Happy Sunday! It’s a gorgeous Fall day in America. The Sun is popping, the geese are honking, Halloween is almost here. Not quite sure who did this pinup, other than a tiny signature which goes nowhere.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- The Deplorable Climate Skeptic Blog discusses terror attacks and hate speech
- Adrienne’s Corner notes that Cesar Sayoc is suddenly a white guy, not a Native American
- Bizzy Blog covers a NY town rallying around an American flag mural
- Blazing Cat Fur discusses non-functioning bombs and double standards
- Chicks On The Right deep dives into the #WalkAway march
- Common Cents tells Conservatives to fly their American flags
- DC Clothesline has numbers on government dependency
- Doug Ross @ Journal notes how we can protect Democrats
- Geller Report covers how many women were helped in Afghanistan for $280 million U.S. dollars
- Jihad Watch notes a wonderful, super-peaceful Islamic migrant in Canada
- Legal Insurrection discusses an actual space force proposal
- Maggie’s Farm covers some virtue signaling
- Moonbattery has some fun with online moonbat dating
- Neo-neocon wonders what #MeToo has wrought
- And last, but not least, Pacific Pundit flashes back to when Democrats boo’d Israel
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me
- The Other McCain has In The Mailbox. And Rule 5 Monday (last Monday’s).
- The Daley Gator has Daley Babe. And more Daley Babe. And more during the week.
- Maggies Farm has Saturday Links. And Friday links. And does this all during the week.
- American Power has Samantha Hoopes. And plenty of other stuff.
- Doug Ross has Larwyn’s Linx: (Sunday placeholder). And Saturday’s Larwyn’s Linx: Endorsers of Antifa terror suddenly outraged about non-exploding packages.
- Theo Spark has your cartoon roundup. And more during the week
- The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies.
- A View From The Beach features Rule 5 Saturday. And steak and burgers. And another reason Trump was elected.
- The Chive has white tees.
- The Right Way has Friday Babe. And Linkorama.
- Don Surber: Quit politicizing death.
- Noisy Room has Daily Links.
- 357 Magnum has Saturday links.
- The Feral Irishman has Friday femme fatale.
- Knuckledraggin My Life Away leaves you with fun. And has a big GIF dump. And has more fun all week long.
- Evil Blogger Lady has Rule 5 National Pumpkin Day. And some Rule 5 linkage. And more during the week.
- By Other Means has cosplay Friday. And seeing red. And plenty more hotness during the week.
- Bookworm Room: A couple quick points on eugenics, climate change, and art restoration.
- Political Clown Parade has flowing curves of beauty. And check the graphics all week long.
- Sonoran Conservative has babeage.
- Animal Magnestism has Saturday Gingermageddon. And Friday links.
- Flopping Aces has the Sunday Funnies (placeholder for when up). And this week in radical leftism.
- Living Freedom Blog has linkage.
- Diogenes’ Middle Finger has Good Monday Morning.
- Woodsterman has Rule 5.
- 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny has hot pick. And girls with guns. And morning mistress. And way more of all three during the week.
- Victory Girls Blog: VG Presents: Leftist Douchery Roundup.
- And ending with the always awesome Proof Positive with the Best Of The Web Linkaround. And a Friday night babe! And Vintage Babe of the Week.
Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list.

Gab.com promotes itself as a free-speech alternative to sites like Twitter, which some critics say monitors content too rigidly. Just recently, President Trump complained that Twitter had purged some of his followers.
One thing I would like to point out. Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms have all been warned that by banning people from their platform they will create an echo chamber.
Well I present to you GAB. Gab is actually a libertarian platform in which those who have been pushed aside for their views where they can receive constructive criticism and perhaps be talked down from their views ARE INSTEAD pushed into an echo chamber like GAB where everyone is saluting their beliefs, egging them on and shouting hallalujeh brother.
This is a direct result of the social platforms banning free speech and keeping it within the community where 100,000 people can talk down a crazed leftist or Righty or Nazi or Muslim or communist. There is no Echo Chambers on Facebook. There is only like, forward, etc. People of all persuasions can comment on someones crazed ideas.
This magabombers as folks are calling him was a Nazi. Nazi’s are in no way condoned, welcomed or embraces by the right. Even though the left must condone Antifa which are anarachists who want the destruction of the US government because the left keeps calling for marches and violence.
Here is the opportunity to talk these people down. To bring some discourse to their otherwise insane world, BUT IF THEY ARE PUSHED OFF FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM AND TWITTER they end up in an echo chamber like GAB where they are more likely than not to expand upon and act upon their craziness.
GOOGLE….FACEBOOK….INSTAGRAM….TWITTER….you guys are FOOLS for banning people like these. YOU created this man. YOU made it possible for him to shoot up innocent Jews. Who is next? A mosque? Another Redneck Concert in Las Vegas?
