…is evil leather which comes from horrible carbon polluting cows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Vlad Tepes, with a post on a story with two different versions.
BTW, girl on the left needs to put that thumb in. Not proper horns.

It’s been a rough week for America.
A FL man sent some 14 pipe bombs to American citizens, mostly politicians. Fortunately none exploded. He was captured by the FBI soon after.
Another man tried to enter a predominantly Black church in KY, but fortunately couldn’t enter but went nearby and assassinated and older Black man (shopping with his grandson) and an older Black woman in the parking lot. He was captured by local police.
A third man walked into a synagogue in Pittsburgh and gunned down several older worshipers. He was captured by police but not before wounding officers. A total of 11 were killed.
None exploded because they were all fakes. Just like the guy who is supposed to have made them.
And it’s been a rough weekend for Jeffery since all his lies don’t seem to be changing the electoral picture one iota.
It’s been a tougher week for white nationalists whose great evil is in plain sight.
If America refuses to act, we deserve what is in front of us.
It’s hard to see those “very fine people” who happen to be white supremacists and neoNazis.
If it’s been so bad, why are you out here pushing it so hard, as ikf peopl;e still need to be convinced.
So far, there hasn’t been any sign things are moving except to the Right that much more. Almost no coverage of the “Reign of Terror”, and no sign all the Long Marches are doing anything but solidifying the point we’re being invaded. And, of course, the Nazi turned out to be one who hated Trump, so you’re batting zip, as always
And America is acting and will deserve the bright new future the Trump Administration offers.
And, yes, you will deserve what you get.
One of your stupid rants a few days ago asked for roof of God. God gave us Trump to counter the devil in Obama, Hillary, and the Dems. So, we are winnibg, MAGA.
Roof is proof, dumb kindle.
There are still good people…
Two charities, Celebrate Mercy and MPower Change have banded together to raise money for their Jewish brothers and sisters at Tree of Life Or L’Simcha Congregation, which was the target of Saturday’s attack.
They started a campaign on the crowdfunding site LaunchGood in the hopes of raising $25,000 for the synagogue victims and their families. They are now past $50,000.
UPDATE 1 (Oct 27, 9pm EST): We are overjoyed to reach our $25,000 goal in only six hours. We have just increased the goal to $50,000.
UPDATE 2 (Oct 28, 11am EST): The campaign has gone viral as it begins receiving international media attention. We have now hit our 2nd goal of $50,000, before the 24-hour mark! The goal is now $75,000.
The donations will be used for funeral and medical expenses.
To donate, go to Launchgood.
Some of us have always said so, but Jeffery feels obliged to separate the world into those who agree with him being good and to malign those who are the best because of his own inferiority.
Tell it not in St Louis, but the oddsmakers, who saw Trump coming, say the smart money is on Republicans keeping control of the House, and we all know the Demos have pretty much given up on the Senate.
They also say the Demos might as well not show up in ’20.
Say good night, Jeffery.