If these are people looking to supposedly escape the the violence of Honduras, Guatemala, and other Central American nations, then what’s wrong with Mexico? A culture much closer, language is the same, and they are making an offer
Migrant caravan members reject offer to stay in Mexico
Several thousand Central American migrants turned down a Mexican offer of benefits if they applied for refugee status and stayed in the country’s two southernmost states, vowing to set out before dawn Saturday to continue their long trek toward the U.S. border.
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto announced what he called the “You are at home” plan, offering shelter, medical attention, schooling and jobs to Central Americans in Chiapas and Oaxaca states if they applied, calling it a first step toward permanent refugee status. Authorities said more than 1,700 had already applied for refugee status.
But after one of the caravan’s longest days of walking and hanging from passing trucks, the bulk of the migrants were boisterous Friday evening in their refusal to accept anything less than safe passage to the U.S. border.
“Thank you!” they yelled as they voted to reject the offer in a show of hands in the town of Arriaga. They then added: “No, we’re heading north!”
So, what, exactly, do the want in the U.S. Obviously, we are the better country. No shame in saying that if you’re an American. But they were offered asylum and all sorts of benefits. Even jobs. If they’re worried about the kids, there you go. And, having been offered asylum by Mexico and turned it down, they would no longer be asylum seekers when arriving at the U.S. border. They should be refused entry. You cannot claim to be a refugee then turn down excellent offers.
Now they’re simply a mob marching on our borders, and should be treated accordingly.

also from TEACH’s cited AP article:
and although the Gateway Pudendum claims police are forcing buses to TAKE the refugees, the AP reports:
BTW: A North Carolina mob, led by your Bombthrower-in-Chief, was chanting “CNN Sucks” last night. Who will be the next tRump acolyte to take up the “torch” for him?
That’s true enough: under Barack Hussein Obama, the ‘caravans’ had little to fear, and they’d reach their destination. Now that we have a President who is actually willing to defend the United States, these things cannot be kept quiet.
And yet the number of illegal immigrants in the US shot up from 1980 until 2006 where it finally leveled off, staying around 11 million for the past 12 years. This means the percentage of the total population has continually dropped since the mid 2000s.
The biggest jump was during the go-go 90s when the economy boomed.
But just before the mid-terms Nov 6 it’s become a crisis, according to your ‘president’. It’s a political ploy to light the fuse of his base.
So you admit Zippy loused up the economy. Thanks.
Weren’t you the one who originally told us this was some sort of Trump ploy, timed for the elections?
Now you’re telling us these poor, poor people are just coming because the economy is great.
I’m sure President Trump will appreciate that endorsement.
(he’s so easy)
Huh? You’re lost all touch with reality.
tRump is using this particular refugee caravan to light the fuse under his mob to vote in Nov.
Much, if not all, of what you believe is actually false. Yikes.
Many mental illnesses are treatable. You should take advantage of that before the tRumpublicans take away your health care coverage.
CNN does suck, as is determined by their viewership. CNN’s ratings have been plummeting, and they’re now being outdrawn by SpongeBob!
Who knows, maybe it has something with their decision to go all-Stormy Daniels/all-the-time, thinking that would somehow unseat President Trump. Viewers got bored with that stupidity.
Whereas Con Men have only a single state-run entity to satisfy their propaganda needs, namely FOX “News”, reasonable Americans have a variety of choices for honest information.
So of course all Con Men watch FOX and little else, as it’s the only major network that is far right reactionary all the time (except for Shep Smith – what’s up with him?).
FOX is a major reason that much of what Con Men believe to be true, is not. We see it here daily as con commenters repeat the same falsehoods and conspiracies they hear at FOX.
FOX is central to the white nationalist, pseudo-populist movement.
I think the eyeliner might be a clue, little fella…

Mushroom breath,
Mr. Smith wears much less make-up than your god-king, Little Mushroom.
But agreed, gay conservatives are more honest and reasonable than closeted gay Con Men like Rush.
Since the Murdoch brothers took over, most Conservatives have nothing to do with Fox.
Where have you been? I know, Mommy’s basement reading The Daily Worker.
