This has caused many, many Liberal’s heads to explode
This will include all text messages of Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.
Trump orders Justice Dept. to declassify Russia-related material
President Trump on Monday ordered the Justice Department to declassify significant materials from the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, threatening to spur a showdown with federal law enforcement officials resistant to publicizing information from an ongoing probe.
In a statement, the White House said Trump was ordering the department to immediately declassify portions of the secret court order to monitor former campaign adviser Carter Page, along with all interviews conducted as officials applied for that authority.
Trump also instructed the department to publicly release the unredacted text messages of several former high-level Justice Department and FBI officials, including former FBI director James B. Comey and deputy director Andrew McCabe.
For months, conservative lawmakers have been calling on the department to release Russia-related and other materials, many of them accusing law enforcement of hiding information that might discredit the investigation now led by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.
And it looks like Trump finally had enough. Will this release have any big revelations? Well, we’ve seen plenty so far on the material that has been released, much with redactions.
Of course, this has made many Democrats unhappy
Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, called the order a “clear abuse of power†and said that based on his conversations with federal law enforcement officials, the FBI and Justice Department would consider the release of these materials “a red line that must not be crossed as they may compromise sources and methods.â€
Of course he does. He only wants certain information released, namely, that which makes Trump and company look bad. He’s not particularly happy with full transparency
“Transparency wins,†Rep Mark Meadows said in a tweet. “This is absolutely the right call from @POTUS. It’s time to get the full truth on the table so the American people can decide for themselves on what happened at the highest levels of their FBI and Justice Department.†(snip)
“These documents will reveal to the American people some of the systemic corruption and bias that took place at the highest levels of the DOJ and FBI, including using the tools of our intelligence community for parÂtisan political ends,†said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.).
Declassify and release so that the citizens can see the information and decide.

President Trump finally taking off the kid gloves.

We can’t spare this man, he fights!
Enough with this show business.
You don’t consider this a valid reason for concern?
A valid reason for concern? That some Democrat operatives might be exposed?
That would be a good thing, don’t you think?
The left are pursuing an attempt to do something, anything, to weaken the presidency of Donald Trump, and impeach him if they can. They are attempting to undo the 2016 election. Their attempts should be thwarted at every turn, and if criminal activity is uncovered in this, the malefactors should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Dana: A valid reason for concern? That some Democrat operatives might be exposed?
No. That sources and methods of collecting evidence on foreign agents might be compromised.
The sources and methods of collecting evidence on Presidential candidates my be compromised
Jl: The sources and methods of collecting evidence on Presidential candidates my be compromised
Not sure your point. If you are speaking of Mueller’s investigation, like all such investigations, it is being overseen by the courts.
The Beast’s servers got 20 of our agents killed.
I’ll trust Trump.
formwiz: The Beast’s servers got 20 of our agents killed.
That must be from the wingnut dialect. Let’s see how we do with rendering it into the common tongue. As you used the word “server”, that would seem to suggest that “The Beast” is Hillary Clinton. What evidence do you have that Clinton’s servers “got 20 of our agents killed”?
Evidence? Bwahaa!
Well, according to previous comments from you kiddiez, evidence is not really needed, be it global warming theory or Trump/Russia collusion.
Only accusations of possible wrongdoing warrant opening an investigation.
Liljefferykeeneofst.louis: evidence is not really needed, be it global warming theory or Trump/Russia collusion.
That is exactly contrary to our position, stated and restated many times. Evidence is exactly what is needed to support a claim, whether global warming, or Russian collusion.
Liljefferykeeneofst.louis: Only accusations of possible wrongdoing warrant opening an investigation.
The standard of evidence is probable cause. Probable cause has been shown in the Russia investigation by the issuance of warrants authorized by independent courts after a review of the facts.
Is that an unauthorized dox of the Jeffery who posts on this blog? If so, then we will add you to our troll list.
So who is doxxing now?
Little jeffery thanks you kiddiez.
Well anywho, since the kiddiez have been bested again, let’s look at some probable cause, shall we?
Where is the investigation now?
Such rhetoric does nothing to support y’alls, um, …position.

