And those ads are targeting the Democrats and their pro-illegal alien policies, which has made many Democrats very upset
Republicans Are Spending Unprecedented Sums to Attack Democrats on Immigration
Despite outrage over family separations, Democrats don’t seem to see immigration as a winning issue.
Well, yes, advocating for their beliefs in open borders, legalizing all illegal aliens, saying they do not support the law breaking illegals but then actually working to protect them, not securing the border, abolishing ICE, and so much more does not play well outside the hyper-liberal enclaves
There is a simple reason why Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp’s views on sanctuary cities shouldn’t have a major impact on North Dakota voters: The state doesn’t have any sanctuary cities.
Yet when President Donald Trump held a rally in Fargo in June, he made sure to attack Heitkamp for supporting what he called the “deadly, very very dangerous, horrible†cities. In August, the National Republican Senatorial Committee devoted an entire ad to the issue.
The attacks are part of a coast-to-coast GOP strategy to hold onto congressional majorities by playing into Republican base voters’ fears about immigrants. A new CNN analysis (worth clicking the link to read the article) finds that about $124 million has been spent on more than 280,000 immigration-related TV ads this year. That is more than a fivefold increase from the $23 million spent on immigration ads in House, Senate, and governor’s races during the 2014 midterms.
Republicans are largely responsible for the spending increase. In August, ads for Republicans were more than five times as likely as ads for Democrats to mention immigration. A study by the Wesleyan Media Project found that 25 percent of Republican TV ads in 12 Senate races mentioned immigration—second only to gun policy—between January and July. Only 3.8 percent of Democratic ads mentioned immigration during that period. On Facebook, Republican ads highlighted immigration more than any other issue.
Democratic strategists seem to agree that they’re better off focusing on President Donald Trump and other policy issues. A memo from the liberal Center for American Progress and the centrist Third Way obtained by the New York Times advises Democrats to spend “as little time as possible†talking about immigration. After doing interviews over the summer, the authors concluded that “even the most draconian of Republican policiesâ€â€”including Trump’s family separation policy—were unlikely to help Democrats in states that Trump won in 2016. On the other hand, the memo sates, “Sanctuary attacks pack a punch.â€
Even in California, most Democrats are staying away from discussing illegal immigration, which is what this is primarily about. Only a few hyper-leftist Democrats like Kevin De Leon, running to unseat Diane Feinstein, are willing to discuss their beliefs now that election season is in full swing. They were more than happy to yammer about abolishing ICE months and months ago. Now? Not so much.
But, consider something else: not only are Democrats mostly avoiding discussion on anthropogenic climate change, they aren’t even getting memos about staying away from that loser issue. It’s not a non-starter: it’s a ghost. There are really very, very few articles discussing climate change in the midterms. Because no one really, really cares except some elites who want to ram the big government agenda of taxation, fees, and control of citizens and private entities down the throats of citizens.

Democrats favor Illegals over United States Citizens. If your an Illegal they shield you from the law even if your a felon or murderer. Its no wonder they are running from Immigration during election season.
A vote for a democrat is a vote for more and more Illegals flooding our country and TAKING YOUR JOBS AND POTENTIALLY KILLING YOUR CHILDREN while the DEMS hide, protect and shield them and tell YOU a US CITIZEN to go FF your self for daring to deny an illegal a new home in your house.
Why aren’t the GOP candidates running on gutting Social Security and Medicare; and eliminating any gov’t input into health care?
Why aren’t they running on the massive debt generated from the tax cuts for the rich?
A vote for a republican is a vote for fascism, the upward redistribution of the nation’s wealth, a degraded environment, the next Great Recession and the loss of your health insurance.
Well, time for yet another PoliSci lesson for little Jeffery. Getting rid of Social Security is not fascism. Taking over General Motors and shorting the stockholders and dealers and running it according to government rules with taxpayer money, that’s fascism.
Volkswagen ring a bell?
And tax cuts increase revenue. Just ask the IRS. Especially since the people get a lot of those cuts.
But all the Rs need to run on is the mess made by people like Jeffery in the Kavanaugh case.
Did you know even Menendez is down 10 points?
When will the increased revenue begin?
So far tRump is piling on more and more debt with nothing to show for it. Is the debt making us stronger, perhaps by shoring up our crumbling infrastructure, or improving our education system… It’s going into our military, already by far the largest of any nation on Earth.
from 2009 through 2016, inclusive, federal revenues increased at an average of 6.6%/yr. For 2017 through 2019 (est) the average increase was 1.3%/yr. (N.B. – President Obama was able to push through working class tax cuts, that have since expired as planned).
So when will the promised miracle explosion of federal revenues begin?
The GOP “plan” to trim the deficits are to cut back on Social Security and Medicare, harming seniors to be able to reward the wealthy.
Through June, revenue up:
Trump cannot pile on more debt. Actually, he is cutting expenditures by cutting regulations (I’d say it’s so simple a child could understand, but apparently that’s not enough).