According to Nielson, in 2017-2018, more than 21 million Americans watched broadcast networks NBC, CBS and ABC, while 4.2 million watched FOX. All three individual broadcast networks trounced FOX. All three beat FOX in primetime.
Many more Americans watch “Saturday Night Live” than watch FOX cable “News”. More Americans watch “Stephen Colbert” (CBS) than watch Sean Hannity.
Does this show that FOX sucks?
Cable requires a fee.
Broadcast doesn’t. Broadcast ratings will always be higher, nitwit.
The point being that Americans get their news from legitimate media, NBC, CBS and ABC, not FAUX News.
tRumpublicans live in a bubble.
Point being, dumbass, is that you missed the point. Read slower, give yourself a chance.
Oh, yeah, and the AP is completely trustworthy.
Trump wasn’t the bomb thrower. That was your little pal from the Philippines. And, last I looked, people are allowed to speak freely. “CNN Sucks†isn’t as bad as the assassination fantasies the Gray Lady published.
But those are OK with Jeffery.
tRump lights the fuse under his mob. Sayoc stands angrily with tRump. He is a tRumpublican like you.
That’s not to imply that you’re as violent as the MAGAbomber.
You have descended into madness; tRump does that to everyone he mentally molests. Much of what you believe to be true, is not.
The MAGAbomber was not from the Philippines, he is an American citizen, but his birth father was an immigrant and a US citizen. His mother was a US citizen of Italian heritage.
Has the NYT’s article prompted any pipe bomb attacks? No?
So yes, calling the media and your political opponents “enemies of the people” is pretty bad.
tRump lights the fuse under his mob.
Sayoc stands angrily with tRump. He is a tRumpublican like you.
No, he isn’t. In FL, convicted felons can’t register. Only in Demo paradiese like CA.
The MAGAbomber was not from the Philippines, he is an American citizen, but his birth father was an immigrant and a US citizen. His mother was a US citizen of Italian heritage.
No, he’s a Filipino. And I never said he wasn’t a citizen.
Has the NYT’s article prompted any pipe bomb attacks?
Has it stoked the violent fantasies of people like you? Has it inspired attacks on Americans exercising their rights? I’d say so.
And where did I call the media and your political opponents “enemies of the people†is pretty bad. You did that, not me.
You’ve descended into madness. Perhaps you’ve always been there. You are not in touch with reality.
Is there a conspiracy you don’t embrace? The tRump mob is conspiracy driven.
The Deep State FBI and USPS has framed a patsy, right? All to distract from the trumped-up ‘caravan’. LOL.
Cesar Sayoc is not a Filipino, but an American, just like you (if you actually are – you may be a Russian plant).
It’s hard to imagine that there are people like you in the US, but once one hears interviews at tRump mob rallies and the commenter mobs at places like the Gateway Pudendum one quickly understands how brainwashed tRump supporters are.
You are out of touch with reality.
You expect us to buy what AP says when they’re the Ministry of Propaganda for the Demos?
And Trump doesn’t need to “transform concerns about immigration and the caravan into electoral gains in the Nov. 6 midterms”. The people are already there.
Why do you think it’s going to be a Red Avalanche instead of a Blue Trickle in 10 days?
Police have also been ejecting paid migrant passengers off buses
It’s on vid. Who you gonna believe, your eyes or AP lies?
PS When did Trump ever throw a bomb? Your pal from the Philippines didn’t, either. Nobody threw any bombs. Those were for show, not for go.
And people hated CNN long before Donald Trump even thought about being President.
What, you don’t like people exercising their First Amendment rights?
How many of the refugees in Mexico have mailed bombs to American citizens? None reported.
How many from tRump’s violent mobs have mailed bombs to American citizens? At least one.
How many IS cutthroats in that crowd?
How many child sex traffickers? (at least 7 at last count)
How many MS-13 gang bangers?
How many from tRump’s violent mobs have mailed bombs to American citizens?
Zip, actually. Unless Jeffery the lair and black Judas can prove the guy ever attended a Trump rally. The clown’s a career criminal and a loser. He’s the fall guy.
Some bomb technicians who studied photos of the device that circulated on social media suggested that the bomb sent to CNN had hallmarks of fake explosives — the kind more typically depicted on television and in movies, rather than devices capable of detonating.
