…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on why we need a president who’s an American Nationalist.

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on why we need a president who’s an American Nationalist.
tRump is tRolling us. He knows that “nationalist’ is a dog whistle to his neoNazi, KKK, white nationalist legionnaires.
If he wanted to put America and Americans first he would resign.
He is president of his base.
So we could have the Hildabeast?
You are funny.
Oh, and before Jeffery cooks up some more lies, the Pittsburgh shooter hates Trump.
Whom do you think succeeds the American President upon resigning?
As I said, the alleged killer hated tRump, likely because of tRump’s Jewish family. Many neoNazis had to swallow their pride to accept that flaw in tRump. Remember the conservative mob in Charlottesville chanting “Jews Won’t Replace Us!!”. Even that didn’t give tRump pause.
Will this mass murder of Jews targeted for their religion by a neoNazi trigger an epiphany for tRump? His son-in-law, daughter and grandchildren are Jewish and neoNazis would like to see them dead. Will he let fly at neoNazis or will he keep his ire focused on Hispanic refugees 1000 miles south, to light a fuse (pull the trigger?) under his base until Nov 7.
Will any tRumpublicans finalize criticize the neo Nazi ideology?
It really isn’t a river in Egypt, is it?
And, last I looked, Trump wasn’t Jewish. His daughter’s is and the only one who seems to boject is you.
Remember the conservative mob in Charlottesville chanting “Jews Won’t Replace Us!!â€.
Actually, I don’t, but I’m not delusional, either.
And the Red Wave was there long before Dr Evil organized his Long March. That’s what really gets you. The Blue Wave was only a blue fog. And the American people aren’t falling for your Mad Bomber scheme.
Huh? Are you due for your next oxycontin?
We’re sorry if you think we suggested The Don was Jewish. Members of his FAMILY are. But we think you’re just being intentionally obtuse. Con Men do that when cornered.
Obama was president to his base. He created civil strife and civil unrest while president. He catered to corporations and let the globalists run all over him and the United States.
I am a nationalist. I believe in borders and immigration. I believe in the rule of law and civility.
They call it Trumps wall. No it MY WALL. I want a wall as long as we have a democratic party who wants to flood this nation with illiterate people and hand them a ticket straight to the government sponsored poverty line.
I am a nationalist. I am proud to be one. Never marched, never sent a single dollar to any candidate and never will. There are millions and millions JUST LIKE ME.
She looks like she has everything you need for a cold night.
(notice how Jeffery ignores the girls)
You ASSume I don’t look at the pictures. What you observe is that I don’t comment on them, preferring real women.
Has a real woman ever voluntarily allowed you to touch them? It’s better than pictures.
TEACH should pay me to comment here – it keeps all you losers riled up!! If I stay away a day or two, you guys clam up.
No, it keeps us laughing. Every village needs an idiot and you’re ours.
And Mommy doesn’t count as a real woman BTW.
What’s your position on the Deep State of the DOJ, FBI, USPS, local authorities putting together a pipe bomb campaign to distract the American people from a refugee caravan in southern Mexico that tRump says is benefiting him and the GOP??
At the same time, the right insists that the refugee caravan that from the outset would clearly benefit tRump and the GOP was initiated by Democrats and funded by George Soros.
Does any of that make sense? Of course, there is not one shred of evidence to support any of it.
Something has been bothering me since this pipe bomber started. In years past every anonymous bomber or terrorist who got involved in this sort of thing was never caught or at least it took a long time to catch them.
This guy was shagged in a matter of a few days. His bombs were toys designed to never explode. He registered for the GOP in 2016 and miraculously set p accounts to rah rah trump in 2016.
Now how do you suppose the LAS Vegas Shooter case is NOW CLOSED with nothing having ever been found. A shooter who put 400 plus people in the hospital that night. Firing upon a country western concert most likely consisting of Red necks and White Nationalists as other Americans like to call us. They found ZERO, ZIP, NADA on this guy. His girl friend worked for the FBI. Funny that.
The Una Bomber took decades to catch. The people sending bags of white powder to ciizens have NEVER been caught.
