Just an FYI to the Cult of Climastrology: it’s hard enough to take your rantings seriously. This does not help
From the link
(Daily Caller) Democratic socialist congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to address global warming the same way America defeated the Nazis during World War II.
Speaking at a campaign event on Friday, Ocasio-Cortez made the case that, since Nazi Germany and global warming are both “existential threats,†the same tactics used against one should be levied against the other.
“So, when we talk about existential threats,†said Ocasio Cortez, “the last time we had a really major existential threat in this country was around World War II. So, we’ve been here before, and we have a blueprint of what we did before. None of these things are new ideas.â€
“What we had was an existential threat in the context of a war,†she continued. “And what we did was that we chose to mobilize and industrialize our entire economy and we put hundreds of thousands if not millions of people to work in defending our shores and defending this country.â€
1. Invade France
2. Kill a ton of Germans
3. ???
4. ???
5. Global warming defeated https://t.co/ut0pLoqhV4— Kayla Elizabeth (@VixenRogue) October 20, 2018
This should work well.

To be fair, the lovely Miss Ocasio-Cortez was talking about the massive mobilization of industry more than sending troops to the border to keep out CO2.
It’s the fact that she’s such an idiot on everything else which makes it so easy to mock everything that comes out of her over-lipsticked mouth.
The sad fact is that we simply do not have the technology yet to do what the warmunists think should be done. That might change at some point in the future, and we are certain to embrace cleaner energy technologies as they become available. Nevertheless, we kind of need to live from now until those technologies are available.
I must disagree. We don’t need the tech, we just need all Warmists to live like it’s 1499.
The interesting part here is that what she’s essentially calling for is a massive increase in the power of government. It always seems to come to this.
Good news. Ocasio-Cortez has chimed in on keeping jobs in America.
More good news. Ocasio-Cortez expresses her thoughts on monetary policy.
I don’t know who should be more embarrassed every time she opens her mouth: the democrat party for pimping her so hard (and yes, we promote her all the time to revel in her stupidity gleefully) or the University of Boston for granting her a degree.
Where does she get to the liberation of the Philippines and the “I Have Returned” speech?