A digital clock was taped to the middle of the pipe, a feature that experts say is typically shown on fictional bombs in an attempt to ratchet up dramatic tension, but unnecessary in real life.
His van literally screams “I am a rightwing nutjob.†It is brand spanking new. How could a poor, bankrupt guy allegedly living in his mother’s basement or in the van itself afford such a vehicle? The pro-Trump stickers are not stickers at all, but professionally-created, poster-sized collages designed to perfectly fit in each one of the van’s windows. And all the van’s windows are covered in them except the front driver’s side window and the windshield.
The reaction from Democrats was another tell. They were ready the minute the story hit – some even before it hit. John Brennan predicted that more bombs were coming because he hadn’t gotten one. The next day he did. When CNN received its bomb, instead of running for cover and calling authorities, they took photos of it.
If you noticelinked graphic you’ll see his Instagram profile lists him as a Demos.
This is as phony as Christine Blowzy Ford’s rape story.
How many from tRump’s violent mobs have mailed bombs to American citizens?
As many democrats who have done much worse by shooting up a baseball field full of Republican congressmen.
Well, of course they’ve rejected the offer to stay in Mexico; why would they want to leave one shithole country to stay in another?
How many illegal aliens have killed American citizens? Dozens and Dozens. How many Conservative pipe bombers have killed Americans…….ZERO.
How many Americans have mailed Pipe bombs to Mexico? NONE.
How many ILLEGALS have RAPED American Citizens…….MANY< MANY< MANY.
How many ILLEGALS have the rich Hollywood elite hired for peanuts and then marched in the streets demanding a living wage? LOLOLOL……..
The left is so full of Bullshit. #MOBRULE
Are you sure you want to go down this road?
Most murders in the US are committed by white Christians.
Most rapes in the US are committed by white Christians.
Most child molestations in the US are committed by white Christians.
Most terrorist attacks in the US are committed by white right-wingers.
Since 9/11, right wing terrorists have killed more Americans than have jihadists.
Almost all mass shooters in America are white.
Not true. Actually, conservative Christian Mark Anthony Conditt killed two in Austin TX and injured others just this year with pipe bombs. Conservative Eric Rudolph killed 2 and injured more than 100 with pipe bombs.
Conservative Tim McVeigh used a truck bomb and killed 168 children, men and women and injured hundreds more. Conservative Dylann Roof used a gun but killed several. Conservative James Fields used a car. Wade Michael Page killed 6 at a Sikh temple. Anti-abortion terrorists have killed at least a dozen Americans since the 1990s, mostly by firearms, most recently in Colorado Springs in 2015, killing 3 and injuring several more.
Oh, you mean white Christians are the majority in this country, after all. Glad you finally admitted it.
PS Care to document those stats, or are just more propaganda?
formwiz, you don’t have to use a question mark when asking a rhetorical question. The little guy is super angry today.
Probably aroused too.

Hide the grandson!
Dude, I just want to see what his answer is.
Well of course, white Christians are the majority in the US.
Statements are of fact.
Just in: According to Gateway Pudendum, 46 yr old, Rob Bowers, a white neo-Nazi, white supremacist, anti-Semite, but a trump hater, just shot up a synagogue in Pittsburgh. He thinks tRump is too liberal and controlled by the Jews. Several were killed.
Bowers particularly hated HIAS, a refugee resettlement organization, bringing in refugees fleeing persecution based on their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, gender or sexual orientation.
Trump just belabored the point that churches and synagogues should have armed guards.
No, you keep saying we’re the minority, desperately clinging to power.
Make up your mind.
The point being that Americans get their news from legitimate media, NBC, CBS and ABC, not FAUX News.
tRumpublicans live in a bubble
And yet that bubble carried 30 states and 3 million more legal votes than the Hildabeast and it will carry a Red Avalanche that will expand Republican control of Congress.
I take it you’re also telling us that MSLSD and CNN, which get killed by Fox, are also not legitimate media.
Shut the front door! You REALLY believe that tRumpelthinskin received more votes than Secretary Clinton???
Seriously, Do you really believe these tales or are you just trolling?
