I have to wonder, do these stories actually help?
For Honduran migrants in caravan, the journey is personal
A deportee from the United States trying to get back to the life he spent more than a decade building. A woman whose soldier husband already is in the U.S. with their 4-year-old son. A teenager desperate to earn money to support his diabetic mother back home.
The caravan of Central American migrants traveling through southern Mexico — estimated at around 7,000 people, nearly all Hondurans — has attracted headlines in the United States less than two weeks before Nov. 6 midterm elections.
But most of those walking through blistering tropical temperatures, sleeping on the ground in town squares and relying on donated food from local residents are unaware of U.S. political concerns or even that there’s a vote coming up.
While they commonly cite the same core reasons for migrating — poverty, violence — their stories are deeply personal.
David Polanco Lopez, 42, is a former anti-narcotics officer from Progreso, Honduras. He’s traveling north in the caravan with his daughter Jenifer, 19, and his 3-year-old granddaughter, Victoria, whom the adults take turns pushing in a stroller.
Polanco came to the United States 13 years ago and applied for asylum after he was threatened by drug traffickers over his police work. He was given a court date, but he acknowledges he never showed up — in part because he didn’t understand the court document’s instructions, which were in English.
Polanco put down roots in Arizona: He married, and got a home. He thought that as long as he stayed out of trouble, he’d be fine.
“If they catch me committing a felony, then go ahead and kick me out,” Polanco said. “But my record is clean.”
So, he came to the U.S. illegally, blew off his court date because he couldn’t be bothered to try and learn our language or find an interpreter, and was deported. Now he’s attempting to force his way back in. Not exactly a great role model.
Then there’s Alba Rosa Chinchilla Ortiz, a 23-year-old from Amapala in Honduras’ Valle department, whose husband took their child to the U.S. and is supposedly applying for asylum. Why didn’t she go with to start out? It’s about creating a sob story about her being separated from her 4 year old for 7 months. She’s the one in the picture above. Glad she could take time to shower, put on fresh clothes, as well as makeup, all for the media’s sad face picture after walking hundreds of miles.
We also have Marel Antonio Murillo Santos , who is attempting to force his way into the U.S. so he can make money to send back home for his sick mother. Doesn’t sound like someone escaping from dangerous conditions (why don’t we treat people escaping from Baltimore the same?). You know who it’s personal for? It’s personal for all of the Americans who will financially underwrite everyone of these people from the minute they start interacting at the border, or cross illegally and legal citizens will pay ICE, law enforcement, judges, lawyers, shelters, and that is just the beginning. Are we supposed to take in and support every person who has a sob story? Why not apply for asylum in Mexico, where they share a common culture and language? Or are they just looking for free stuff in America?
It would be helpful if Democrats, and a few squishy Republicans, would stop enticing people to come to the U.S. illegally.

“Blistering Tropical Temperatures”? The Tropics are by definition, “mild” all year round. But it is October there, just like it is here. All through Mexico, the temperatures have been a “Blistering” 75 degrees (high). If there will lie about something as easy to check as the temperature, why should we believe anything in such an obvious propaganda attempt?
David Polanco Lopez, 42, is
a former anti-narcotics officerUnemployed. Fixed it for you.No, it’s financial. The Red chinese are behind it.
When the
invadersimmigrants try to cross the border, will the Army and National Guard have orders to fire upon them?It does not matter how many troops are put there; unless they are willing to fire upon the invaders, the invasion cannot be turned back. We will need civilian militia who are willing to fire upon these invaders to stop them. Once they actually cross the border, the legal status changes.
How many times have we seen messages to not feed the wildlife, because they can become dependent upon people for food? The same thing has happened with illegal immigration; we have kept feeding the wildlife, and they are becoming dependent upon us for food.
When you house them, they stay. When you feed them, they want more. The only way to stop illegal immigration is to stop rewarding it: do not feed them, do not house them, do not do anything other than push them back across the border.
While humans are indeed animals, the refugees are not wildlife, they’re humans, and certainly more desirable as neighbors than the typical “American” white nationalist.
It’s fascinating to see the number of tRumpublicans wanting the military to open fire on refugees. All the tRumpublicans have is hate and cruelty.
Since they now own the Senate, House, SC, and POTUS, Why won’t the white nationalist NuGOP address a comprehensive immigration plan that includes DACA, status of illegal immigrants, border security, legal immigration reform.
We understand the white nationalists want to eliminate even legal immigration, but it’s a fact that our economy NEEDs immigrants. Immigrants pay a higher proportion of their income in federal taxes than does The Don. Funny, huh? But then guys like tRump craft the tax laws.
Jeffery, we all get that you are simply being a troll in these comments.
