Republicans hoping to get elected/re-elected should read this article and constantly bring up illegal immigration themselves, putting Democrats between a rock and a hard place
(Breitbart) Democrats running for re-election in the 2018 midterms are being advised to not speak about the issue of immigration as consultants admit the zero-enforcement, open borders positions of the Democrat Party are unpopular with swing voters.
In a memo obtained by the New York Times, left-wing consultants with the Center for American Progress and the think tank, Third Way, advised Democrats running for election to spend “as little time as possible†talking about the immigration issue facing the nation, where more than 1.5 million immigrants are admitted to the country every year.
The New York Times reported:
“Sanctuary attacks pack a punch,†says a four-page memorandum, prepared by the liberal Center for American Progress and the centrist think tank Third Way, that has been shared at about a dozen briefings for Democrats in recent weeks. The New York Times obtained a copy of the memo, whose findings are based on interviews and surveys conducted over the summer. [Emphasis added] (snip)
Democrats, the strategists who prepared the memo advised, could neutralize the attacks if they responded head-on. But they should spend “as little time as possible†talking about immigration itself, and instead pivot to more fruitful issues for Democrats like health care and taxation. [Emphasis added](snip)
“It is very difficult to win on immigration with vulnerable voters in the states Trump carried in 2016,†the strategy memo said, arguing that “even the most draconian of Republican policies,†such as family separation and threats to deport the Dreamers — undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children — failed to sway most of them. [Emphasis added]
Who would have thought that policies pushing for people to be able to illegally cross our borders/overstay their visas and face no consequences could be unpopular with the average voter? Who would have thought that putting illegal aliens over actual U.S. citizens would be unpopular? Who would have thought that allowing illegal aliens who have committed crimes to go free and protesting them being detained and deported by ICE would be unpopular?
Meanwhile, Democrats have geared up for the 2018 midterm elections by running on a platform that would abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, which would end all immigration enforcement across the United States. Three in four swing voters oppose the Democrats’ “abolish ICE†initiative.
That plays well only in the hardcore Democrat areas, but, as politicians screech about this, voters in swing states read what those Democrats want to do, and will want to know if the Democrat running in their area wants the same and will vote against them. Local news is broadcast nationally now, and it is easy to find out what the Democratic Party actually wants.

breitbart typed:
Democrats do not support “zero-enforcement, open borders” immigration policy, regardless of how many times Cons type it and say it.
But that characterization is symptomatic of the all-or-none political culture that we have allowed to fester the last few decades in the US. There is no longer room for compromise; no longer solutions that can satisfy the greatest number; no longer any concern for country over party. Only winning. Only total annihilation of the opponent. This applies to both parties, and it bodes ill for America.
Of course they do. Open borders is what Teddy Kennedy wanted.
There is no longer room for compromise; no longer solutions that can satisfy the greatest number; no longer any concern for country over party. Only winning. Only total annihilation of the opponent.
He didn’t feel that way the last few weeks, now did he?
God, it must be Hell to see your most cherished positions trashed in the name of political expediency and to be made to look like a hypocrite.
We’ve always felt that way. Don’t get us wrong, we recognize that the GOP is far worse than the other side, but neither party is committed to compromise.
Our positions haven’t changed, and we still think they are the best path forward… universal healthcare; progressive taxation; comprehensive (and humane) immigration; tax/monetary/labor/trade/IP/environmental policies that once again take care of the working classes instead of only the wealthy. We also support protecting Social Security.
And don’t get us wrong, it’s unlikely that America can function properly with DJ tRump as Prezzie, and the NuGOP sucking up to him.