Since you tRust no one, how did you verify the vote? And if you personally observed 3 million illegal votes why didn’t you say something?
You recall that tRumpelthinskin created a select commission to prove that millions of illegal votes were cast and the commission (headed by The Kris Kobach*, no less) found nothing and quietly disbanded. Did they not interview you?
*Kobach is the tRumpublicans Suppressor-in-Chief, leading the conservative assault on voting rights. It’s how a minority rules.
Crazy Coulter wants to settle the invaders hash once and for all!
We suspect that more than one commenter here agrees with Coulder than Ice.
tRump has infected the brains of his followers with his own unhinged fears.
Well, a lot of people wanted to see the US take over Mexico at the end of the Mexican War.
Probably would be better for the Mexicans. No more failed state. No more corruption. Kill off the drug cartels. Better standard of living.
But where does she threaten any harm? All she wants is a guard on the border.
PS Coulder than Ice? Cute. Not yours, obviously.
So what do you expect our soldiers to do ten yards inside Mexico if not shoot?
Coulder than ICE is mine, thanks. But you can use it.
Why shoot? Do our guys stationed in Germany go around shooting? Do our guys stationed in Korea go around shooting? They’d occupy territory and only shoot if fired upon. ROE, you know.
You’re letting your masturbatorially violent fantasies get out of hand.
Don’t you value freedom and self-determination?
A lot of people wanted us to go into Russia and China at the end of WWII.
A lot of people want to rid the US of all non-white people.
A lot of people believed Iraq had WMDs. tRump wanted to take Iraq’s oil.
A lot of people think a lot of things, not all of them wise.
I am stating an historical fact. Manifest Destiny, and all that.
A lot of people wanted us to go into Russia and China at the end of WWII.
The only one who wanted to go to Russia was Georgie Patton and that was only because he wouldn’t be in command of the invasion of Japan. And we were already in China.
A lot of people want to rid the US of all non-white people.
they did? Name some.
A lot of people believed Iraq had WMDs. tRump wanted to take Iraq’s oil.
They did and he didn’t.
A lot of people think a lot of things, not all of them wise.
I know, you can’t seem to stop yourself.
First, don’t call them migrants. They’re illegals. Even in Mexico.
Second, of course, they refuse to stay. They’re being paid to go to the US. This is Dr Evil’s Resistance Is Futile gambit.
And, of course, it’s blowing up in his face.
Mexico decides what to call them, not you.
That’s what Mexico does call them.
And, if they’re there illegally, then I get to call them illegal, too.
By refusing Mexico’s asylum offer they prove that they’re not refugees. Mexico is the first safe-harbor.
The Deep State FBI and USPS has framed a patsy, right? All to distract from the trumped-up ‘caravan’.
You said it. You really expect anybody to buy this clown cam up with this? Because they aren’t. And the invasion hasn’t stopped the Red Avalanche, so the Demos had to try something.
Cesar Sayoc is not a Filipino, but an American, just like you (if you actually are – you may be a Russian plant).
He’s a citizen, but his father’s Filipino, so he’s a Filipino.
It’s hard to imagine that there are people like you in the US, but once one hears interviews at tRump mob rallies and the commenter mobs at places like the Gateway Pudendum one quickly understands how brainwashed tRump supporters are.
The Donald really lives rent-free with you, doesn’t he?
You wouldn’t even be saying mobs all over the place if he hadn’t used the word first.
Seriously, do you REALLY believe that the DOJ, FBI, USPS, local police, the media have conspired to distract from tRump’s trumped up refugee story?? You can’t be serous. You’re just trolling, right? Do you think the FBI is lying about the fingerprint and DNA results? Whom do you think constructed the van?
Where do you think President Obama was born?
Do you believe George Soros or the Dems are paying the refugee caravan? And did Soros/Dems/Hillary/Obama recruit the refugees in Honduras?
Did they finance Cesar Sayok? Did they use some kind of mind control on him?
Did men reach the moon?
Are jets spreading psychoactive compounds via contrails?
Are climate scientists in cahoots with a worldwide communist cabal planning a global takeover?
Do immunizations cause autism?
Does HIV cause AIDS?
