…is a plant which will soon die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on the goal of socialism.

…is a plant which will soon die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on the goal of socialism.
Why is it the Left who are always the ones berating & attacking women?
Thanks so much for the link,,,
Will I vote in the mid-terms? You bet! As will my 6 immediate family members! Straight Dem all the way.
My extended family members also active and will vote, all Dems too. Three brothers are Cons but they never vote.
Blue Wave!
More proof that mental illness is genetic.

As is low IQ. You can’t just nail it down as one or the other, it’s probably both.
Jeffery’s only blue wave will be in the bathroom.
Well, well, well. So Claire McAsskill is married to a wife beating monster.

Blue Wave LOL!
So tRaitor tRump acolytes are sending bombs to the homes of George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Is this the start of the civil war for which the traitorous tRumpitista are aching?
Is this the Amerika tRaitor tRump is advocating? Murdering the violent, communist, unhinged mob known as Democrats?
We have yet to see the far
reichright denounce these acts.Of course these incidents are wrong Jeffery.
But so is lying about the scope of the actions. From your own citation:
How convenient that you forgot to mention that.
Clearly the person, persons, group or groups sending the packages needed to be caught and put aways for a long time, but for you to claim that this was only targeting Democrats and must have been done by Trump supporters is contrary to facts and a lie.
All the left has is hate.
To you, a bomb sent to CNN proves this wasn’t an attack by the tRaitor tRump supporters??? Puh- leeze.
The claim that a bomb was sent to the White House was false, likely started by the increasingly unhinged mob chief, tRaitor tRump himself.
U.S. Secret Service
CLARIFICATION: At this time the Secret Service has intercepted TWO suspicious packages – one in NY and one in D.C. Reports of a third intercepted package addressed to the WH are incorrect. We refer media to our statement:
10:08 AM – Oct 24, 2018
A bomb that doesn’t go off proves nothing.
This has snowflakes written all over it.
We have yet to see the far reich right denounce these acts.
You have said that Trump is part of the far right.
So once again, let’s look at your own cite:
Therefore your claim that the far right hasn’t denounced these incidents is a lie.
All the left has is hate.
Good for Sarah! We’ll see what tRaitor tRump says at his next white nationalist rally.
Since she’s calling a bunch of Lefties cowards, we’d expect little Jeffery to be outraged and calling her names.
tRaitor tRump?
Only traitor here is Jeffery who’s been told to push the idea, ridiculous as it is, that the Administration is behind this.
The Donald has SEAL Team, the Rangers, Special Forces, and the CIA at his beck and call and the best he gets is a few duds?
You really are an idiot.
Pence has criticized the attempted bombings, and tRump agrees. Good.
If, as the President of the United States claims, Democrats are:
“the party of crime”; a “violent mob”; “bad people”; America-hating communists; a “Democrat Party led assault” of “M13” killers and “middle eastern men” “INCLUDING MANY CRIMINALS” intent on “overwhelming America”; “arsonists†who “have become too extreme and too dangerous to governâ€;
why WOULDN’T we want to eliminate them??
Why wouldn’t you just mail pipe bombs to all Dems?
Because it would be easier to arrest them on their many crimes and ship them off to Alcatraz.
You go on about how Trump and group lie, yet when he characterized the Dems in a truthful light, you consider him to be a bad man, does not make sense.
Now, why would any conservative wish to harm elements of the Democratic leadership. These people are generating more conservative votes and a bigger election turn out for the Republican cause than any other activity.
In fact, from your comments, you would be high on the list of suspects.
Just another Democrat false flag operation.
Just like that caravan shit.
Let us know when one actually detonates.
Sounds more like the manbunned snowflakes of Antifa trying to take attention away from Dr Evil’s Long March.
No detonations, no sophistication in the devices.
More to the point, as a disappointed Jeffery doesn’t want to concede with his idiotic nonsense about the traitorous tRumpitista (and it’s tRumpistas, senorita) and tRaitor tRump, no casualties. We ain’t talkin’ Unabomer here.
Whoever the rocket scientist might be (it appears he hand-delivered the one to Commie News Net) who thought this up, now he’s trying to convince everybody it’s IS. Their flag was found on the ones to CNN and Brennan. Right beside the label Acme Products Company.
Wonder how little Jeffery spins that one.
PS Anybody notice the Left is doing a Brother Bret on Trump (again)? Lots of accusations, no evidence, no witnesses, no proof.
Keep it up and the only Demos left in Congress with be the Senators not up this year.