I think the acronym they’re looking for is PEST, Post Election Selection Trauma, which first made its appearance when Democrats (and Bush hating people in other countries) just couldn’t handle the re-election of President George W. Bush, not PTSD
25% of millennials say they have PTSD from the 2016 election, study says https://t.co/x2mFkaIXsc
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) October 22, 2018
From the link
A quarter of students found the 2016 so traumatic they now report symptoms of PTSD, according to a new study.
Researchers surveyed Arizona State University students around the time of President Donald Trump’s inauguration in 2017, and some had stress scores on par with that of school shooting witnesses’ seven-month follow-ups.
Twenty-five percent of the 769 students, who were an even mix of genders and races and socioeconomic backgrounds, reported ‘clinically significant’ levels of stress.
The most severe cases were seen among women, black, and non-white Hispanic students, who were 45 percent more likely to feel distressed by the 2016 run between Trump and Hillary Clinton.
Lead researcher Melissa Hagan, an assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State University, believes the ‘divisive tone’ about race, identity, and what makes a valuable American ‘really heightened stress for a lot of people’. (snip)
In terms of how the election impacted their lives, 65 percent said there was no impact. Ten percent said they saw a positive impact.
But a quarter were so crestfallen their symptoms would be deemed a medical condition, severe enough to interfere with their work, social activities, and personal relationships.
People like this are too emotionally fragile and immature to be allowed to have the franchise.

What policies would you want to enact to prevent them from voting?
We’ve always thought that those who hallucinate that there are gods, demons, angels and miracles should be disenfranchised, as they are clearly mentally ill. Leave the decisions to rational people.
Well there ya go.
Jeffery thinks his wife (who he has said is a Christian) is mentally ill and should not be allowed to vote.
Robert is so predictable. Never wants to discuss issues.
According to you, our Constitution enshrines mental illness in the First Amendment, assuming the religion believes in mythical beings, such as gods, devils and angels.
Why do Americans who believe in (and sometimes claim they converse with!) beings that don’t exist get a free pass in our mental health system? If trans people and millennials suffering from PTSD should lose their right to vote, why not folks who believe in the mystic religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam? It might be sufficient to just stop fundamentalists from voting, as they are the most mentally ill.
Are all the commenters here so cowed by the authority of a blogger that you haven’t the personal courage to explain when he’s wrong?
What authority would that be, little fella?

First, why don’t you prove God doesn’t exist? We know his Son did and was risen from the dead.
Second, people don’t get committed because they see through your phony paradise, although I’m sure you’d love to see that changed, good little Commie that you are (it just keeps slipping out, doesn’t it?).
And Teach is our bud. We like him and he likes us. The only one cowed here is you.
Finally, and best of all, let’s see you go to Mecca and make that little speech.
I was just commenting on the idea that you decided that your wife was mentally ill.
But if you are wondering, the majority of states do place limits on the mentally ill voting.
We get it Jeffery. You hate religion. You hate freedoms. You hate that people have a relationship with a being greater than you which is why you like to play god.
All the left has is hate.
When we find some “rational people” on the Left, we may consider it.
Right now there’s more evidence of God than there is of climate anything.
And voting isn’t a right, really; there are always restrictions on age, mental capacity, etc.
Which is why Jeffery knows so little about it.
LOL. Please, share one bit of evidence for a god. Any god. Zeus? Indra? Horus? Yahweh? Allah? Ra? Woden? Jupiter? Odin? Wakan Tanka? Tian? Hunab Ku? There are hundreds more gods. Which one, if any, is real? Why?
By that logic we have no rights, since all are subject to restrictions. And this mindset explains the Con Man directive to limit voting to white Cons. State level NuGOPhers are cutting voting hours, eliminating polling places, purging voter rolls, and making it harder for likely Dems to register and to vote. How else can a reactionary minority (NuGOPhers) rule a majority? Of course, without justice there can be no peace, so eventually the right-wing Nazis will resort to force.
Democracy is the enemy of the American
whiteright.Apparently the nignorant angry little colored fella from st. louis doesn’t get out much.

I’d say the One that created the Universe. Any time some Lefty starts LOLing, it’s a sure sign he’s on shaky ground and trying to cover it up.
By that logic we have no rights, since all are subject to restrictions.
No, but leave it to a Commie to try to twist things around. Our right to a jury trial is absolute. Our right to speak politically is absolute. Our right to worship is absolute. The reason voting wasn’t made part of the Bill of Rights is that it was viewed as something that should be entrusted to people of intelligence and good character.
Which, of course, lets you out.
And this mindset explains the Con Man directive to limit voting to white Cons. State level NuGOPhers are cutting voting hours, eliminating polling places, purging voter rolls, and making it harder for likely Dems to register and to vote.
No hindrances on registering, but, if you object to removing dead people or those who have left the state from voter rolls, you show why the Demos can’t win without vote fraud. And they haven’t cut polling places or voting hours where I am.
Care to give us a few citations?
Jeff is a very immature man child. His knowledge base is very limited and all he wants you to do is get you upset.
By that logic we have no rights, since all are subject to restrictions.
That may be one of the dumbest things that you have ever said.
The fact of the matter is that in society, there cannot be any such thing as an “absolute right.” The Founding Fathers understood that the rights of people can clash.
The funny thing is that by your logic, people have no rights because the government restricts the right to bear arms. Yet don’t you believe that there should be restrictions on the right to bear arms?
Using your own logic, you believe that people have no rights, which of course is completely wrong and silly, but that is what happens when reality is overtaken by hatred.
All the left has is hate.
Pretty Tired of Stupid Democrats
PTSD from an election? Liberals are pussies-who knew?
I guess It might be 50 percent after 2018 midterms
The GOP is surging, while the left continues to fear monger while the US and EU is under siege by Globalist Billionaires with their puppet strings working overtime. And the left thinks it the GOP who is in bed with the rich and powerful. What hogwash.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.
A couple things have to happen for the ruling party not to lose the house and or senate during midterms.
1. The presidents approval is over 45……trumps is 47-50 consistenly now.
2. The economy needs to be very strong. 4 percent GDP growth, historicly low unemployment and jobs, jobs and more jobs everywhere.
3. Generic ballot needs to be within the margin of error. They are now tied.
I do not predict a red wave but I do think its quite conceiveable that the polling guru I follow is accurate in his prediction that the GOP will pick up 4-5 seats in the Senate and gain 5-9 seats in the house. With the caveat that they could lose no more than 9.
Texas Republicans offer Nancy Pelosi all expenses paid if she will go campaign for Democrats.
BTW Those numbers are much better than Zippy’s or Willie’s at the same point.
The numbers you cite, which I think are highly likely, would constitute a red wave, given the statistical tendency of the party in power to lose Congressional seats.
For those wondering why Jeffery is attacking the people he needs to win over (white folks are still the majority although Dr Evil is doing his best to change that), consider a few points.
Even in races that weren’t expected to be winnable, Heller is pulling ahead and Donnelly appears to be fading, as is Shalala*. Early voting is seeing heavy R turnout.
Little Jeffery has issued his own Nero Befell and is going to pull everything down with him.
Or so he thinks.
* According to the latest polls. How accurate they are is for all of us to speculate.