Do greenhouse gases cause the Earth to warm?
Mobs? No kidding. tRump uses mobs to describe Dems.
We use mobs to describe whenever two or more are gathered in Trump’s name. Are you bothered that we characterize the tRump rabble at his perp rallies as “mobs”?
Finally, whom do you trust to tell you the truth, i.e., what sources do you use for valid information to help you form your world views?
You mean Dr Evil’s trumped-up refugee story.
Do you think the FBI is lying about the fingerprint and DNA results? Whom do you think constructed the van?
Because the FBI hasn’t lied about anything during this Administration. The Russia hoax f’rinstance (tell us again how Mule Ears is going to bring Trump down).
And I assume Ford or GM built the van. If you mean who put the pictures there, whoever’s behind this nonsense.
Do you believe George Soros or the Dems are paying the refugee caravan? And did Soros/Dems/Hillary/Obama recruit the refugees in Honduras?
Pueblas Sin Fronteras, run by li’l ol’ dr Evil.
Did they finance Cesar Sayok?
What finance? You can find his “bomb” parts in any junk store.
Do greenhouse gases cause the Earth to warm?
Only fools like you buy that.
Are climate scientists in cahoots with a worldwide communist cabal planning a global takeover?
That’s where they went after the Warsaw Bloc fell.
Mobs? No kidding. tRump uses mobs to describe Dems.
Only because they are.
Are you bothered that we characterize the tRump rabble at his perp rallies as “mobs�
No, because you wouldn’t have thought of it if Trump hadn’t used the word first.
Finally, whom do you trust to tell you the truth
I “trust” nobody. I verify what I hear. You trust the Left.
You do realize they already have your place at the wall lined up?
Ahem. OK, Dr. Conspirato, how do you verify what you hear?
What original source do you have proving that George Soros is behind the refugee gathering now 1000 miles south of the border? Have you been amongst the caravan members?
We assume in your purity that you never read Breitbart, the Gateway Pudendum or watch FOX News, right?
Unlike you, I’m all over the Net. Hit Breit maybe once a day, haven’t watched Fox in forever, and I follow Gateway’s citations through to the sources.
No conspiracy, that’s your thing, but I do know when I’m being lied to.
That’s your big problem. The lies of network news just got bigger until anybody with a brain (of course, that lets out Lefties) could see it. Then the Net comes along and you can see stuff from all over the world.
You’re still a slave on the Demo plnatation, doin’ whut Massa tells y’all.
Last chance…
What evidence convinced you that Soros is financing the migrants? Do you have one bit of proof?
Illegal voters?
FBI, USPS etc plot to send pipe bombs? The Pudendum is pushing that conspiracy hard. It reminds us of Mrs. Obama’s “Whitey Tape” and the ‘proof’ from citizen investigators proving President Obama forged a birth certificate.
Pizzagate, anyone?
Donald Trump 100,000 in Houston rally. Another estimated 100,000 outside the building
Barak Obama filled a 5000 seat venue for a speech hateing on Trump.
The facts of the matter are simple. This guys is a lifelong criminal I have little doubt he was funded as a plant the minute Donald Trump started becoming a force. Its how the Deep State works. George Soros is on record as saying Trump is destroying his world without borders.
Soros is the evilest man on the planet right now. And you defend him. Explain to me what jobs he has created other than funding thugs to burn down universities?
Fascinating. The Cove is like a laboratory of conspiracy theories!
The Toyota Center in Houston holds 18,023. Conservative Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick estimated 16,000 inside and 15,000 outside. Where did you get the 200,000 number?
Beto O’Rourke attracted as many or more at an outdoor rally in Austin.
Any evidence at all, or just your opinion? Do you have evidence that the Deep State has funded other terror attacks or that the Deep State even exists? How does the Deep State work?
You first on Soros. Can you share your reasoning behind the charge that George Soros is the most evil man on the planet? More evil than Putin? More evil than Kim?
Did we defend him? We see no evidence that he’s done more than fund progressive candidates and ideals. If he dislikes Donald Trump is in good company worldwide.
Beto O’Rourke attracted as many or more at an outdoor rally in Austin.
