The Paris Climate Agreement was so historic, so landmark, that most are more interested in appearances, and are finding it rather tough to force citizens and private entities to comply with reduced lifestyle and a higher cost of living to go with the higher taxes
Few countries are meeting the Paris climate goals. Here are the ones that are.
This week, a top scientific body studying climate change released a terrifying report. The world has just a decade to take “unprecedented†action to cut carbon emissions and hold global warming to a moderate — but still dangerous and disruptive — level. That would require a “rapid and far-reaching†transformation of the world’s economy, one of such scale and magnitude that it has no historical equivalent.
The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that nearly every country will need to significantly scale up the commitments made under the 2015 Paris climate accord if humans hope to avoid disaster. Under that agreement, 195 countries pledged to cut their greenhouse-gas emissions to try to keep global warming under two degrees Celsius.
But it’s hard to imagine that will happen, as almost no country is doing a good job meeting the relatively modest goals in place. (The United States was a signatory of the 2015 Paris agreement, but last year President Trump announced that Washington was pulling out of the pact.)
The Climate Action Tracker, a project run by a group of three climate-research organizations, has been monitoring the progress of 32 countries in meeting the Paris accord goals. Taken together, those 32 countries account for 80 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Most of the rest of the nations are 3rd world shitholes developing countries and/or tiny nations that matter little. So, how are these 32 doing?
As the graphic below shows, the group found that most major polluters are making few, if any, efforts to meet their goals. By Climate Action’s calculations, “critically insufficient countries†failed to even commit to cutting emissions significantly on paper. Only seven countries have made commitments or efforts that would achieve the goal of the Paris accord.
Here’s what it looks like
Hilariously, the U.S. is leading the world in CO2 emission reductions, despite killing off Obama’s Clean Power Plan, pulling out of Paris, and many other measures, many of which wipe out Obama’s “legacy.”

Typical tRumpitista ‘logic’…
Since the Clean Power Plan was never implemented, what impact did delaying or ending it have on CO2 reductions?
tRump and his disgraced former EPA head, Scottie P., were busy removing Obama regs, regs responsible for the CO2 reduction Cons now crow about!
The Paris agreement becomes active in 2020.
Missing the point, as liberals tend to do. It is immaterial whether the US is part of the Paris Climate Farce or not. We have reduced our CO2 emissions without it, where most of the true believers have not.
Thanks for playing! You lose. Try again when you acquire a clue.
Since Colbert didn’t specifically mention it, jeffrey doesn’t think it exists.
Misdirection does not justify the argument.
Where’s the rest of the world?
We reduced our CO2 emissions thanks to the smart work of President Obama, states and regions that acted when the GOP Congress would not. (That, and natural gas gutting the coal industry! You likely didn’t realize this, but natural gas is less polluting than coal on an energy-produced basis!).
And even the GOP supported global warming actions until the 2008 election cycle.
Now we have the tRump cabal taking credit for reductions from policies that they oppose and are working overtime to overturn! Curiouser and curiouser.
Physical principles are not based on political whims, but the dangers to a nation and world often are. Do you think dramatically increasing coal burning, as tRump proposes, will somehow add less CO2 to the atmosphere?
But thanks for playing! You lose.
Another of little Jeffery’s lies.
Zippy’s mismanagement of the economy was responsible for the drop. People weren’t working or producing.
Also getting rid of Zippy’s idiot regulations was what kicked the economy into high gear. As always, the Lefties want us poor.
You likely didn’t realize this, but natural gas is less polluting than coal on an energy-produced basis!
Prove it. BTW Zippy and the idiots also opposed the fracking that gave us all that natural gas.
PS That “thanks for playing” is an old troll’s trick to cover when he’s lost.
Oh buttercup, you’re ignorance is endearing!
Are you really claiming the Great Recession was President Obama’s fault? Good lard. At least you admit that CO2 emissions were reduced under President Obama’s eight years.
alanstorm says:
October 12, 2018 at 8:56 am
You don’t even understand that natural gas generates less CO2 than coal on a per unit of energy produced basis??? Good lard.
Of course I understand it. I also understand that that is basically the sole reason our emissions have dropoed – your hero Obama the Perpetually Unready had nothing to do with it.
Don’t try arguing science with an engineer, fuzzy-studies boy. You will lose yet again.
Obi-Wan Nairobi was opposed to fracking.

Matter of fact, it was, sweet cheeks.
The prime rate crash was due to the machinations of the Senate Finance Committee run by Christopher Dodd and his bitch, Barry Ozero (easily verified). Dubya did all he could to stop it (also easily verified).
The 3 leading recipients of big bank money were the Hildabeast, the Friend of Angelo, and Bathhouse Barry.
So, next time you buttercup somebody, you better be sure he is at least as ignorant as you are.
And you don’t understand all that natural gas was produced over Zippy’s outstretched carcass.
tEACH typed:
More violent threats from a conservablogger!
Context matters.
tEACH typed:
killing off Obama
More violent threats from a conservablogger!
Context matters.
How ironic that you take what Teach wrote OUT OF CONTEXT to make a point that context matters.
This not even a hint of a threat as you didn’t even BOTHER to write the entire 3rd word. But when you have Kamala Harris chopping the first second of a Kavanaugh quote, (specifically the words, “They said”) it made it look like Kavanaugh and NOT the Catholic Archdioceses was incorrectly calling contraceptives abortion inducing drugs.
So we have the sad spectacle of of Jethro, (jeffrey), not even taking the entire 3rd word. If did take the entire 3rd word the snippet would read:
killing off Obama’s
Which would lead the read to logically ask, “Killing off Obama’s what?”
Which would require the rest of the sentence for it to make sense:
“….killing off Obama’s Clean Power Plan, pulling out of Paris, and many other measures, many of which wipe out Obama’s “legacy.â€
Which, although not something that liberals, like Jethro, would support, is nothing like violence.
Truly, you live in an alternate world where you think that the source and actual quotes are not readily available to prove or deny any claim.
Duh. Don’t you think that’s why we made the ridiculous abstract of tEach’s typings?
To illustrate ‘context’?
You wouldn’t know it if you fell in it.
PS So I take it this we means you have someone telling you what to write.
PPS You need better writers.
That’s not context, idiot.
Is there anything of which you have adequate knowledge.
Sorry J, it was no doubt solely due to fracking, a by-product of the free market that brought down emissions. Many European countries that follow Obama-like policies have not decreased, but in fact some have increased their emissions.