Mark Judge, about drunken adventures with underage minors, the statement doesn’t seem to age well. Judge admitted to being black-out drunk often back then, so it’s no wonder he doesn’t “recollect”.
Well, little fella, make up all the bullshit you like but Judge told the Senate committee to go fvck themselves as for him participating in this charade.
There’s also speculation that the little lying slutpuppy herself might fail to show up also.
So looking forward to Cruz cross examining her while she’s under oath.
The committee has delayed the hearing pending an FBI investigation.
Buh bye, Bret.
Ted Cruz, LOL. Senator for now.
Oh, and thank you!!
Dr I Can’t Remember says she’s not going near the hearing unless the FBI investigates. The Feds have told her to forget it since this is not a Federal crime.
Now DiFi says, “I Can’t Say That Everything is Truthfulâ€.
Game, set, and match. Trump and Brother Bret win, Jeffery loses.
Judge has a history of alcoholism and has written about it in detail, including being blackout drunk as a teenager. He didn’t ‘recollect’ Kavanaugh’s assault because he can’t ‘recollect’ anything.
Why do you think it’s a good thing that Kavanaugh’s alibi witness refuses to cooperate?
It’s a worse thing the accuser refuses to cooperate.
You gotta look at the news once in a while. It might spare you all that heartache.
“We’re going to win so much. You’re going to get tired of winning. you’re going to say, ‘Please Mr. President, I have a headache. Please, don’t win so much. This is getting terrible.’ And I’m going to say, ‘No, we have to make America great again.’ You’re gonna say, ‘Please.’ I said, ‘Nope, nope. We’re gonna keep winning.’”
Get used to it, sweetie.
Mr. Kavanaughs mother was a judge who presided over a foreclosure on some property. Strange how the foreclosed property was that of Ms. Fords parents. They lost the case by the way even though the property was never lost to her parents.
Many years ago she was terrified that Kavanaugh would become a supreme court justice.
She is a registered democrat. Has marched in rallies against Trump. Has given money to democratic causes. I believe this is the perfect case of one falling on their sword for the cause. I would investigate her therapist, because one has to wonder why a clinical psychiatrist even needs a therapist. Oh perhaps that would be to set up a METOO HIT on her old buddy Kavanaugh who by her own admission she was terrified he would become a supreme court nominee.
IF ever there is another in a long line of reasons for the RIGHT to arrive at the POLLING BOOTH in 2018 it is now. Otherwise Everyone on the right will now be subjected to METOO every time they run for anything, apply for a job or seek power in DC.