It’s likely to take a thorough housecleaning to make America right again. The NuGOP is still the party of ignorance and cruelty. We’ll start this November.
universal healthcare; progressive taxation; comprehensive (and humane) immigration; tax/monetary/labor/trade/IP/environmental policies that once again take care of the working classes instead of only the wealthy
When have you compromised on any of that? Not to mention you lie through your teeth about es that once again take care of the working classes instead of only the wealthy
Consumer confidence has never been higher and more people (especially minorities) are working than in the last 50 years, but you hate Trump and lie about him and everything that’s going on because you want your dictatorial system emplaced where everybody has to do it the government’s way and most people are oppressed because the technocrats run everything by fiat (pen and a phone, remember?).
And keep up the buttercup stuff. I’m going to love hearing you explain how the Blue Wave went Red and turned into a tidal wave because your crowd refused to compromise on anything.
Uh, yeah, they kind of do support zero enforcement open borders. Do you not read the stuff coming from your side, Jeff?
Can you show where the Democratic Party supports “zero-enforcement open borders”? Thanks.
Do you only read right-wing sources?
How’s ’bout the 8 years of the Mocha Messiah’s Administration?
Let’s talk about what they do and what they say in actual legislation, not what they say in position papers to gull the idiots like you.
Blow it out your ass, little fella.
MAR 16, 2017 | 4:00 AM LOS ANGELES TIMES.
THIS is exactly why the democrats were told to shut up about immigration just a few days ago and why Mr. Jethro is now announcing the laughable argument that the democrats are not in favor of Open borders.
HRC said she was for open borders. Many democrats announced they are for open borders the last two plus years. They all finally jumped off the wagon and began shouting what we all knew. They can’t win without millions of illegals pouring into the country and a CRASH COURSE IN CITIZENSHIP no matter how they arrived.
PATHETIC. Of course Democrats want to take AWAY YOUR JOB. Of course they do. They only want power at the expense of every member who calls themselves a democrat and votes as one. Its about the elites running the party and the rest of you can go to hell once the votes are counted.
How long have you been poor? How long have you been voting for Democrats who promised to fix that? My bet is a long, long time. Keep voting for those democrats and keep enjoying your Poverty.
A vote for a Democrat is like playing Russian Roulete only now they really do think the Russians are coming after you because other fear mongering tactics no longer are working so well.
Prove that the Democrats are in favor of open borders. It seems like a lie.
How do undocumented immigrants help Dems get elected?
Why do you say that Dems want to take jobs away?
A vote for a Republican is like a vote for Hitler. Gee, this is fun!
I grew up poor but thankfully inherited by father’s country work ethic and my mother’s common sense, was able to take advantage of an excellent public school system, an excellent state university, scholarships for graduate school… worked for decades in large pharma, than small pharma, than as an entrepreneur. We’ve been very fortunate, and recognize and are grateful for our advantages. We pay our taxes without complaint or cheating. Growing up poor in a racially diverse neighborhood may have contributed to my liberal outlook.
In your little paean to compromise, to which you hold in no way, shape, or form for any real purpose, you say, “We’ve always felt that way. Don’t get us wrong, we recognize that the GOP is far worse than the other side, but neither party is committed to compromise”, yet you stand up for the Demos, shilling for them at every turn.
Who is this “we”? The Commies? Since they’ve thrown themselves completely behind the Demos (kell shock), it would follow, but why shill for the Demos when Communism is soo much better? Could it be they’re one and the same and have been for 50 years?
No need to answer, I think we all know.
A vote for a Republican is like a vote for Hitler.
That’s it, kid. Be ridiculous.
How do undocumented immigrants help Dems get elected?
The same way dead people do.
Why do you say that Dems want to take jobs away?
Because they like people on welfare. They certainly did nothing for 8 years to put them back to work.
PS Wasn’t your little autobiography something Barry used in one of his early speeches. If you went to an an excellent public school system, an excellent state university, scholarships for graduate school… worked for decades in large pharma, than small pharma, why do you know nothing of the Scientific Method?
We prefer the Dems as their policy proposals more closely match our own. The GOP has become toxic to America.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, that’s just not true. Before tRump was installed, we had 75 straight months of job growth as we pulled out of the Great Recession. There has been no difference in job growth rate after tRump was installed.