And I can say I attract as many or more here (wotta maroon).
Can you share your reasoning behind the charge that George Soros is the most evil man on the planet?
Though a Jew, he rode around Budapest with the SS and called it the best experience of his life. He broke the British retirement system. He obsesses with breaking the US.
The Austin crowd came to see Willie Nelson.

Once again the angry little negro is wrong.
What did you all do to jeff, he is crazier than usual. Something one of you did set him off, or maybe he now understands there is a huge red wave coming and we are winning. MAGA.
Do YOU believe that trump’s DOJ, FBI, USPS concocted a plan to send pipe bombs to distract from tRump’s use of the refugee caravan for political purposes? So far, two Covians believe in the conspiracy. No one has refuted the conspiracy here.
I find it fascinating. You guys may be crazier than I ever imagined!!
And it seems you all trust no one but tRump. Every other component of societal norms, the gov’t, military, police, media all lie to you constantly.
Covians? You mean like Deplorables, Hillary?
Or are we dregs, Joe?
Jeffery is going all Christine Blowzy Ford on us.
Does anyone know what he is talking about? What is this FBI stuff? I have always thought that Jeff boy was stupid and nuts, but this really proves it.
Appaterntly he gets a lot of his stuff from Chris Murphy’s Twats, among others. And the bombast of Lefty outrage at an honest opinion is why I do not social media.
Surf through some of that stuff, if you dare.
If there’s a case for shutting down Twitter, it’s that the impressionable among get way too excited.
I have really gotten behind in keeping up with the code language. Maybe Jeff knows of a refresher course.
For those still around, next time Jeffery starts fulminating about Trump’s pernicious effect on a guy who planted joke bombs, hit him with something real.
Lefty -arrested for attempt to purchase radioactive material to kill Republicans
Film at 11 and everything.
Can’t wait to see him spin this.
Here’s what the odious jimhoft neglected to tell you (BTW, I thought you guys did all your own primary sourcing – not trusting anyone).
The Pudendum’s putative leftist ran twice as a Republican. Funny, huh? You can spin it anyway you want, but we’re disappointed you relied on jimhoft rather than doing your own homework like you claimed. But desperation makes fools of us all.
Regardless, if convicted, put him away… unless you think the imaginary Deep State is trying to frame another Republican for that billionaire Jew, George Soros.
Do you think what he did was somehow worse than trumplublican Cesar Sayok mailing over a dozen pipe bombs to two former Presidents, former VP, former Sec of State, major cable news network, a Representative, etc (sorry – forgot this was a Deep State conspiracy – my bad). Or was it worse than neoNazi Robert Bowers allegedly murdering 11 Jewish worshipers and police officers (sorry – forgot this was a conspiracy by Jew George Soros to distract from the Jew George Soros financed bombings which was concocted to distract from the Jew George Soros financed refugee caravan 1000 miles south of our southern border).
The Jew George Soros was paying the refugee caravan to distract America from the powerful red surge prompted by the Senate confirmation of the accused abuser Bart O’Kavanaugh. No wonder the far-right neoNazis and white nationalists consider that Jew Soros to be the most evil man on Earth.
You guys are pretty boring since you slid off the rails.
Again, do you really believe all that conspiracy bullshit about ‘Deep State/ that Jew Soros’ plots? Really> Simple yes or no.
Look at the polls, moron.
Even the Demo pollsters are conceding no blue wave.
Regardless, if convicted, put him away… unless you think the imaginary Deep State is trying to frame another Republican
He’s no Republican. You can’t register in FL if you’re a convicted felon (how many times does it need to be said before it penetrates that thick skull?).
And, yes, I do.
PS The Jew, George Soros? Aren’t you showing your anti-Semitism?
Jeremy Ryan ran two campaigns as a Republican candidate. Is he part of the Deep State/Soros conspiracy against the Republicans? If he had won either election he would have had R-WI after his name in the US House.
And yet, thick skulls notwithstanding, tRumpublican MAGAbomber Cesar Sayoc WAS registered as a Republican in FL, at least according to the state voter records. Do you have better information?
