But, only in the nations that believe in democracy in theory
Commitment to democratic values predict climate change concern, study finds
Commitment to democratic values is the strongest predictor of climate change concern globally, Georgia State University faculty have found in a new study comparing climate change attitudes across 36 countries, including the U.S.
The article, published this month in Environmental Politics, was based on an analysis of the Pew Research Center’s 2015 Global Attitudes Survey by professor Gregory Lewis, chair of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies’ Department of Public Management and Policy; Risa Palm, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Georgia State; and Bo Feng with IMPAQ International.
“The biggest surprise in this study is the strength of the Pew measure of commitment to democratic values as a predictor of climate change concern,” Lewis said. “A belief in free elections, freedom of religion, equal rights for women, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and lack of Internet censorship is nearly universal in predicting this attitude. In fact, it is the strongest predictor of climate change concern everywhere except in English-speaking Western democracies, where party identification matters more.”
Earlier research in the U.S. points to political ideology and party identification as driving opinions on climate change. The new study shows fairly similar patterns across English-speaking western democracies and, to a lesser extent, western Europe. However, these factors matter much less in most countries. Gender, age, education and religiosity also have very different impacts in the developed West than in most of the world.
So, basically, in the nations that actually practice a form of democracy have a different attitude on commitments in relation to ‘climate change’. A goodly amount of these non-western democracies do not actually practice free elections, freedom of religion, equal rights for women, freedom of speech, not non-censorship of the Internet. The Western nations, which have these things, do not link them to man-caused climate change beliefs.
“Climate impacts follow no national boundaries, so solutions must be global,” Lewis said. “However, most of the survey research has focused on the U.S., where political ideology and party identification drive opinion. We need to gain a clearer understanding of those who take climate change seriously versus those who doubt it exists in other countries, as well as in the U.S. This knowledge will help all policymakers address the populations most likely to support climate change mitigation efforts and develop the messaging most effective in reaching them.”
When it comes to the Cult of Climastrology, the membership is attempting to to limit free elections and freedom of speech to those who are Believers. They are pushing the press to censor non-Believers, and the press is happy to comply. They are even pushing to censor non-Believers on the Internet. That’s the clearer understanding.

They fail to show their operant definition of “democratic valuesâ€.
Yet, oddly enough, those believers in democracy would impose fascist controls to achieve their ends.
Are any and all taxes “fascist”?
Including Trump’s
tariffstaxes on consumers who want goods manufactured in China? Trump wants to force you to buy products that meet his approval, and prefers US manufacturers (by exemption) that support his political ambitions, which is the definition of crony capitalism.We don’t think tRump is smart enough to actually want to destroy America, but he nonetheless is doing it out of greed and anger.
People want junk made in Red China, rather than good stuff made here? Care to name some?
Beside yourself.
We knew tRump doesn’t understand
tariffstaxes, but you? tRump thinks the Chinese somehow pay 25% extra to ship their stuff here, LOL.Seriously? Whom do you think buys billions of dollars of stuff made in China that’s causing the burgeoning trade imbalance between our two nations? Much of what you buy is made in China, duh. Why do you buy it? It costs less.
tRump is putting a 10-25% tax on many Chinese items to make them more expensive, making them less attractive to purchase. Given the choice between a fishing reel for $100 and the same one for $125, which would you be more likely to buy? That’s what most Americans consider.
Trump has stated numerous times he’s for zero tariffs. But the best – “it costs lessâ€. Having zero illegal invaders in the country would cost less, too.
More socio-political BS that has nothing to with the topic except feelings.
How doing a poll of people who have hard science degrees? People who understand thermodynamics, physics, particle physics, chemistry, electromagnetic spectrum, engineering, etc. We hardly ever get to hear from these people in the media and public forum.
Do you think scientists don’t understand that greenhouse gases are causing the Earth to warm? Really?
You hear from them all the time and they say that greenhouse gases are causing the Earth to warm.
Most of them know better.
The only ones you hear from are Commie-backed shills.