Here’s the data. Do you think it’s faked, like the temperature data?
As has been repeatedly pointed out, your understanding of the scientific method is underdeveloped.
40% of the job growth during the Obama reign of error was due to fracking which Obie tried to discourage.
60% of the job growth during Don (I Am Not a Baby!!) tRump’s reign result from defense lawyers, porn stars and hookers.
30% of GDP comes from the increased sales of orange spray tan and hairspray.
The interesting facet of his troll post is how he is suddenly DENYING the left is for open borders. The very thing the Democrats were just WARNED three days ago to stop admitting and to stop talking about until after the elections.
This proves to me that he is a shill for the DNC. Probably a paid shill who frequents many sites all day every day.
Or if he is just a deluded leftist he buys into their talking points daily. I noticed when I first started coming here he was advocating progressive standpoints while actively sticking up for HRC and the Democratic party and Obama when in fact nearly all true hard core progressives DETEST the woman, Hate the Democratic party and think Obama was a huge DUD.
Now suddenly he is trash talking the dems and no longer defending HRC or Obama. He didnt even bother to learn his own history. It is simply name calling to arouse anger and then say SEE I TOLD YOU THE RIGHT WAS A BUNCH OF ANGRY OLD MEN or whatever talking point he wishes to use after making one of you angry over his theatrics.
The left is open border. The stats he uses at the top fails to give the 37 percent mark for dems but does use a percentage marker for Repubs and indies. 37 percent of democrats sounds about right when you consider that most rational people understand how destructive that policy can truly be.
Its a losing proposition but then the democrats without solutions have one goal and it was openly stated about 6 months ago my their main think tank…..Without open borders and mass immigration the democratic party will die.
I suppose some illegals vote illegally, but thats not what open borders is about. Its about a massive attempt at getting all these people citizenship and of course the party that gives them tons of free stuff is going to benefit about 85 percent of the time from their votes.
Fear mongering, slavery and poverty is what keeps people voting for (D)’s. Because they have nothing else. At least the progressive wing has ideas. The Mainstream Democratic party only has one thing. FEAR.
Mango typed:
Um, no. Dems were advised to not discuss immigration, just as Repugs were advised to stay away from pimping their non-existent middle class tax cuts.
All you and your movement have is fascism, lies, willful ignorance and cruelty. You will find out what real Americans think Nov 6.
Troublingly, these views on immigration are not far out of line with the Democratic Party as a whole. In fact, a Harvard Harris poll last month states that a striking 36 percent of Democrats support “basically open borders.â€
And this:
Hillary Clinton in 2013 said she dreams of a “common market with open trade and open borders,†saying that economic opportunity in the U.S. would grow as a result.
Her comments to Latin American bankers were revealed late Friday by WikiLeaks, which appears to have obtained excerpts of some of Mrs. Clinton’s paid speeches in the days following her tenure at the State Department. The excerpts were found in Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, and while Mr. Podesta refused to verify the documents, he also did not deny their authenticity.
Because undocumented immigrants when allowed to vote or voted illegally, have voted Democrat.
You have said that you grew up in West Virginia. Perhaps you are not aware that West Virginia ranks 47th in the nation in education.
So SOME Dems (192 out of 537 surveyed) in a survey said they support “basically open” borders. 13% of Repubs said they supported open borders, as did 22% of independents.
I have never said I grew up in WV, although I have been there several times and like both the state and the people there. And Biscuit World. Where did you grow up?
Few undocumented immigrants vote, and if they did, how would you know for whom they voted? Conservatives claim almost half of all Hispanics now support Trump.
Clinton wasn’t talking about immigration but trade:
Context matters.
Her campaign didn’t include cutting funding for border security; in 2013 she supported a bill that would have invested billions in border security. She explicitly said that she would enforce immigration laws, including deporting criminals and individuals who pose a threat to public safety.
So the Democratic Party does not support “open borders”, although some Dem voters might, just as some Repub voters might.