Only Congress can add debt and we have to spend money on those illegals you say the Demos don’t want and those wonderful entitlements you think are so great.
As for where is it, you may want to change your sources. According to the OMB, revenues have taken quite a jump.
The GOP “plan†to trim the deficits are to cut back on Social Security and Medicare, harming seniors to be able to reward the wealthy.
Really? Then why has a 2.8% increase in payments been announced for next year?
Do you ever look at anything b ut talking points and The Daily Worker?
economics 102.
If you have 10 people paying 10 dollars in taxes you have 100 dollars in income.
if you have 15 people paying 8 dollars in taxes you now have 120 dollars in income.
More people working and having better jobs means more revenue for the government. Now what the government does with that money once they collect it is totally out of our hands but cutting taxes on EVERYONE has fired up the economy and lowed unemployment to near historical lows.
This is a mandated Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) based on inflation. The House budget proposal slashes Social Security and Medicare.
The tax cuts are leading to record deficits and a record debt, so the GOP feels justified in cutting entitlements – they’re just keeping it quiet and the politically inept Dems are letting it slide.
The Repubs have another tax cut in the works.
That’s the GOP supply side theory, but it’s never been supported in the real world. Maybe the revenues will pick up next year, or the next. It just hasn’t happened yet as promised. The unemployment is on the same path as before tRump was installed, suggesting he hasn’t interfered with the job market.
Unfortunately for tRump, the Fed is raising interest rates, explicitly to slow the economy. As interest rates increase, the cost of borrowing goes up, increasing the proportion of the budget necessary to service our exploding deficits (unless China refuses to loan us the money).
Despite the trade/tax war the trade deficit has INCREASED.
Perhaps you missed the idea that Republicans are running on trying to fix the health case mess caused by the Democrats and the wrongly named “Affordable Care Act.”
Actually, the better question is why aren’t they running on the higher amounts of money coming into the government because of voting to let people keep and spend more of their own money. The CBO already has stated that their projections on the impact of the cuts were wrong and instead of adding to the deficit.has actually helped it. We would be in better shape if we spend less, but neither party is good at reducing spending.
Once again you are showing that all the left has is lies and hate.
Clearly GWB and his NWO folk have lost power!
The unemployment is on the same path as before tRump was installed, suggesting he hasn’t interfered with the job market
Sure, that’s why unemployment across the board is at 50 year lows.
That’s the GOP supply side theory, but it’s never been supported in the real world. Maybe the revenues will pick up next year, or the next. It just hasn’t happened yet as promised.
As always, little Jeffery just ignores any facts that interfere with his propaganda. He clearly missed the 80s and ignores what the OMB says.
The tax cuts are leading to record deficits and a record debt
But he never cares about what the Mocha Messiah did. That was good debt. Too bad it’s a fact Trump has cut debt increase by 3/4.
The Fed is raising interest rates, explicitly to slow the economy. As interest rates increase, the cost of borrowing goes up, increasing the proportion of the budget necessary to service our exploding deficits
Hardly exploding. That was Zippy’s claim to fame and, in case little Jeffery missed it, the Fed’s efforts are in vain. In 2 days the markets have recovered half the loss.
The economy is on fire and little Jeffery’s faux concerns about the debt and revenue (more money in their pockets lets people spend more, thus increasing revenue; something a businessman like you never seemed to learn) don’t mask his real concern the Demos will be wiped out in the elections
As Nikolai Lenin observed, “The goal of socialism is communism”.
Little of what you typed is true or relevant.
As you know, the unemployment rate has been decreasing steadily since 2010 and that decrease has continued even through tRump’s regime.
The national debt doubled during the 80s.
As you’re aware, record debt during an economy ‘on fire’ is bad policy.
The stock market is irrelevant to the Fed’s actions. Surely you knew that. The effect of raising the interest rate is to make borrowed money more expensive, slowing building, purchases on credit, reducing employment, pressure on prices etc.
If revenues are exploding why do you think the debt is growing to record levels? During the Great Recession revenues dropped precipitously and the needs (unemployment payments, Medicaid for the unemployed and poor, stimulus spending, tax cuts to working classes) were great, so it all made sense. So why under absolute conservative rule is the debt growing?
If things are so good, why does the GOP want to slash Social Security and Medicare?
Clueless as usual.
Wow this guy is definitely a shill for the DNC> Yes the unemployment has been dropping since 2010 as people GAVE UP LOOKING FOR JOBS and or were put on WELFARE, VA DISABILITY or went to college. Reducing what would have been a 12.5 percent unemployment rate down into the 7’s.
Don’t you know that the national debt only matters when the GOP are in control. When Obama was in control it doubled in 8 years when it took the rest of the presidents 200 plus years to double the debt.
