One has to wonder why all the Warmists in California aren’t giving up their own use of fossil fuels and buying fully electric vehicles
How fighting climate change will raise California gas prices even higher
Last year the California Legislature raised gasoline taxes by 12 cents a gallon, and conservatives were so outraged they launched an effort to repeal it at the ballot box. Proposition 6 comes up for a vote in November.
Now, with considerably less fanfare, the state’s air-pollution agency has enacted a regulation that will raise gas prices as much as 36 cents a gallon by 2030 – and diesel by 44 cents. Californians already pay an average $3.73 a gallon for gas, or 85 cents above the national average.
The projected increases are part of the latest effort by the California Air Resources Board to fight climate change. The board last week voted to strengthen the state’s “low carbon fuel standard,†a fairly obscure regulation that requires oil refiners and makers of other fuels to reduce the “carbon intensity†of their products, including the greenhouse gases generated during production and distribution of the fuels.
As it is, the seven-year-old regulation costs California motorists an estimated 12 cents a gallon at the pump, according to Irvine energy consultant Stillwater Associates. The oil industry, which has been fighting the Air Resources Board over the rule for years, said the latest decision makes a bad regulation even worse.
It might not seem a lot, but, consumers won’t just be paying this directly, but, also through businesses passing on those extra costs via increase prices of goods and services. Then you combine this with all the other things and the middle and lower classes get hosed by the moneyed class which runs the government and the rich folks pushing this nonsense. I wonder when these governments and rich Warmists will practice what they preach?
The lone comment at the article notes
One of the greatest sources for carbon is Humans, spewing out carbon dioxide, by breathing, 24 hours a day. 365 days a year! Multiply that by 40 million people, all breathing at the same time!
California is wasting a great taxing opportunity here, but I’m sure they’ll rectify that in the future, calling for a breathing tax to mitigate the damage you’re causing by just being alive….Welcome to California!
Don’t give them ideas.