She wants to make sure you’re disarmed while hooking up her spark of divinity folks in MS-13
Pelosi Outlines Dems’ Priorities if They Take House: Gun Control, Immigration
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said the Democrats would prioritize new gun control legislation and protecting illegal immigrants if they regain control of the House of Representatives after the midterms next month.
Democrats will look to pass a gun background check bill and protect Dreamers, undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children, Pelosi told Politico. She also said the Democrats would try to pass campaign finance reform and lower drug prices.
Of course they will. Democrats hate law abiding citizens using their 2nd Amendment Rights and love people who are unlawfully present in the United States who suck up money and resources that should go to lawful citizens.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.) has listed five investigations the Democrats would launch if they win the House, saying they “will need to ruthlessly prioritize the most important matters first.”
Schiff wants to investigate whether the Russians have financial leverage over President Donald Trump. In the House Judiciary Committee, Schiff said Democrats will look into “abuse of the pardon power, attacks on the rule of law, and campaign finance violations.”
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D., N.Y.), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, suggested before Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed that the committee would investigate him for “any credible allegation, certainly of perjury and other things that haven’t been properly looked into before.”
And the rest will be about revenge investigations for things that they think feel might be there, and would set a dangerous precedent for future congresses. They never really consider whether doing something will come back to bite them when the GOP does the same thing. Then the Dems squawk that “that’s not fair”, kinda like with the nuclear option.

Democrats will look to pass a gun background check bill and protect Dreamers, undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children.
The Democrats will try to pass campaign finance reform and lower drug prices.
Do you consider protecting Dreamers to be amnesty?
Kinda like the continual BENGHAZI!! investigations. Anyway, there’s plenty to investigate regarding tRump. Only Congress can rule on emoluments.
The way things are looking they’ll be lucky to keep the House seats they have now.
Yes, DACA is amnesty. And we’ve got background checks, so they’re just doing stuff to look busy.
Anywho, with more Senate seats looking to flip blue to red, Pelosi Galore can talk all she wants.
She ain’t getting nuthin’.
PS Typical little Jeffery wants Benghazi swept under the rug. His people in action.
We thought BENGHAZI!! WAS investigated ad nauseum. The GOP has the White House, Senate, House and Supreme Court. They run the FBI, the NSA, CIA etc etc and so forth. Maybe you should bitch to the Repubs.
They can keep investigating it. Yet they refuse to investigate all the tRump misdeeds. Curious.
Anyway, the American people support the Dreamers by a wide margin. The American people support expanded background checks (for all gun sales) by a wide margin.
You will be so disappointed late Nov 6th.
Why are Repub candidates suddenly running ads touting their support of covering pre-existing conditions? Josh Hawley (R-Liar), running for US Senate, as AG here, even signed the lawsuit trying to eliminate coverage for pre-existing conditions, and now says he wants to force insurance companies to cover them!
Should the gov’t be able to force businesses what to sell???? Is this acceptable around election time??
ICYMI Trump didn’t leave 4 guys to die and a Ranger platoon under siege for a full day.
But we know whodunit.
the American people support the Dreamers by a wide margin. The American people support expanded background checks (for all gun sales) by a wide margin.
In which parallel universe? Peiople want the illegals gone and the Demos are trying to keep their plans for January quiet. Too bad O’Keefe nailed McCaskill.
That caravan coming up from Honduras is the Demos’ worst nightmare this close to the election. Last I heard the guy who organized it was arrested in Guatemala after The Donald told them break it up or no more foreign aid.
I have no idea which Rs you mean (I’m betting you don’t, either), but I do know Hawley is beating McCaskill’s ass. I’m expecting 4 or 5 new Senators, so the only one disappointed will be you.
Why didn’t all the Republican investigations of BENGHAZI!!! end up in locking up Secretary Clinton?
Still true: The American people support the Dreamers by a wide margin. The American people support expanded background checks (for all gun sales) by a wide margin.
Hawley and McCaskill are tied in Missouri, a state won handily by DJ tRump. In fact, Dems are competitive in many red states that tRump won bigly.
Even with Putin’s help and that of the red state voter suppressors, the Repubs are unlikely to withstand the blue wave in House races.
Keep chokin’ that chicken, little fella.

The “dreamers” can go back to their parents home country and dream there. After all, we don’t want to separate families.
Mr Bodine asked:
Thanks for the answer Mrs. Delaney.
Which begs the next question: What is amnesty?
Remember, the guy who says the public supports the DACA crowd also said the country would turn on the Rs if Kavanaugh was confirmed.
An interesting side note on the Dreamers is that Trump asked the democrats to deal with the DACA kids and they refused. Instead using these kids to drum up support for their races. Does anyone really believe democrats care about anybody or anyone for reasons other than to get elected?
There is a reason why Clinton has not been locked up. That is a horrible road to go down considering she managed to become the Democratic nominee. Trump said he would put her in jail but has not. In fact the DOJ is not even investigating her nefarious crime ring because she was in fact the Democratic nominee and ex secretary of state.
As for gun checks.
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is a United States system for determining if prospective firearms or explosives buyers’ name and birth year match those of a person who is not eligible to buy. It was mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Brady Law) of 1993 and launched by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1998.
In the United States, anybody who wants to buy a gun from a federally licensed firearms dealer (FFL) is subject to a background check. Since 1998, when the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, went online, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has processed more than 273 million of them.
I believe the question to the poll question is always ambiguous and most people do not know that there is actually a data base of people who are not eligible to buy weapons.
No, still just more propaganda.
Why didn’t all the Republican investigations of BENGHAZI!!! end up in locking up Secretary Clinton?
Because the one locked up would be Zippy. Trump wants a Congress where the Demos can’t obstruct him. Coming in 2 weeks.
In fact, Dems are competitive in many red states that tRump won bigly.
If you call 10 points behind competitive and we haven’t seen the results of McCaskill shooting off her mouth to O’Keefe yet.
Even with Putin’s help and that of the red state voter suppressors, the Repubs are unlikely to withstand the blue wave in House races.
Voter suppression meaning no illegals, no vote fraud. Voter ID for everybody who votes.
And little Jeffery hasn’t heard the latest. The Demos’ favorite pollster is saying Rs pick up at least 2 Senate seats, so that blue wave is going to be in Jeffery’s pants.