As TEACH and the commenter know, it’s out of our hands. Their mistake was posting a business address, putting others at risk. They keep compounding their mistakes.
Jethro: As TEACH and the commenter know, it’s out of our hands.
You are only responsible for your own actions, whether amplifying trolls, or providing them a forum.
That is exactly contrary to our position, stated and restated many times. Evidence is exactly what is needed to support a claim, whether global warming, or Russian collusion.
We hear your words but they are lies, misdirection and deception.
I will start with the hockey stick. If you look at the chart, tree rings, corals, ice core samples and historical records indicates the temperature has changed little if at all. Yet the conclusion of the drastic rise in temperature is calculated based upon THERMOMETER readings. Hence because thermometer readings which were placed in asphalt parking lots rose drastically then absolutely the earth is warming.
But let us look for a moment at your words. You base our case upon evidence. All of which can consistently be shown to be cooked and skewed in favor of the AGW premise.
A quote from your chief hero Paul Jones. Why would we want to give you our data and have you disprove our work.
WAIT? WHAT? Seriously.
The history of where the weather stations were sited was crucial to Jones and Wang’s 1990 study, as it concluded the rising temperatures recorded in China were the result of global climate changes rather the warming effects of expanding cities.
Then this:The IPCC’s 2007 report used the study to justify the claim that “any urban-related trend” in global temperatures was small. Jones was one of two “coordinating lead authors” for the relevant chapter.
Okay but then when asked by skeptics for their data.
Wang said: “I have been exonerated by my university on all the charges. When we started on the paper we had all the station location details in order to identify our network, but we cannot find them any more.
Event the tree ring data used in the original hockey stick has been proven to be not accurate, based upon how the data was cherry picked while other rings were thrown out.
Conclusion, we hear your words but you do not want evidence. You have already decided and what is acceptable to the left is only that which proves your point despite evidence to the contrary.
Mangoldielocks: We hear your words but they are lies, misdirection and deception.
We hear your words but they are lies, misdirection and deception. (Note that such rhetoric does nothing to support your position.)
Mangoldielocks: Hence because thermometer readings which were placed in asphalt parking lots rose drastically then absolutely the earth is warming.
Various studies have shown that the urban heat island effect does not significantly alter the trend. For instance, see Wickham et al., Influence of Urban Heating on the Global Temperature Land Average using Rural Sites Identified from MODIS Classifications, Geoinformatics & Geostatistics 2013.
Additionally in regards to this FISA information. Many people are all over Jeff Sessions but in the last year there has been a secret grand jury and as of the last count their are over 51,000 sealed indictments waiting to be served.
It is why the left is in melt down mode and frantic beyond imagination. They have an inside track created by Obama during his eight years putting people in positions to ensure the continuity of the leftist cabal, but now in their panic over Trump threatening and actually attempting to clean the swamp they are now in sheer panic mode over this latest executive order.
Why? Because the left has always used a tripod tactic. Legislate, Regulate and Litigate. Trump is attacking the regulation aspect with executive orders. The government is frozen into inactivity so Legislate is stalemated and now the one remaining leg of their tripod, LITIGATE is in jeopardy because he is now ordering the DOJ to go after their own. Cronies of the left put in place to ensure that the open borders world order is not messed with. See my other post on population control and why this is important to the left.
Now let me digress for one moment. I am not an alt=right member. I do not like Info wars nor have I ever even visited their site and have only watched a couple of their videos, but Alex Jones started heating up his talk of a special plan signed into law by Barak Obama that allows for the internment of thousands of Americans in special camps set up around the country.
Now the question becomes. With the left literally running off the rails, calling for Coups against trump, advocating for violence in the streets is there any wonder that the left is absolutely CRUSHED by the loss of HRC to Trump who is now actively trying to shut all this nonsense down.
Leftist states are openly rebelling against the Federal government and trying to force Trumps hand. They are so desperate to win back power that the Kavanaugh thing is intended to force the GOP into making a mistake that will cost them seats in the house and senate.
Jeff has not followed orders for over a year. 3 days after the order Jeff thumbs his noes at Don!
tRump claims HE doesn’t have an AG. But the United States of America DOES. Sessions is not tRump’s personal attorney.
tRump has little understanding of America beyond reality TV.