It’s white nationalists and neoNazis committing the murders, not Antifa. At this time domestic terrorism in the US is a right-wing phenomenon.
LOL. facebook and twitter killed those people in Pittsburgh. Got it.
Violent, far-right, gun nuts do not need facebook and twitter to spread their hate. Roll the tape: the banning of far-right hate speech by facebook and twitter is a relatively recent occurrence, right? Did far-right violence just start after the ban? How effective has your self-policing (talking them down) of your crazy right-wing gun nuts been?
The murders in Pittsburgh were committed by a white nationalist, neoNazi, anti-Semite who thought immigration was murdering his people. His political positions mimic what we all heard coming out of Charlottesville and at StormFront, here, from tRump, the Freedom Caucus, the Pudendum et al… He acted on his beliefs with violence.
The nuRight hates libs, Dems, Blacks, Jews, Muslims, immigrants – and now express their hatred openly. They are staunch white nationalists – with the baggage that carries.
They are?
Tell it to Steve Scalise. Or Rand Paul.
And the Pittsburgh guy hated Trump, he was a Nazi, more your kind of people.
Then there’s the Lefty in WI busted trying to buy radioactive material to kill Republicans.
Not some schmuck whose “bombs” were for the press and the trolls to use to virtue signal.
Rand Paul was beaten up by his 60 yr old next door neighbor, a retired physician. The motive was unclear, although the neighbor, convicted of a felony for attacking a member of Congress, said it was over a continued dispute related to a brush pile at their property line.
Representative Scalise was shot by liberal loon, James Hodgkinson, a white, trump-hating activist with a history of domestic violence (who should never have had the rifle), was killed (good). One less politically motivated violent lunatic. What’s your point?
The WI lunatic ran twice as a Republican candidate for Congress, the latest in 2018. Why didn’t he run as a Dem?
The point is clearly that while you attribute the horrible acts of right wing shooters to all people on the tight, you say that left wing shooters are not part of the left and are not indicative of the left.
The far-right, which has taken over what’s left of the GOP, espouses violence from the top down.
Not sure why far-right followers seem more suggestible than liberals.
We understand why the tRumpublican Party is pimping ‘both siderism’, but it just doesn’t work, does it?
Rand Paul was beaten by a Democrat and a Lefty.
Steve Scalise was shot by a Bernie Bro.
WI still is a Lefty who wanted to kill a lot of Republicans. and I assume he ran R for the same reason John Edwards, Michael Bloomberg, and St John of Hanoi always ran as Republicans at election time.
**This magabombers as folks are calling him was a Nazi.**
Sorry I meant this Crazed Jew killing Nazi.
Nobody in their right mind calls him maga anything. People see through this.
But the little troll can be annoying.
Hey, Teach, great pic – even if another 20 pounds properly distributed would look good on her.
But who painted it?
Nice Don Surber piece about how the Left politicizes death.
Nice rebuttal to the slime that feeds off those murdered.
Surber recommended waiting 24 hr before politicizing tragedies. He also defended Ivanka Kushner for another tone-deaf tweet after yet another tragedy.
Within hours of the massacre, your president blamed the victims for not having armed guards at the synagogue.
Noting that the area was a “gun free zone” is hardly blaming the victims.
Once again we see how the hate of the left leads to distortions and lies.
All the left has is hate.
Not that anyone asked you, but Surber’s point was for waiting 24 hr before politicizing a tragedy. tRump couldn’t wait.
Do you know the area is a gun free zone or are you making a statement similar to saying the MAGAbomber “can’t be registered in FL”?
Do you expect anyone to believe that tRump was thinking that at the time he politicized the murders?
Of course, he couldn’t. The rally was that night, but the Eminent Mr Surber has no criticism for Trump.
Do you know the area is a gun free zone or are you making a statement similar to saying the MAGAbomber “can’t be registered in FL�
Too bad the Nazi didn’t know it was a gun free zone. And are you saying convicted felons can register to vote in FL? If so, you are making a bigger ass of yourself than usual.
Do you expect anyone to believe that tRump was thinking that at the time he politicized the murders?
He didn’t publicize the murders. The media did. And Trump’s always thinking. That’s why he always wins and you always lose.
So long, loser.
All you have are lies.
How do you explain that the MAGAbomber was a registered Republican in FL? Part of the Deep State conspiracy??
Of course surber didn’t criticize tRump. No tRumpublican has the cajones to challenge their god-king.
We thought the gitarman would return and defend himself. You certainly can’t. Repeating the same lies is not a defense.
I wasn’t talking to you anyway, loser troll. You have nothing.
Surber was not trying to make the same point you did, which was to falsely accuse the President of blaming the victims.
Secondly, Democrats came out immediately saying the incident shows the need for gun control. So once again, you have two sets of standards.
