Earlier, I noted that E.J. Dionne at the Washington Post was doing his part to increase violence from Democratic Party voters. Now we have Charles Blow doing the same at the NY Times. Remember, this is coming from two of the nation’s leading newspapers
Yes, Brett Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court. Rue the day. Rend your garments.
Then, step back, view the entirety of the battle in which you are engaged, and understand that Kavanaugh is just one part of a much larger plan by conservatives to fundamentally change the American political structure so that it enshrines and protects white male power even after America’s changing demographics and mores move away from that power.
This, for them, is not simply a game about political passion and political principles. This is a game of power, pure and simple, and it’s about whether the people who have long held that power will be able to retain it.
For them, Trump is just a useful idiot, a temporary anomaly.
They are thinking generationally, not in terms of the next election cycle but in terms of the next epoch.
Liberals can get so high-minded that they lose sight of the ground war. Yes, next month it is important to prove to the rest of Americans, and indeed the world, that Trump and the Republicans who promote and protect him are at odds with American values and with the American majority.
Chuckles goes on like this for a while, really positioning this as a race thing (he should remember that blacks are less than 13% of the population), softly giving reasons to fight. He allude to voting, but, people take this as permission for violence. He ends with
Folks, Kavanaugh is only one soldier, albeit an important one, in a larger battle. Stop thinking you’re in a skirmish, when you’re at war.
To put it bluntly, Democrat big wigs should be careful pushing this line, and the rank-and-file sheep should be careful thinking they can do this, because it’s Republicans with most of the guns, and we will defend ourselves from your violence. We do not want it to come to this, but, the more violent you become, the more chance that a really bad incident will occur.
And news outlets should be thinking very carefully about pushing this type of line which soft-pedals political violence.

The columnist is correct. The GOPhers play a long game (a war) as opposed to the frivolous flitting around of Dems from shiny issue to shiny issue (battles).
In the process they’ve captured the majority of statehouses, allowing them to battle effectively to limit voting, which has helped them to conquer the House and Senate. Now they’ve overrun the White House twice with fewer votes than their opponents, giving them the opportunities to blitzkrieg the Supreme Court!
This is how a minority rules a majority country. We’ll see if the voters revolt in November.
First, white people are still the majority.
Second, the little Judas* projects, as Lefties always do. SCUS was part of the Lefties’ long march and they thought it was theirs, but Trump has reversed it.
Third, Jeffery omits the fact Willie never received a majority of the popular vote (which doesn’t matter because the electoral vote is the only one that counts, even though the Demos were the beneficiaries of 7 million fraudulent votes last time out).
Fourth, yes, the voters will be revolting. 2 Senate seats at the very least will flip to the Rs. RI, MT quite possibly, and McConnell wants to add WV. Oh, and forget the House. The Demos will be lucky to keep the seats they have.
Fifth, I’m sure we’ll see this drivel on comment boards all over the Net for quite a while. Too bad, with blacks, Hispanics, women, and homosexuals jumping on the Trump Train, it’s going to ring awfully hollow.
* blacks are less than 13% of the population
Blacks used to be reliably 14%, but, thanks to the Demos pushing abortion, black America is exterminating itself.
In fact, violence is exactly what you Con Men want. tRump’s almost daily campaign rallies are replete with descriptions of the ‘enemies of the state’, ‘violent opponents’, ‘radicals’ etc… all implying violence. It’s only a short trip to the protests being banned and subdued by government. Remember ‘Four Dead in Ohio’?
It’s you Con Men talking about guns and revolution and civil war and nuking each other.
It’s a Con Man wet dream.
Yet it wasn’t a group of softball-playing Democrats that were shot at. And it wasn’t a Democratic campaign headquarters that was firebombed within days of its opening. Albany County GOP headquarters in Laramie back in business.
It isn’t Democratic senators and representatives being doxed by Republican staff members.
Then there are the calls from the Left to assassinate Kavanaugh. (Hint: The grade school teacher from Minnesota is NOT part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.)
Funny little Jeffery calls us Con Men since the Lefties are the real Con Men.
In fact, violence is exactly what you Con Men want.
Well, let’s go to the tape.
US Seantors threatened
Lefty creep kicks anti-abortionist in the face
Kerosene Maxine declares war on Republicans
Antifa threatens Kavanaugh and Cruz
Silly Jeffery, Intelligent debate is for intelligent people.
Part of what Mr Bodine wrote is true: conservatives are very much adopting the attitude that, if the left want a civil war, let ’em go ahead and start one. Conservatives, who are more likely to be male and normal, are far more likely to win any fight than the left, which are more likely to be female and homosexual.
But, the truth is that, no matter how much the left might clamor on about a civil war, what they really mean is simply a war on civility. They know how to be rude, certainly enough, but it is the discourtesy of the weak; they depend upon the civility of the more mature conservatives.
Those who try actual violence hide their faces behind black masks, and run away when confronted . . . or get cold-cocked.
So, if there actually is violence, if there actually is a civil war, it will be the left who start it, but for an army of feminists, queers and soy-boys, the end is unlikely to please them.
Miss Delaney et al keep bringing up civil war.
It’s the white nationalist right that keeps talking about civil war. Have you lost confidence in the US? Have you lost confidence in our institutions designed to settle differences without violence?
Why the faux-masculine, hyper-bravado, pissing contests? Is that how you measure your manhood – by how ‘tough’ you act? Certainly you can’t consider tRump as a role model. He’s about as manly as a mob boss’ wife. Is it because he can abuse women with impunity? Because he can bully and insult the less powerful?
If You Want Peace, Work for Justice!
Have you lost your mind, little fella?
How does losing feel?
As true today as it was then.
Fvck you… War.
— Good Dog, Happy Man
Right. Let me know when that happens.
Remember how we were told the public would turn against the Rs if Brother Bret was confirmed?
Well, now that’s put the Senate out of reach for the Demos, it seems the celebrity pollsters are hedging their bets on taking the House.
November 7 just might seem like Judgment Day.
Five mega-rich tycoons opening their wallets to give Dems November to remember
But I thought it was only R’s who were in bed with the billionaires…this list does not even include, BEZOS, GATES, BUFFET, COOK and a host of other far left looney toon billionaires who are in bed with the D’s
The RNC also reported a record 50 million voter contacts, surpassing their total for the 2016 presidential election cycle.
Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) is in danger of losing her seat after voting no on confirming Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. CNN’s Dana Bash has the story.
Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans and 51% of voters not affiliated with either major party agree that Kavanaugh’s confirmation process has become “a national disgrace.â€
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.
43 percent agree the US is on the right track. This is up three points from the previous week. This finding has been running in the 40s for most weeks this year after being in the mid- to upper 20s for much of 2016, President Obama’s last full year in office.
The short take of this is that the GOP is in potential trouble in the house, but these numbers suggest for the Democrats to take 24 seats to win the majority is a stretch. Pollsters still give the senate to the GOP and think it unlikely the Dems will win 24 seats in the house.
To Mr. Dionne:
You sir are an absolute lying idiot. The Supreme court has been in the hands of the Democrats for 70 years. Now that the Democrats have forced All Americans into a culture OR ELSE of believing only what is dictated to them the public is rebelling. GOP has taken control of the house, senate, presidency, supreme court, a large majority of governorships and nearly all state legislatures and still…………………………………………………………………
Your only response is to FEAR MONGER rather than to find solutions to make the Democratic party relevant again.
This: Is why even the non violent progressive wing of the democratic party call you and people like you Democrat shills and establishment wall street bed buddies.