We all get that you hate Trump and conservatives because all you have is hate.
You hate the military, minorities, women, LGBTs, businesses, science, and that list goes on and on.
Hating is not the way to go through life, but that is you and the left have.
We didn’t compare Central Americans to wildlife, Mrs. Delaney did. We did not suggest shooting them at the border, NuCons did.
Look inside your own withered souls to find hatered. tRump and the those that support him are destroying America, not intentionally, but certainly deliberately.
You were once a reasonable conservative voice, before tRump. What drives you to support tRump? Your hatred of liberals? Your anti-abortion views? Anti-Black, Brown, gay, Muslim instincts? For many evangelicals abortion trumps all. For many conservatives, the fear of being ‘replaced’ by Black, brown, Asian, Muslim folks drives them; that the dominant white ‘culture’ with its privileges and advantages will be lost.
You can’t possibly believe that tRump is helping his base economically.
You were the one that has suggested that the people be allowed in the country despite the fact that they would be breaking the law.
You are the one that hates so much that laws mean nothing to you.
Right. Because more jobs, more money to spend, more freedoms, etc is “destroying America.”
Oh Jeffery, you think that I don’t remember all the name calling and attacks you initiated when you were supporting Obama and his specific brand of racism and hatred?
It is clear that in your hatred, you’ll say anything.
We did not suggest shooting them at the border, NuCons did.
Care to link a few examples?
Look inside your own withered souls to find hatered.
Pretty hard since the word is hatred. You should be able to spell it since your side pushes most of it.
tRump and the those that support him are destroying America, not intentionally, but certainly deliberately.
Our daily exercise in projection.
What drives you to support tRump? Your hatred of liberals? Your anti-abortion views? Anti-Black, Brown, gay, Muslim instincts?
Well, he does fight back against the treasonous forces of the Left, but the Trump Train has all manner of passengers – black, Hispanic, homosexual.
Matter of fact, black unemployment, across all demographics, is the lowest in US history.
It’s why Jeffery hates Trump so much. All those black people getting ahead and here he sits getting paid minimum wage to type in pre-written Lefty propaganda.
As usual, your rant is bigoted and immature and filled with blind hate. Most everyone here feels that you are likely nucon. To orient your thoughts I would suggest Carlsons book, Ship of Fools. He does a good job of showing why Trump was elected and demonstrates the failings of modern liberals compared to the liberal of before.
“Immigrants pay a higher proportion of their income in federal taxes than Trump..â€. Really? Did you poll all of them? Actually, anyone who makes less than Trump (or J), pays a “higher proportion of their income†for a loaf of bread, a cup of coffee, a meal, ect. So? Trying to interject drama where there is no drama?
Why dont you move to Mexico where you can be rid of white people? A serious question. If white nationalists of which I am one are so troubling for you then surely you would be much more comfortable in Mexico or any country south of the Rio Grande.
White nationalist is simply white people who love their country and want to protect it from the massive influx of Illegal immigrants with a complicit democratic party who wants to DESTROY the culture that has been established in this country since the early 1600’s.
Oh but wait I get it you hate white people because they love their country. We know that progressives want to destroy nationalism and love of country in order to prevent push back and now that Trump has restored pride in America and her values you are apoplectic as are your fellow comrades.
I am all for black people and Hispanic people and Asian people moving to this nation and helping it to grow strong an diverse. Just do it legally. Simple. If that makes me evil then so be it. I choose to be evil for demanding laws be followed.
How many murders are okay there Jethro before it becomes a problem. Obviously quite a few since you are more worried about illegals storming our border then you are BLACKS being murdered at an alarming rate by other blacks inside the borders of America.
How many banks can be robbed before its a problem? You and your side believe that what can 7000 or 70000 or 700,000 hurt strolling across the border illegally. After all its only a drop in the bucket BREAKING THE LAW.
When does it become enough. Too much for your side?
Thank you for explaining what you mean by white nationalist. Thanks, but no thanks, the US is my home too. Democrats do not favor unfettered, “open borders”. We do favor the fair and humane treatment of undocumented immigrants here now, and a secure border and well regulated immigration policies.
Immigrants have lower crime rates than native born Americans.
“Immigrants have lower crime rates than native born (black) Americans.”
formwiz says:
October 26, 2018 at 4:19 pm
We did not suggest shooting them at the border, NuCons did.
Care to link a few examples?
Dana says:
October 25, 2018 at 6:13 pm
When the invaders immigrants try to cross the border, will the Army and National Guard have orders to fire upon them?
It does not matter how many troops are put there; unless they are willing to fire upon the invaders, the invasion cannot be turned back. We will need civilian militia who are willing to fire upon these invaders to stop them. Once they actually cross the border, the legal status changes.