A Monday morning funny for you. It’s an Associated Press article that is being repeated ad nauseum all over the news media, including places that have little to do with a Senator from Massachusetts.
Warren took DNA test to help rebuild “trust in governmentâ€
Democratic U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Sunday that she changed her mind recently and took a DNA test proving her heritage because Americans’ trust in government is “at an all-time low” and she wanted to help rebuild it by being transparent.
The incumbent Massachusetts senator spoke at her second debate against Republican state Rep. Geoff Diehl in the U.S. Senate race.
She was asked by a moderator why she had said, in March, that no DNA test was needed to prove she had some Native American heritage. She said she ultimately took the test, reporting the result last week that showed a relative six to 10 generations ago was Native American.
Ultimately, she said, she took a DNA test because she believes one way to rebuild trust in government is by posting her full family history online “so anybody can take a look. … I believe one way that we try to rebuild confidence is through transparency.”
It’s a cute little deflection as she tries to maintain that she’s some sort of Native American, despite only having a 1/1024 link, and they aren’t even sure which Indian tribe she’s linked to, if any. She surely took the test in order to “clap back” at President Trump, and figured that the Compliant Media would provide coverage for her. They didn’t as much as she thought.
If she really wanted to rebuild trust in government, she’d back reducing the size and scope of the federal government, putting the power back in the hands of the states where it belongs, except for those delegated powers, like stopping illegal immigration.
Diehl shot back that the issue “is not about Sen. Warren’s ancestry, it’s about integrity in my mind, and I don’t care whether you think you benefited or not from that claim, it’s the fact that you tried to benefit from that claim that I think bothers a lot of people and it’s something you haven’t been able to put to rest since the 2012 campaign,” when she first mentioned having Native American heritage that led President Donald Trump to start mocking her by calling her “Pocahontas.”
He added, “I don’t care what percentage she claims to be Native American; I just care that I’m 100 percent for Massachusetts and will be working for the people of this state.”
Sadly, this is Massachusetts, so, he’s still going to lose to her.

How well did the whole “Pocahontas” thing work out for Scott Brown?
As has the tRump administration and their lapdog GOPhers, what with the exploding deficits, record debt, tRump vacations, massive redistribution of taxpayer monies to materiel contractors? Maybe that’s just a promise not kept yet but in the works.
Their proposals to cut back government rely on cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, which tRump promised not to cut.
Record debt, exploding deficits, golf, vacations, massive redistribution of taxpayer monies to materiel contractors are what we had with the last Administration.
Scott Brown is hardly the issue, because she took the test because people thought she was a phony and ended up proving she is. Fauxcahontas rides again.
Patently false.
The government can be cut back through cutting regulations and scope which is what is happening.
Less silly regulations means more money for companies to invest and hire people:
And the economy has never added jobs before tRump??
There is no, zero, nada, zip evidence that tRump’s “deregulatory” approach has helped or hurt the overall economy, although in theory, it should add cash to corporate bottom lines. Are they investing that in worker pay or hiring? There is no evidence to support that at this time.
Certainly cutting clean air, clean water, worker safety and financial regs should lead to dirty air and water, worker harm and harm to investors.
Don’t get out much do ya, little fella?
Nor do you read.
Certainly not the way Trump has, certainly not in the 8 years before him. How well did all those clean air, clean water, worker safety, and financial regs do for that river polluted by the EPA in CO?
There is no, zero, nada, zip evidence that tRump’s “deregulatory†approach has helped or hurt the overall economy
Not just a river in Egypt, is it?
Every evidence. People are hiring, expanding, cancelling plans to move overseas, bringing back old jobs.
All the stuff Idiot Boy said Trump would need a magic wan to fix.
Sweet Pufta,
You’re confusing tRump’s hyperbolic claims with evidence.
If it’s so obvious, you should easily be able to supply proof.
Can you tell us what economic principals and models Obama used?
President Obama used economic principles, not principals.
