Except for the fact carbon dioxide isn’t pollution, but a trace gas necessary for life on Earth. The Toronto Sun’s Jim Warren tells us that we need to stop our partisan discourse and just….give in to those who want to increase our cost of living
Carbon tax is about punishing pollution, not people
It’s time to put an end to the heated partisan rhetoric about climate change and carbon taxes.
Both Liberals and Conservatives are to blame. We are debating personalities and politics instead of building a consensus of how we are going to change our lifestyles to save the planet and provide a sustainable planet for our children to live.
A carbon tax is a tax on pollution, not people. It is intended to change your behaviour to reduce global warming.
Change comes with a cost – and people don’t like change – but the way we live our lives presently is not an option if we want to maintain our standard of living.
See? It’s a tax on pollution that…….people pay and is meant to change your behavior by governmental force. And we get a “the debate is over” meme. This is about people who mostly refuse to change their own lives wanting Government to make others live Warmist beliefs.
Warren goes on to say there is blame on both sides. He complains about liberal elites talking at climate summits with celebrity spokespeople not “connecting enough.” And
Trudeau Liberals have failed to communicate what we need to do and why we need to do it in a way middle class Canadians can rally behind.
Al Gore’s movie was a good start. It’s up to Trudeau and other leaders to explain climate change and the sacrifices we need to make in a way that resonates with Canadians in a positive and sustainable way.
Would that be the Al Gore movie with tons of non-science mistakes? And Warren is upset that Conservatives talk about the taxes
Conservatives use fear mongering about taxes, without acknowledging the status quo is completely unsustainable and that doing nothing comes at a greater cost than the carbon tax itself.
Because a tax that artificially increases the cost of living for an issue that is most not science is no big deal
The irony of the current debate is that a carbon tax is actually just the beginning.
The real change we must make is massive and on a scale greater than anything humans have ever done before. It is unprecedented. The speed and action that we must change is actually unimaginable.
What kind of change, Warren? Strange that you leave those details out.
We need to look past what will happen in the 2019 election if we want to have a place to live work and play in 2030.
Remember, we need to “put an end to the heated partisan rhetoric about climate change and carbon taxes.”
Will a carbon tax solve climate change and global warming? No it won’t. But it’s a step in the right direction.

You’re missing the point. Water is necessary for life but too much can kill. Oxygen is necessary for life but doubling the concentration would set the world on fire. K+ is necessary for life but too much can kill.
The increased (and increasing) CO2 is causing the Earth’s surface to warm.
Ever so slightly the temperature would warm from CO2. CO2 levels were WAY higher in the geologic past, yet the world wasn’t burning up. Care to explain that?
No, that is wrong. Winning, MAGA.
From the article: “Will a carbon tax solve climate change and global warming? No it won’t. But it’s a step in the right direction.”
Yep. Higher taxes, impoverishing millions for no good reason is a step in the right direction for Warmists who are really just communists.