County Name:MIAMI-DADE
Date Of Registration:3/4/2016
Party:Republican Party of Florida
Voter Status:Active*
Right-wing, anti-immigration, gun nut Robert Bowers shouldn’t have had all those firearms, but there ya go.
You bore me with your silly conspiracies, abject hatred, willful ignorance and inhumane cruelty. There are millions like Sayoc, you, Mango and Bowers.
Your president, that stand up comedian, today told the crowd that he thought of canceling the political rally because Jews were massacred earlier by a neoNazi in Pittsburgh. Nah, just kidding.
He thought of canceling because he was ‘having a bad hair day’. Har, har! What a great jokester he is!!
He also talked of the bad ‘globalists’ (Jews) and the good ‘nationalists’ (neoNazis). He’s working hard for his white nationalist base!
I see all the Lefties are using Chris Murphy’s talking points. You guys need better writers.
And didn’t you see the rabbi giving the prayer? Jew fight back nowadays. Not little wusses that need support animals and grief counselors like you.
I don’t tweeter or twit or whatever you’re talking about. But I’ll look up ‘Chris Murphy’ since he irks you.
You’re boring. Even for a neoNazi, white nationalist.
This Chris Murphy? Here’s a collection of recent twitterings. Maybe the last two (highlighted) are what you are talking about?
Chris Murphy
US Senate candidate, CT
Thank you to the communities at @RehobothCOG and @bethelamebloomfield for inviting me to join you for services and speak to the congregations this morning.
Young people are making the difference this election. Are you ready to help them get out the vote? Make it happen at http://bit.ly/2P3DmZd
Proud to earn the endorsement of the @thedayct. I’ve fought hard to protect health care, grow manufacturing and farming jobs and to support our sub base. If you give me the chance, I’m going to keep working to deliver for southeastern CT.
https://www.theday.com/editorials/20181025/chris-murphy-deserves-another-term-in-senate …
Spent most of the night w my boys at the Hartford Wolfpack game. Just couldn’t watch another full four hours of that. Got home just in time to see the good stuff. Gutsy win. That throw by Devers in the 9th was legit. #RedSoxVsDodgers
Rain, cold and even a little flooding didn’t stop #FightBackCT volunteers from getting out the vote across the state. Thank you to everyone who is giving it their all these last 10 days.
Do you believe Jews (e.g., Soros) are responsible for tRump’s refugee caravan?
No, this Chris Murphy
Trump calls immigrants “animalsâ€.
Says neo-nazis are “fine people.â€
And yesterday he used anti-Semitic code language to lead “lock up Soros†cheers.
And few Jews consider Dr Evil a Jew, especially since he doesn’t. So your little go at anti-Semitism doesn’t fly, but Yid With Lid wants Jeffery to tell him did Ozero’s anti-Semitism incite the Pittsburgh Nazi?
And Pueblos Sin Fronteras organized and pays for this thing and it’s one of his groups, so he’s responsible. Little Jeffery has been ducking this reality forever, but he wants to have a shot at a little more virtue signaling.
He also says he doesn’t Twat, but compare his cute little attempt at anti-Semitism to this about defending Dr Evil.
“Soros” is shorthand for “the Jews†and anyone who has ever said anything about Soros has blood on their hands.
God, he is such a miserable little hypocrite.
Trump calls immigrants “animalsâ€. He does
Says neo-nazis are “fine people.†He did.
And yesterday he used anti-Semitic code language to lead “lock up Soros†cheers. He did.
Should these acts not be pointed out?
from Yid with Lid…
Yid claims President Obama’s support of Israel was lukewarm, and that the Iran deal made him an anti-Semite.
Do you have any proof that Pueblos Sin Fronteras is one of George Soros’ ‘groups’?
Sorry lil liar, I do not tweeter. But of course, part of the right’s hatred of Mr. Soros is that to them he’s a Jewish symbol – for all of the right’s “love” for Israel, they distrust Jews.
All you do is lie.
Matter of fact, I do.
have proof, that is.
And you get your copy there. If you aren’t smart enough to think up your own lines, there’s no shame in being stupid.
And Dr Evil is no symbol of Judaism. He betrayed Jews to the SS. But keep it up.
You just look like a bigger fool.
Proof? Of course not. It’s fake news.