The stock market is NOT IRRELEVANT to the FED. In fact they talk about it all the time when they discuss why they are or are not going to raise interest rates. Interest rates of up to 4 percent are actually desireable. That allows for people to actually save somewhere beside the stock market.
The debt is not growing at record levels. It is growing. It is not Americans who spend the tax dollars or print money. It is the FED and it is CONGRESS who continue to funnel inordinate amounts of money into the Government which is the largest employer in the world. The problem is that whomever is the president decides who gets a cut of the pie. With Trump it is the defense industry which hires 20x’s more people than Tesla and General Motors.
The GOP does not want to slash Social Security and Medicare as you put it. They want 1/10th of your monthly pay to be put into the stock market allowing you on average to have 10x’s the amount of dollars in your retirement fund when you retire.
Cutting Medicare and Social Security is another scare tactic always dregged out by the LEFT during Election time to scare old people into voting for the left.
The left is a terrorist organization. No they dont blow up buildings. They blow up peoples minds with fear, terrifying them as best they can against a party that is just trying to see that EVERYONE PROSPERS under the best form of economy in the world or the history of the world.
And oh by the way I have been watching you leftys constantly talking about the socialism of Norway, Sweeden, Denmark And Canada as the perfect economy.
WRONG all are CAPITALIST COUNTRIES who piggy bag social programs on the backs of the working class. For example even Switzerland which probably has the best healthcare in the world, mandates you BUY insurance and then use that insurance for free health care.
DO not be dissuaded by the misinformation leftists like Jethro throw at you. Every nation in The EU works of Capitalist fundamentals and almost everyone of them are running a Deficit because once everyone realized a deficit is simply money you owe yourself it became a non starter.
Not true. Reagan doubled the debt single-handedly 1980-1988. In 2006-2008 we had a meltdown in the housing markets and a concomitant meltdown in the financial system. It was in all the papers so it’s unlikely you could have missed it. Tax revenues dropped dramatically (people were out of work and Obama cut working class taxes). In addition, unemployment payments skyrocketed, medical expenses for the poor increased and Obama and Congress enacted a stimulus package. Unfortunately, previous tax cuts when the economy was OK, and the cost of the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions had already increased the debt, so the US had little wiggle room. So of course the debt increased.
Fast forward to today. The economy is booming! Jobs everywhere! Stock market setting records! Yet, in this time of plenty the gov’t is ADDING to the debt!! Why??? It is plainly poor policy. Again, when the next recession arrives we’ll have few options.
So you admit that Norway, Switzerland, Sweden et al are NOT socialist countries, yet the US, where Dems advocate being slightly more like these European nations is becoming a Communist country. Talk about scare-mongering. And you’re right, Switzerland (and many other European nations) have better health care than the US, and every resident is covered and importantly, their health care costs much less than ours!
And the GOP plan IS to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in an effort to reduce the debt. Mitch (Gravedigger) McConnell stated as much recently AND blamed the Dems for not doing it. The Repubs have the votes now, they have the President who will sign it, they have the Supreme Court to back them up… why won’t they craft the bill to balance the budget by cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid?
Agreed, the European nations are capitalistic, usually referred to as Social Democracies – blending social programs on the backbone of capitalism, which by the way, is what the Democrats favor. Do we agree?
So if deficits and the resultant national debt is not an issue, why worry about cutting the budget?
Well almost, little fella, since he wasn’t sworn in until Jan. of 1981 but who cares.
Read and learn, little fella, and maybe you won’t foolishly comment on things in which you haven’t a clue.
Housing starts were down 5.3% last month, following disappointing numbers in July and August. Mortgage rates are on the rise, now almost double wage growth.
The Fed is starting to cool the economy, they hope not too much.
Lest you forgot there was only one COLA during the entire Obama term of president. We got COLA the first year he was in office and that was it. Nothing. NADA. ZIP. Talk about a party that loves senior citizens. ZIP from Obama even though he did cut some taxes while in office.
Obama was a corporate crony cozying up to his wall street handlers and his billionaire buddies.
Yes. Because even though these countries are capistalist in nature their social programs are failing miserably. The Democrats want Democratic Socialism. Explain that to me. What does that mean? Socialism is socialism your party has just added a Democratic word in front of it.
As I heard someone say. If you add the word Sandwich to the word turd you still end up with a turd sandwich. No amount of changing words around makes it taste better.
Ontario launches guaranteed income program for 4,000 residents
ONTARIO, CANADA: New Government Declares Early End of Guaranteed Income Experiment
It turns out if you pay people to stay home and do nothing. guess what. They stay home and do nothing. Socialism Is grand theft. Pure and simple and the resurgence of the right all across Europe proves they finally understand and are sick and tired of their money being taken from them to pay for others. There are two drivers of the Awakening in Europe. Mass immigration and Socialist programs piggy backing on the backs of the workers until they no longer can stand.
So yeah. Adding Democratic to Socialism is still stealing my money to give to someone else.