This is the way science works in the Cult of Climastrology: manufacture some scares rather than actually doing science and saying “here it is”
(Watts Up With That?) Former Vice President Al Gore: “The language that the IPCC used in presenting it was torqued up a little bit, appropriately – how [else] do they get the attention of policy-makers around the world?†Video follows.
Gore admission that the UN IPCC report was “torqued up†in order to “get the attention of policy-makers around the world†is just the latest in a long line of evidence that the UN climate panel is nothing more than “a purely political body posing as a scientific institution.â€
PBS NEWSHOUR – ONE-ON-ONE – Broadcast: October 12, 2018 – (Gore’s quote begins at 1 min. 30 into video)
PBS host Judy Woodruff to Former Vice President Al Gore: “They are painting a much more alarming picture of what we face than we had previously known…â€
Gore: “The language that the [UN] IPCC used in presenting it was torqued up a little bit, appropriately – how [else] do they get the attention of policy-makers around the world?â€
Right before this exchange, about 1:22. Gore was yammering on about using the Earth’s atmosphere as an open sewer for man-made global warming pollution. You know, CO2 which plants love and provide the base of the food chain. Then he probably hopped in a fossil fueled vehicle.
But this is what the CoC is all about: attempting to scare people, especially compliant lawmakers, in order to get them to institute rules, regulations, and laws that force citizens to live the life the Warmists mostly won’t live voluntarily. They want everyone to be forced to comply with CoC beliefs, which boil down to fees/taxes and government dominance over our lives.

Uh oh- will Gore be banned from the Church of Failed Predictions and Data Distortion?
Ironic to find conservabloggers whining about this while at the same time accusing climate scientists of a giant conspiracy with global communists working a world takeover. Deniers describe climate scientists as a cult advancing a hoax with forged data all in subservience to the political desire to rule. Skeptics claim cutting CO2 emissions will destroy economies and force folks to live in caves.
And you’re concerned that the IPCC accurately says that global warming is bad and getting worse? Got it.
That’s true! Green plants convert atmospheric CO2 into carbohydrates by the process of sunlight-powered photosynthesis. Animals eat the carbohydrates and catabolize to CO2 and water, extracting energy in the process! A few hundred million years ago so many of these plants were compacted into what we know now as coal, oil and gas which we’ve been releasing into the atmosphere by burning them.
Are you really concerned that reducing fossil fuel burning will drop atmospheric CO2 to where green plants will become extinct?
Jeffery, once again, didn’t even read the piece. Mommy must have been at the store.
attempting to scare people
Scaring people. Fake bombs will be next.
“Whining..†No J, we’re laughing. We always knew Gore was a con-man.
Al Gore: “We had to torque it up appropriately to scare lawmakers”
Normals: “So all of this is based on exaggeration and lies to raise our taxes and increase government control over our lives and lessen our freedom and wealth?”
Al Gore: “Whatever it takes, baby!”
And the jealous, envious, greedy libtards like Jethro, insanely disturbed that someone else has more more money (unfair), or a bigger house (unfair) and really, REALLY wants the kind of income equality they have in Cuba or North Korea.