After all the years of being rather squishy, Mitch McConnell has stayed beyond strong on Judge Brett Kavanaugh
McConnell sets key Kavanaugh vote for Friday
Senate Republicans filed cloture on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination on Wednesday, paving the way for a weekend showdown over the Supreme Court.
The move by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will allow the chamber to vote on ending debate on Kavanaugh’s nomination Friday under the chamber’s rules.
If Kavanaugh overcomes the procedural hurdle, the Senate could then take a final vote on his nomination as early as Saturday.
McConnell pledged earlier Wednesday that the chamber would vote on Kavanaugh this week, despite what he argued were attempts by Democrats to delay or stall the nomination.
“There will be plenty of time for Members to review and be briefed on this supplemental material before a Friday cloture vote. So I am filing cloture on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination this evening so the process can move forward, as I indicated earlier this week,” McConnell said.
Might as well, as
Breaking: White House finds no corroboration of sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh after examining reports from FBI's latest probe
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) October 4, 2018
Now, that’s just the White House making this statement, but, it’s highly, highly doubtful that the Senators will see any issues (other than perhaps Democrats seeing that Brett threw water balloons at classmates, including girls when he was in 7th grade and using a water pistol *gasp* at a pool party) in FBI background investigation number 7. Of course, outlets like the Washington Post are trying to throw shade on the report (before reading it), stating that it was curtailed. The FBI doesn’t care if a nominee drank while in high school and college. Nor did they find it necessary to interview Kavanaugh nor Dr. Ford, as they had both testified under oath.
And, of course, we’ll have these last minute attempts to derail Kavanaugh
In Opinion
650+ law professors (and counting) signed a letter saying that Brett Kavanaugh lacks the judicial temperament to be approved to the Supreme Court. Read their letter explaining why.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) October 3, 2018
And 63 million Americans and 30 states who voted for Trump want Kavanaugh on the court. Where were these law professors before the hearings (and who did they vote for)? Can’t wait to see what kind of whining from Dems we’ll get over the next few days. They got what they wanted: a separate hearing and then an FBI background check. Time to vote and confirm.

Good. Confirm him, and let’s get on with the elections.
Jeffery thinks this will turn the Senate over to the Demos.
The damage is done to the democrats. The midterms are now swinging to the GOP at least in the senate. They are expected to pick up 4-6 more seats in the senate.
The house is a more difficult hold but they are expected to lose between 10 seats to gaining 4-6 seats depending on how things are going. Battle ground house seats are favoring the GOP 2-1.
And if the Democrats had just worked with Trump and not been this obstructionist, rioting in the street mob they would have most likely easily won the house and senate in 2018. But they chose to become the party of anti-constitution. guilty until innocent. Bullying GOP political opponents. Literally bullying them. The champions of anti-bullying practices have turned into quite adept at bullying for their own potential gain.
The party of fear. Trump will Nuke the world. He will start world war 3. He will crash the economy. He hates women and Muslims and wants you to die with no health insurance. He demanded the left who wanted a DACA deal get one done only to see the left walk away.
He put forth an infrastructure plan for inner cities to help the poor. The democrats walked away.
The right is so motivated right now and right along with them a majority of indies as well. If this is not another Red Wave in 2018 I would be shocked.
So yeah. Lets vote. Elections have consequences as Barak Obama so infamously pointed out.
If the Demos are running a bunch of Commie lunatics for the House, they may lose a few.
Trump support is significant among blacks and Hispanics, WalkAway is siphoning off a lot of kids and homosexuals, and women are mad over Brother Bret.
This all falls under YMMV, but I think we’ll see some surprises.
Politics has a short, short memory. Confirm Kavanaugh tomorrow.
This is true, but what do you think will be the lefts reaction when that happens?
I surmise thousands upon thousands will march in the streets, destroying property and becoming unhinged right up to the election just like they did after Trump was elected.
30 days is way too much time for the Democrats to fully implode is my point.
Not that short. What we saw the last month or so is Chicago ’68 redux.
Little Jeffery ignored that part of history, but the Rs held the White House for 25 years.
650+ law professors (and counting) signed a letter saying that Brett Kavanaugh lacks the judicial temperament to be approved to the Supreme Court. Read their letter explaining why.
And I’m sure those are all liberal far left lawyers who would vote no against JESUS and the POPE and Mother Teresea while giving the nod to Castro, and Chavez.
I’m sure 650 plus judges can be found to sign a letter saying Kavanaugh is well qualified with the right temperament.
Look its very simple. When we are 15-18 years old in HS we do crazy stuff and have fun. We are not planning out life like John Kerry did or the Kennedys. So nearly everyone of us if we were investigated would be disqualified from sitting on the supreme court.
But then you grow up, go to college and in college for those who haven’t been it gets even wilder yet a man who is a supposed wild party animal managed a 4.0 GPA in college and a near 4.0 in law school.
We all sin and fall short. We all drank, smoked pot and probably banged our girlfriend in HS and College. That makes most of us pedophiles if we were eighteen and our girlfriend was 17. By my count about 80 percent of us should be considered sex offenders and have spent at least 15-20 years in prison, including those lawyers signing that letter and the reporters at the NYTimes and all people in between.