The area is a gun free zone. Sorry if the facts go against you. Once again, as a felon the bomber could not have legally been registered in Florida. We here in the state of Florida are voting on a Constitutional amendment to restore voting rights to felons after they have served their sentence. At sentencing, the right to vote is taken away.
If nothing else, if the bomber was registered (and it was the main stream media and leftist site who immediately jumped on the registration) it shows that voter rolls have issues and need to be cleaned up. Who opposes the cleaning of voter rolls? Democrats.
The sad thing is Jeffery that you started politicizing the shooting well within 24 hours. You hate so much that you demand others do what you will not – so much hate that you won’t even see the hypocrisy in your own actions.
All you have is hate.
tRump clearly blamed the victims only a couple of hours after the shooting. If they’d only have had armed guards, things would have been better. No one forced him to say that. His teleprompter crew would not have typed that in – it’s on tRump. Spin however you wish – tRump is on video.
Although you would call what you did a lie, we’ll assume you were mistaken.
The media was correct regarding the registration.
You were mistaken, but then you blame the Democrats for not fixing the voter rolls! The FL Senate, House and governor are GOPhers, aren’t they?
We’ll risk taking your word for it that it’s a gun-free area. Why do you find that relevant? Do you belive that neoNazi Bowers took that into consideration?
You’re as slippery as ever!!
All you and your tribe has is hate, willful ignorance and cruelty. And lies. We can’t forget that the NuCon movement is built on lies.
Noting that the incident took place in a gun free zone without having security guards is not “blaming the victim.”
Whether the media was correct is up for discussion at this point in time. What is not up for discussion is that the media jumped on it because of their belief (even if true) that the person was on the right side of the aisle.
Over the last 8 years the State of Florida has tried to clean up the voter rolls. Every time the Democrats have sued to stop the process which was stopped by a left leaning Florida Supreme Court.
So you really think that a person who wanted to kill would rather go into an area where others are armed rather than an area where they are not?
Your hatred drives you to a place where facts and thinking don’t matter.
All you have is hate.
Do you believe that the Deep State DOJ, FBI, USPS etc are behind the MAGAbomber “bomb stuff”, coordinating the deliveries of the pipe bombs, decorating the MAGAbomber van, faking the fingerprint and DNA evidence etc?
All in an effort to distract from George Soros’ refugee caravan 1000 miles south of the border that is so valuable for tRump’s midterm plans.
You keep asking that as if you expect hectoring people changes them.
I’ll say it again. The guy’s a career criminal and a loser. Parts of his story, just like Christine Blowzy Ford’s, do not hold water. The “bombs” were a joke and every one of the “targets” had a prepared statement ready to go. Could be the Demos, could be Antifa (sounds like something they would pull), could be Dr Evil
And you’re the one who keeps saying it’s a “distraction” from the marches. I think it’s one last shot to sway the people who see the Demos getting crazier by the day. There’s plenty of coverage for the marches, a lot less for the “Mad Bomber”.
tRump clearly blamed the victims only a couple of hours after the shooting
Liar. I’d be willing to bet there’s a transcript of his remarks. Find it, link it, and show us, not in some oblique Lefty “code words”, but plain English.
The media was correct regarding the registration.
You were mistaken
No, you, and they, were lying, as usual.
you blame the Democrats for not fixing the voter rolls
Of course. Any reasonable person does because not doing so enables vote fraud. Which is the only way you clowns can win.
You’re as slippery as ever!!
No, I just know the Lefty dodges and I keep backing you into a corner over your lies.
And, yes, it is fun.
First, he’s your President, too.
Second, show me where he said that, liar. Verbatim.
I’m convinced.
Did Ozero’s anti-Semitism trigger the Pitt Nazi?
[…] of course Pirate’s Cove has Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup. Which […]
Cesar Sayoc was never a Native American, his mother is of Italian heritage, his father was an immigrant from the Philippines, both mother and father are citizens.
He’s another white Hispanic, like George Zimmerman.
Sure sign the Lefty media is ready to toss the guy overboard. I guess it didn’t work, after all. Too bad. Jeffery is going to have to go back to to telling us what a swell guy Dr Evil is and how the Army is being sent to the border to murder all those freeloaders.
Did you give any thought to how long this Deep State plot has been in the works? They had the MAGAbomber register as a Republican even before tRump was installed, we can only speculate as a safeguard patsy in case the worst happened. Then, they waited patiently for over two years to launch the plot. Devious!
Or perhaps the Deep State just backdated his registration, after all it’s just paperwork, right?
The guy desires to be native American, just like Warren, and he clearly hates Trump, just like you. In fact I thought you would be the bomber.
Why would Trump desire to distract from the marches?? Every day that we see those matches means a ton of Republican votes.
[…] again to The Other McCain and Pirate’s Cove for the Rule Five […]