By and large, President Obama followed the principles of “saltwater” economics, consistent with some gov’t regulation of the “market”, biased toward helping the working classes over giving free rein to capitalists.
Ironically, President Obama’s Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, the inimitable Dr. Austan Goolsbee, is now on the faculty of the University of Chicago!!
To what economic principles does tRump subscribe? We know what “models” tRump prefers.
Salt water economics is basically another name for Keynesian economics. Now, if you went to a decent school, you would know that one very important individual said Keynesian economics does not work, after seeing it in practice, and that individual was Keynes. What system does Trump use? Why economist are now showing that all he did was to replace Obama and start reversing everything he did and our country took off and started winning and continues to win. MAGA>
Can you share with us when and where Professor Keynes recanted his theory?
And ‘freshwater’ economists believe recessions occur because lots of people decide not to work (labor supply) not that demand has dropped. They also believe recessions are beneficial and that the Fed could manage the business cycle through monetary policies. The non-Keynesians held sway in econ circles from the 1970s until about 2007.
We don’t know if you recall the housing bubble bursting in the mid 2000s. It was in all the papers and the working classes lost some $13 trillion in wealth. But when monetary policy alone (interest rates were zero) could not reverse the recession, fiscal stimulus was required. And worked. The US has seen 8 years of a growing economy and steadily dropping unemployment (even below the non-Keynesian ‘ideal’ of 4.8%!!).
In theory it will decrease the financial burden on companies who under Obama were loath ti invest.
Trump has already cit regulations that save the economy $100 million every three days. You might think that is an insignificant number, but businesses – real businesses – don’t.
We get it Jeffery. You hate Trump and hate anything that frees the American worker from the oppressive ideology of the left.
All the left has is hate.
We understand why you construe a request for evidence as hate, as it enables you to shift blame from your sloppy “research” to others for being mean to you.
tRump has ruined you…
Those who cite the ‘savings’ of cutting regulations overlook the actual costs.
Allowing a corporation to once again dump chemical wastes in the river might save $2 million a year, but at what costs to the citizens downstream?
All the tRumpublicans have are lies, cruelty and willful ignorance.
Actually, it is just experience know that trying to relieve you of your ignorance is fruitless as you simply don’t have the moral capability to admit when you are wrong.
This is a perfect example of the type of willful ignorance of which I speak. Somehow you think that the only regulations that are ever made apply to water, the environment, etc. So you construct an obvious strawman to say “eliminating these regulations would be bad therefore eliminating all regulations would be bad.”
That doesn’t pass the laugh test.
Hate, which is all the left has, has ruined you.
All that wasted typing, and still no evidence to support your claims.
Are you sure that only unnecessary regulations have been rescinded? Perhaps you could take the time to show us a few really valuable examples of “good” deregulation – i.e., evidence, rather than just your opprobrium. Be forewarned – if your examples only show one side of the benefit/cost equation – we may push back.
While we fully understand that facts, evidence and research are anathema in this new Trumpian world, you might read at least this one story from The Hill:
All you tRumpublicans have are lies, cruelty and willful ignorance.
Yep, everybody is smart except Trump.
I love Gregg Gutfelds new name for Elizabeth Warren. “SPREADIN BULL.”
On a side note Corey Booker has now been accused of sexually assaulting a man in a bathroom.
So by the Democrats definition he is GUILTY. No evidence is needed. No Chance to prove himself. A full blown Investigation should be conducted and Corey Booker should step down, surrender everything he has ever worked for and go back to being a carpenter or whatever he did before he was a sexual predator.
Right? I mean fair is fair. Spartacus had his moment. He demanded the victim should ALWAYS BE BELIEVED and the ACCUSED WAS GUILTY WITHOUT…….WITHOUT the chance to prove your innocence.
Therefore. Just resign. And go away. The VICTIM IS ALWAYS RIGHT and there is no Guilty until proven innocent in the Democratic party anymore.