It seems that people in other countries are also tired of government bringing in people who share little to nothing in common with the host country, especially when those people end up on the public dole and refuse to assimilate. Heck, many demand that the host country change to accommodate them
Canadian anti-immigrant party thrives with landslide victory in Québec
The populist movements sweeping across Europe and that led to President Donald Trump’s 2016 victory is cascading through Québec, the mainly French-speaking province in eastern Canada, where a right-leaning candidate and his young party dominated this week’s elections.
François Legault, leader of the right-of-center Coalition Avenir Québec and the province’s new premier-elect, won a landslide victory, taking 74 of the legislature’s 125 seats — even though recent polls had predicted a far narrower win. The CAQ was founded only seven years ago.
Legault had promised during the campaign to cut Québec’s annual immigration quota from 50,000 newcomers per year to 40,000, while also requiring those wishing to settle in Québec to take a test on their proficiency in French and on “Québec values†within three years or face expulsion.
Late in the campaign, Legault was forced to apologize after assuring a supporter he would protect Québec culture from being “erased†by immigrants, but his anti-immigrant message did not deter voters.
Experts predict he may not be able follow through on his most controversial proposals, but his and CAQ’s landslide victory offered strong evidence that the populist, nationalist movement is thriving within one of Canada’s largest provinces. Québec is home to more than 8 million people or about 23 percent of the country’s more than 35 million people.
Got that? It’s anti-immigrant to want to reduce immigration by one-fifth, and require immigrants to learn the language and the culture.
Following Monday’s election, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters that he would work with Legault on numerous issues, including immigration. “There’s a lot of conversations to be had, and I’m sure we will have disagreements from time to time, but we will do so in a constructive way that serves the citizens that have entrusted us with responsibilities,†he said.
Trudeau may be seeing some internal data regarding what Canadians are thinking on the unfettered importation of legal immigrants that supports the CAQ position, as well as on allowing all the illegal aliens into Canada. The actual opinions of citizens is often very different than what one reads in the news.
And this should concern Democrats here in the U.S., who have staked their mid-term chances on things like protecting illegal aliens and bringing in immigrants who would go on the public dole, as well restricting citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights, Trump Derangement Syndrome, blocking Judge Kavanaugh, abortion, and other crazy stuff.

They resent the unsophisticated and arrogant American immigrants who refuse to speak French and abide by Quebec customs.
So, they’re upset that the Trump haters who melted down because Hillary lost moved to Quebec and were just jerks? Huh.