We understand how desperate Cons are to continue the tRump era, and that some of you have adopted an at “any cost” strategy, including lying about the Dems, just as tRump does daily.
So despite you saying that Democrats don’t support open borders, they do. Got it. Thanks for proving my point.
Actually you did say that. I realize that you don’t want to say that now as your statement on education would be blown apart by facts.
Once again, you seem to be placing constrictions on your own statements now that you have been proven wrong.
I agree. That is why “open trade” and “open borders” are not the same thing. The context is that she wants both.
Even so….
Democratic Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), claimed on Wednesday that America’s national borders create “an injustice†by keeping Mexican workers from traveling to the United States to look for higher-paying jobs.
A video posted online Monday shows a Democratic Party leader wearing a T-shirt calling for an end to U.S. borders while participating in a local May Day parade in Minnesota last Friday.
Democratic National Committee deputy chair Keith Ellison, D-Minn., wore a black shirt that read, “Yo no creo en fronteras.”
In English, that sentence translates to, “I don’t believe in borders.”
Yeah, because the Democrats didn’t lie about Kavanaugh, Stormy Daniels suit was just dismissed (with she and her lawyer being hit with costs, a claim that Kavanaugh said in an opinion that he would limit abortion “rights,” a claim that Kavanaugh’s first opinion at the Supreme Court was in the case of Brakebill v. Jaeger, etc.
That’s the Democrats for you….the party of lies and hate. It’s all they have.
The Demos invented open borders and 5 million of the 7 million fraudulent votes last time came from illegals, CA lets them do it openly.
Few undocumented immigrants vote
Hate to tell you this, nitwit, but no illegals should be voting here.
And the Beast spoke about nothing but more illegals.
Isn’t that what their phony campaign about child separation was all about?
Sorry, the Demos invented open borders and 5 million of the 7 million fraudulent votes last time came from illegals, CA lets them do it openly.
Few undocumented immigrants vote
Hate to tell you this, nitwit, but no illegals should be voting here.
And the Beast spoke about nothing but more illegals.
Isn’t that what their phony campaign about child separation was all about?
Lil Ranunculus,
So dumb you had to type it twice!! You are so cute when you type stupid stuff! You’re like Donald Trump, except yellower.
Prove any of it. Four lies in one sentence! The odious jimhoft at the Gateway Pudendum held the previous record.
No, the Reply widget is lousy.
Teddy Kennedy’s ’65 immigration bill.
That’s all the proof needed.
And Gateway cites and links all their stories. Some may be clickbait or wishful thinking, but they’re all there for anyone to check out.
Unlike you, who doesn’t dare back up his lies.
The Trump Party: Lies, cruelty and willful ignorance. It’s all you have.
And you admit that Republicans support open borders. Thanks for the admission.
Kavanaugh was a drunken lout as a young man and sexually harassed women. To his credit, he turned his life around, but is still an entitled prick. Fully 1/3 of the men on our Supreme Court are conservative sexual harassers.
PS – You’re either an abject liar or mentally ill. I at no time claimed to have grown up in WV.
Where will you grow up?
We understand how frustrating your deteriorating mental condition must be for you. The degradation is rapid.
Again, he projects. And again he lies and tries to twist statements.
Same old Commie schtick.
And Kavanaugh was smeared. He’ll keep pushing the Commie line until his massas tell him it makes things worse instead of better.
Fully 1/3 of the men on our Supreme Court are conservative sexual harassers
Again, prove it.
Repugs were advised to stay away from pimping their non-existent middle class tax cuts.
He’s quoting Julia Roberts? The sharpest wit since Saki? /sarc
And it would seem they were.
The New York Times is reporting about a memo being circulated among Democrats running for office telling them to spend as little time as possible talking about immigration.
As always, little Jeffery is the last to get the word
All the “Kinder, gentler America” NWO folk have wanted open borders for 58 years! GWB + Yeb are still yelling for it!