…is horrendous, evil ice cream from climate killing cows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Powers That Be, with a post on Kavanaugh accuser’s lawyer trotting out witnesses who didn’t actually witness anything.
It’s still girls out and about week, which really means I’m just cleaning out the folder of older pics.

Milk and milk products have a smaller CO2 footprint than beef production!! So enjoy your ice cream and eat less beef.
But, the cows!!!!!!!
Believe, I enjoy ice cream. It is my big guilty pleasure. I’ll even have some during the winter. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, cookies and cream, mint chocolate chip, some good banana if I can find it. Yum!
I had my first milkshake of the year this afternoon. Daughter took me out to lunch, after I had ridden 30 miles on my bike on only a little bowl of muesli for breakfast. So when the waitress asked if I’d like a milkshake it was too much to resist.
If I have ice cream in my freezer I eat it. A lot. I have no self control when it comes to that delicious sweet creamy goodness.