15/10 for dishonesty from Screeder Karen Tumulty
Republicans used to love the sound of an angry mob. What happened?
Not all mobs are equal, apparently.
There was a time, less than a decade ago, when the sound of red-faced protest was music to Republican ears.
That, of course, was when Barack Obama was president, and the tea party movement was hijacking congressional town hall meetings with shouts of “Tyranny!†There were plenty of shoving matches, and Democratic lawmakers were burned in effigy. The police were regularly called in to bring a semblance of order. (snip)
Now it is the Democrats who are making the noise, and the argument is playing in reverse.
“You don’t hand matches to an arsonist, and you don’t give power to an angry left-wing mob. Democrats have become too EXTREME and TOO DANGEROUS to govern. Republicans believe in the rule of law — not the rule of the mob,†President Trump tweeted Saturday about the demonstrations that erupted after the Senate voted to confirm his nomination of Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Nowhere within this screed is it mentioned that the Tea Party was peaceful. We weren’t showing up wearing face masks, we weren’t bringing bats and padlocks in bags, we weren’t confronting police (who were only needed to keep the liberals who start the violence away), we weren’t burning things, we weren’t chasing down Democrat politicians, we weren’t harassing them in restaurants, we weren’t banging on the walls of the Supreme Court building. We weren’t taking over buildings, screaming, screeching, interrupting legislative proceedings. It wasn’t Tea Party members who were leaving feces all over General Assembly building in Wisconsin and trashing the place (Scott Walker protests). The Tea Party wasn’t leaving trash all over the D.C. Mall and other protest places.
Literally, we could turn on the TV and social media and stuff and witness the Leftist mobs. It’s there for all to see.
We do not tolerate when people on our side get frisky. Democrats push for their side to do it. Have you heard any Democratic politician decry the actions of their constituents as of late?

I guess he didnt realize that Mrs. ford was given her chance to testify. Additional time was taken to investigate her claims further. In addition the GOP deferred to a woman to ask her questions using a feather duster so as to not ruffle her feathers.
We did listen to her story but without any evidence what so ever and additionally FBI agents leaning on witnesses to CHANGE THEIR STORY its pretty hard to convict a man who was being nothing more than a high school student without any sense of thinking he would one day be a supreme court judge.
WE DID LISTEN. YOU ARE NOT GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT at least on the Right side of the aisle.
You speak of civility. Was the right protesting in the streets and burning her in effigy? Marching for mens rights, demanding her head?
NO. That was YOU and yours. Demanding Kavanaugh be CASTRATED and murdered. That is your version of Civility.
Vote for Democrats is a vote for this kind of civility. Its your choice in November.
Dr. Ford received death threats and had to move her family out of the home.
Ms. Ford is a lier. Not once but every time she opens her mouth. According to educational convention in the U.S. Ms. Ford does not get the title Dr. added to her name in general use.
So every word that Dr. Ford says is a lie? That seems unlikely.
Actually, Dr. Ford has a Ph.D. and is more appropriately called Dr. than are physicians, chiropractors, pharmacists and other technical occupations. “Doctor” as a title was adopted centuries ago in Europe for academics awarded doctorates. Physicians, chiropractors and pharmacists subsequently appropriated the title sound more academic and important. Have you ever been to a university?
Turns out Dr Crazy’s degree looks more than a little dodgy and, I don’t know what planet you inhabit, but down here we call physicians, chiropractors, pharmacists and other technical occupations Doctor.
Unless, of course you’re following the British model, which we ditched a while back.
Have you ever been to a university?
He probably has, but your ignorance tells me you haven’t.
The nignorant angry little black fella is from the planet Galera.

So has Kavanaugh and many Senators.
The only time that I’ve seen a right wing “mob” is at Bass Pro on the weekend. F*** these commie scumbags and their doublespeak bullsh!t.
A ‘man’, Craig Shaver, was charged with sending an email threatening to kill Senator Feinstein.
How many libs have been charged lately?
What makes you think a man advocating selecting representatives randomly and making black powder bombs is a liberal?
Nice try.
What makes you think he isn’t?
While Cosko clearly committed crimes, are you implying that ‘doxxing’ is a violent act?
Asking for a friend.
The courts must think so. He’s denied bail.
Cons still love mobs! The Proud Boys, one of the new Gangs of New York.
Little fella bringing the stupid early this morning, yo.

Don’t sound like no gang to me. But Jeffery is our resident expert on gangs.
When Mommy lets him outside.
How’s ’bout 300?
And we have the word of Corker, Cruz, Collins, and Harris
Not to mention Rand Paul And Steve Scalise.
Yep, that’s how totalitarian regimes operate, having their brown shirts arresting peaceful protesters for protesting in the wrong places. It’s what happened in the south when our Black brothers and sisters protested, although many were beaten back then.