It’s a shame that none of the MPs in the other parties stand up and say “when will you make your own home to be powered by “green” energy?”
Labour wants green energy to power most UK homes by 2030
Almost all of Britain’s homes and businesses would be powered by wind, solar and nuclear power by 2030, under bold new green energy plans being outlined by Labour.
Rebecca Long-Bailey, the shadow business secretary, will declare on Tuesday that the party is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero by the middle of the century. The UK’s current goal is an 80% cut by 2050.
Such a move would put the UK ahead of the EU and signal that it intends to be a strong international climate leader post-Brexit.
It would also leapfrog Labour ahead of the Conservatives on climate-change action. The government is shortly expected to instruct its climate advisers to explore what a tougher global-warming goal means for the UK’s domestic carbon targets but has not yet pledged to hit zero emissions.
Now, if they were really pushing nuclear, it might be achievable. But, you know that they will also push to stop nuclear energy, especially as their hardcore enviroweenie base screeches to stop it.
UK weather forecast: Winter 2018 to be COLDEST for 10 YEARS with months of HEAVY SNOW
James Madden, forecaster for Exacta Weather, said snow and freezing temperatures will hit in November until at least January – and potentially longer.
Mr Madden warned: “November is looking like a mixed bag of weather this year and there are signs that amidst stormy weather will be the first proper snowfall, temperatures for the month are expected to possibly be below average.
Should make the Warmists only use solar and wind for their energy.

The UK does have its fair share of fairies, but I doubt they have enough to generate all the power they need to run the country.
I’m all for absolutely zero carbon emissions, and if unicorn farts and fairy dust can get us there, that’s great.
Oh, wait, aren’t unicorns an endangered, protected species under the Endangered Species Act and several international agreements? Oops, can’t use them! And fairies? I’d guess that throwing them into the ovens and burning them up would not only still create carbon emissions, but the homosexual lobby would be rather upset.
I’m sort of at the end of the line for my sparktricity company, and if there’s a major power outage, my farm is one of the last ones connected. We lost power for several days last winter, and that meant no heat, no hot water, no nuthin.’
This time, we’re prepared: propane hot water heater, works even if the power is out, and a propane fireplace, which won’t be our primary heating source, but will still keep the place decent if we lose power. The electric range has also been replaced with a propane one, so we can still cook. I’d like to think that has increased our carbon footprint, just a little bit anyway.
A great plan if they concentrated on the nuclear power and dropped the wind and solar. France, IIRC, has 90% of their electricity generated by nuclear plants, and enjoys the lowest rates in Europe (14.72 euro pence per kWh). Source (thanks, Google):
That’s with over one third of the cost due to taxes, too.
For some reason, though, I don’t think they’ll go that direction.