Yet here we go this guy is Caught in JUST A COUPLE OF DAYS. Sending bombs to DEMOCRATS, from a guy whose VaN is convered in trump stickers and tons of social media postings about being a MAGA fan.
Yeah this is a deep state operation. They guy gave up without a fight. He just wandered into the cops arms and said here I am please arrest me.
Wow our FBI is amazing these days having found this guy within a day or two of the bombs showing up. Folks a finger print is just one of a billion in a list. The police have finger prints of lots of suspects that they have no IDEA whose finger prints these belong too.
Everything about this stinks…10 days before the mid terms from a deep state in bed with the left and the certain righties who would give anything to see trump Impeached and sent packing.
Sayoc’s family lawyer said that tRump was like a father figure to the MAGAbomber. tRump spoke the language Sayoc had wanted to hear; millions of politically inactive Americans have become active because of tRump.
You don’t believe the FBI can match a fingerprint on a bomb to their database? Recall too that the MAGAbomber had many prior arrests.
If, as disclosed, the MAGAbomber was preparing the bombs in his van, it makes sense that he would try to hide that fact.
Nothing found???? Perhaps you mean there no motive was found.
Marilou Danley worked for the FBI? Since you don’t rely on secondary sources, can you share your original research on her?
The las vegas investigation has been closed. Nothing found. The point is simple. Shooting up a bunch of Rednecks in Las Vegas is back page news after a few days with the local and national authorities in disarray over the investigation.
This maga bomber sending a dozen bombs all to Democrats 10 days before the election nets an arrest in just a few days. I know only your conspiracy theories work for you in your far left world. Only corporations are evil, but what you have failed to grasp in your march is that corporations all over the world are the ones behind the open borders, borderless society.
10 trillion dollars is what they anticipate a borderless society will add to the wealth of the world but just who receives that? Not you or me. The top 1 percent of the 1 percent. The very people you march against.
Every bomb was sent to Corporatist Democrats. A double message was sent by this guy. One the corporatists need their stock boosted in the midst of a NATIONALIST POPULIST MOVEMENT THAT IS OPPOSED TO A BORDERLESS WORLD.
You should take the time to do some real reading on what is going on in this world.
I give you:
The High Commissioner stressed that “people do not lose their human rights by virtue of crossing a border without a visaâ€.
At the onset of his speech, the UN human rights chief warned of the return of “chauvinistic nationalism†around the world, and urged leading politicians to combat this “menace that stalks our future.â€
“Is it not the case, for example,†he asked, “that historically, the most destructive force to imperil the world has been chauvinistic nationalism – when raised to feral extremes by self-serving, callous leaders, and amplified by mass ideologies which themselves repress freedom.â€
He said that the UN had been conceived to prevent the rebirth of chauvinistic nationalism, which was a primary cause of The Second World War.
“Chauvinistic nationalism is the polar opposite of the UN, its very antonym and enemy. So why are we so submissive to its return? Why are we in the UN so silent?†he exclaimed.
Why is it a menace to be nationalistic in the 21st century? World wars will be fought with nukes. There will be no 60 million men in combat gear fighting trench warfare along the entire EU or whatever country of your choosing.
The UN was indeed founded and as I have stated before the EU was founded on abolishing nationalism. The problem is that this was an open invitation for GLOBAL ECONOMIC CORPORATE INTERSTS which as you always claim do not have a soul, will strip mine the world of its wealth for their own good.
GLOBALISM is the most terrifying threat to the existence of MAN since the nuclear bomb was invented. This time though as the UN seeks to force its will on the economies of man and to strip away their energy power this will lead to a world of poverty not a world of wealth.
You need to get on board with the program. The rise of nationalism is sweeping the world once again as this has all started being revealed to absoluetely clueless people. Unless you are a paid shill for George Soros or the DNC and your only care is power for the leftists then you are historically on the wrong side of history.
There is little wrong with classical conservativism, but the democratic party which once held that view has been so warped into socialist/communist/progressivism and their rallying cry is now GLOBALISM because they understand how powerful it can be in strip mining the USA of its Economic power. But what the foot soldiers of this movement dont realize is that it is led by Corporate interests who will strip mine the wealth from them leaving them in worse shape than they ever thought possible.
