One has to wonder why Democrats are so hot to trot to allow legal immigrants who are poor and will need massive public assistance into the U.S., causing them to make these types of illogical arguments
Why Blocking Poor Immigrants Could Be Very Costly
Worse health outcomes, especially among pregnant women. A jump in emergency room usage. More communicable diseases. Higher poverty and housing instability, including among U.S. citizen children. Lower productivity. Reduced educational attainment. And “downstream and upstream impacts on state and local economies, large and small businesses, and individuals.â€
What are all these terrible things? They’re all potential consequences of a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) rule—according to DHS itself.
The rule seeks to bar noncitizens from obtaining green cards if the government determines that they’re likely to become “public chargesâ€â€”individuals likely to use public benefits, such as food stamps (SNAP), Medicaid, some parts of Medicare, and Section 8 and other housing subsidies. Its long-term effect, should it be implemented in its current form, would be to strengthen barriers to entry for low-income people who are immigrating through family.
Got that? Barring people who would essentially be drains on society would cause all the stuff in the first paragraph. Why, in their loony feelings based opinion
DHS says that this will save billions for local governments and “promote immigrant self-sufficiency and protect finite resources by ensuring that they are not likely to become burdens on American taxpayers.†But critics of the rule fear that the Trump administration’s latest effort to strangle immigration could have another, more immediate effect: spooking existing immigrant populations enough to encourage millions to withdraw from public benefits programs. And that could have all sorts of expensive repercussions—especially for cities with large immigrant populations.
Except, the rule would not apply to those already lawfully present in the country. It does beg the question “why are we allowing people in who cannot survive without being a public charge in the first place?” For those who go through the usual process to become a citizen part of the requirements is that they must be able to support themselves. No SNAP, Medicaid, Medicare, Section 8 housing, etc. Most of those who are on all the public benefits are those who are brought in as refugees and such.
Oh, and by spooking, they mean spooking illegal aliens, as well. Why do we want to bring in people who will be drains? To answer the question of why, well, Democrats want people who are beholden to the government who will be Democrat voters.

The economy we have constructed over the past several decades is not serving us well. Almost all residents who receive government help (SNAP, Section 8, Medicaid) are employed or the children of employed parents.
The rewards of a booming economy accrue to corporations and shareholders, not the working classes.