TL:DR Study Globalism and learn. In this world Corporate interests are running this movement to establish more wealth into the hands of mega corporations like GOOGLE, AMAZON, APPLE, MICROSOFT and many, many more gigantic and powerful corporations who seek a world without borders to expand their wealth, run by Leftists who believe they are doing good for the world when the end result will be world wide poverty and destruction.
Corporations are not necessarily evil.
Our corporatist system is certainly unfair to working class Americans, but it’s a combination of corporatism/ government cooperation. The economy keeps expanding but those doing all the work find their wages are not increasing, but that the upkeep of the nation is being increasingly placed on their strong shoulders. That’s part of the reason tRump was elected and that Bernie Sanders was so popular. Working class Americans are hurting. Don’t you agree?
Unfortunately tRump has no plan (not even an intention) to help the working classes. He is using them – nurturing concerns about race, religion, country of origin= – to frighten them into supporting him, all the while rewarding the wealthy and corporations. The wealthy reap the profits of a successful economy and the workers are made to stand pat. How long can this go in?
Trump wants to distract you with “Caravan”!! The far-right subtext is that the big Jew, George Soros – “the globalist” – is crafting several conspiracies to derail tRump. You have offered no evidence that anyone (Soros, Deep State, Dems) are behind the MAGAbomber or the Pittsburgh holocaust.
White right-wingers lunatics are killing Jews (Pittsburgh), Muslims (Quebec), Sikhs (Oak Creek WI), Blacks (Louisville; Charleston); and now sending bombs to critics of tRump. How often do liberals kill fundamentalist Christians in church? No wonder the far-right is trying to blame all these vile acts on liberals and the Deep State.
Mango – can you briefly explain why you think the Big Jew, George Soros, is the most evil man on Earth? Thanks.
You believe the lawyer?
Who do you think is paying him? Certainly not the guy living with his mother (you should understand this).
You also trust the FBI? After Comey and McCabe? Nobody else does.
Meanwhile Blacks are killing blacks and cops at an alarming rate. Muslims are beheading women around the world. Antifa is burning buildings and screaming obscentities in the streets. Illegals have killed more Americans of all races than all these terrorists combined.
Illegals have killed more Americans of all races than all these terrorists combined.
Illegals have killed more Americans of all races than all these terrorists combined.
The caravan. Yeah your definitely a paid shill if all you care about is White people being Racist while Black people are killing black people at alarming rates and you don’t care. Or that Illegals are mowing down Americans right and left and you don’t care. All you care about is a few examples of crazed lunatics who kill and then point your finger at the GOP while WAVING YOUR HAND TO THE ILLEGALS TO COME ON IN AND GET YOU SUM.
We’re sorry if you think we suggested The Don was Jewish.
WE? I take it you think you’re pregnant.
Feds Scramble after Las Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Lists FBI as Place of Employment on Loan Application; ‘She Might have Been an Asset’
Marilou Danley, 63, worked at the FBI in Atlantis, which is in the Bahamas
Before her name was known around the world, Danley had made a life on the Gold Coast. Some people who know her told The Courier-Mail that she had been married to a Queensland man who worked in advertising.
WHY is this significant. Well it turns out that a hotel guest was in a room just down the hall who worked for a Gold Coast Casino in Austrailia as did This guys girlfriend. This man was in the hotel the night of the shooting.
Additionally according to records the two rooms were deadbolted separate the instant the shooting started. They track this stuff electronically. How is it possible that The shooter found dead in 35 could have deadbolted room 34 almost the instant the shooting started from room 35?
Two people. A Gold Coast employee from Austrailia who was there that night and would have at least known his girlfriend by sight since they both worked there at the same time.
See this is why the investigation was shut down, the sherrif was so flustered over the FBI’s handling and guess what? THIS GUY WAS NEVER INTERVIEWED EVEN THOUGH HE WAS A GUEST ON THE SAME FLOOR AS THE SHOOTER.
Deep state? Yeah I think its deeper than we think and I was never a conspiracy theory guy until this Las Vegas incident and now I am afraid for this nation.